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My Summer at JPL
- Every summer, college and graduate students work at JPL on projects ranging from rovers to fuel cells. Meet some of the students and find out how to qualify for next summer's internships.

Cassini Mini Golf
- How is going to Saturn like a game of mini-golf? These cool slides will show you.

Minority Education
- Access to JPL and opportunities for underserved and underrepresented students and educators across the nation.

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Cassini Spacecraft near Saturn's Rings Cassini-Huygens Spacecraft Arrives at Saturn
For the first time since 1981 a spacecraft is in Saturn's neighborhood. The Cassini orbiter and the Huygens probe begin a four mission of discovery on the night of June 30. For the next four years new data will be streaming back to us about Saturn, the famous rings, icy satellites and the moon Titan. The project has terrific educational resources including the acclaimed "Reading, Writing & Rings" literacy materials.
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+ Past Stories
Surface of Mars Mars Rovers "Rock On"
Spirit and Opportunity, the two Mars Exploration Rovers continue their exploration of Mars. Spirit has reached the Columbia Hills and Opportunity is inside Endurance Crater. There are lots of educational opportunities for Mars explorers.
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SPace Flight Opportunities with NSIP NASA Student Involvement Program Ready for the Fall Semester
The NASA Student Involvement Program announcement is now out for the 2004-2005 school year. NSIP is NASA's national science fair with projects for all grades and a variety of topics. High school students can actually develop projects that could fly into space.
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Highlight of the Week
Deep Space Network Dish Bringing Images from Space to Earth
Seen all of those amazing images from comets, moons, and planets? How do they get here? Learn about how NASA brings images of very distant lands down to Earth and onto our computer screens through the Deep Space Network's huge antennas.
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