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Briefings and Testimony

Congressional Outreach Contacts

Kay King
Director, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs
Phone: (202) 429-3832
Fax:    (202) 429-6063
E-mail: kking@usip.org

Anne Hingeley
Congressional Liaison, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs
Phone: (202) 429-4175
Fax:    (202) 429-6063
E-mail: ahingeley@usip.org

Guide to Specialists

Guide to Specialists

Institute experts available for commentary and analysis of breaking news developments.

Congressional Outreach Highlights

July 27, 2004 - Senate Recognizes Institute of Peace as National Resource on Its 20th Anniversary
Resolution sponsored by Senators Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), John Warner (R-Virginia), and Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) honors the Institute on the 20th anniversary of its establishment.

May 12, 2004 - Establishing the Rule of Law in Afghanistan
Congressional Testimony by Robert M. Perito, Coordinator, Iraq Experience Project, Professional Training Program, U.S. Institute of Peace.

April 21, 2004 - The Iraqi Shi'i Community: Between Sistani, Muqtada, the IGC, and the CPA
Congressional Testimony by Amatzia Baram, Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute of Peace.

April 21, 2004 - Mosque & State: Religion & Politics in Iraq
A Special Discussion on Capitol Hill sponsored by The Faith & Politics Institute and the United States Institute of Peace.

March 17, 2004 - The Current Situation in Serbia and Montenegro
Congressional Testimony by Dan Serwer, director of the Balkans Initiative and Peace and Stability Operations.

Over the years the Institute has provided numerous experts for testimony at congressional committee hearings and organized an assortment of special workshops and briefings on Capitol Hill. Members of Congress or congressional staffers interested in arranging an Institute briefing on Capitol Hill, attending an Institute public briefing, or otherwise participating in an Institute-sponsored event should contact Anne Hingeley in the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs for more information.



May 12, 2004 - Establishing the Rule of Law in Afghanistan
Congressional Testimony by Robert M. Perito, Coordinator, Iraq Experience Project, Professional Training Program, U.S. Institute of Peace.


April 21, 2004 - The Iraqi Shi'i Community: Between Sistani, Muqtada, the IGC, and the CPA
Congressional Testimony by Amatzia Baram, Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute of Peace.

April 21, 2004 - Mosque & State: Religion & Politics in Iraq
A Special Discussion on Capitol Hill Sponsored by The Faith & Politics Institute and the United States Institute of Peace.


March 17, 2004 - The Current Situation in Serbia and Montenegro
Congressional Testimony by Dan Serwer, director of the Balkans Initiative and Peace and Stability Operations.


February 18, 2004 - Regional Instability: U.S. Policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan
An off-the-record meeting sponsored by the Institute to explore Afghanistan's future prospects and regional security issues.

February 11, 2004 - Somalia: Ten Years Later
An off-the-record meeting organized by the Institute to examine peace prospects in Somalia and U.S. interests in the region.


January 22, 2004 - A New Afghanistan: Challenges of Governance and the Rule of Law
A Special Current Issues Briefing on Capitol Hill.



October 31, 2003 - Iraq: Are We on the Right Track?
An off-the-record meeting of the Iraq working group took place on Capitol Hill to explore the challenges in building a stable peace in Iraq.

October 30, 2003 - Teaching Peace or War?
Congressional Testimony by Richard H. Solomon, president of the U.S. Institute of Peace.

October 16, 2003 - Peace Negotiations: Status of Negotiations Between the Philippine Government
and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

The Institute cosponsored an off-the-record briefing on Capitol Hill to discuss the status of talks between the Philippine government and the MILF.

October 15, 2003 - Korea: Challenges North and South
The Institute cosponsored an off-the-record policy briefing on Capitol Hill to explore the current challenges posed by recent development on the Korean peninsula.


July 30, 2003 - Iraq: Securing the Peace
An Institute Congressional Briefing.
[Institute Newsbyte]


June 25, 2003 - Progress and Challenges: The Successor States to Pre-1991 Yugoslavia
Congressional Testimony by Dan Serwer, director of the Balkans Initiative.

June 25, 2003 - Constitution-Making Process: Lessons For Iraq
Congressional Testimony by Neil Kritz, director of the Rule of Law Program.

June 25, 2003 - 2003 National Peace Essay Contest Hill Visits
U.S. senators, representatives, and staff meet with state winners from the Institute's 2003 National Peace Essay Contest on Capitol Hill.


May 21, 2003 - The Future of Kosovo
Congressional Testimony by Dan Serwer, director of the Balkans Initiative.


April 22, 2003 - Colombia: Trip Report on Armed Conflict and Society
A Current Issues Briefing Co-sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Washington Office on Latin America.
Featured remarks from Congressman James P. McGovern (D - Massachusetts).

[Event Summary]    [Webcast Archive]

April 10, 2003 - The Balkans: From War to Peace, From American to European Leadership
Congressional Testimony by Dan Serwer, director of the Balkans Initiative.

April 1, 2003 - The Role of Faith in Promoting Peace in the Middle East
A Special Workshop Sponsored by the Faith & Politics Institute and the United States Institute of Peace.


February 12, 2003 - Prospects for Peace in Ivory Coast
Congressional Testimony by Timothy Docking, Africa specialist and program officer with the Research and Studies Program.

View a full list of Institute sponsored public events.



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