Patent EBC > Guide > Policy

Policy Patent Electronic Business Center

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The USPTO's electronic business activities are governed by federal laws and regulations. As a USPTO customer, you need to be aware of our policies that implement these controls. Visit the following pages to view these policies:

Subscribers Agreement [18k PDF Document]
This agreement describes the responsibilities of USPTO Electronic Business Center users and should be reviewed before registration.

Software License [14k TXT Document]
The USPTO Public Key Infrastructure software license.

Certificate Policy
This explains our policy regarding appropriate use of Electronic Business Center Certificates and identifies pertinent facts concerning the life cycle and attributes of those certificates.

Software Use Policy
This explains our policy regarding the use of USPTO Public Key Infrastructure software

Export Control
This explains the strict export license requirements on USPTO Electronic Business Center software prior to export from the U.S.

Internet Privacy Policy
This explains our policy regarding any personal information you might supply to us when you visit the USPTO Electronic Business Center Web site. Our goal is to protect your information on the Internet in the same way that we protect it in all the other ways we interact with you.

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KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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