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Washington, D.C.

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Media Kit - Off-Highway Vehicle

Contact: Joe Walsh, (202) 205-1294

Background About These Materials

We have divided the document by sections and regions to make viewing and downloading more practical for visitors to this site. However, we realize that access to these files may still be limited for some due to a variety of reasons. To accommodate those who are unable to fully access these files on-line, including those persons with special accessibility needs, hardcopies or other services can be obtained by contacting Sharon Metzler of the Recreation & Heritage Staff at 202-205-0931, or by e-mail at smetzler@fs.fed.us.

Supporting Documents:

More information on OHV

Forest Service Releases Draft Policy on Off-Highway Vehicle Use in National Forests and Grasslands
(Jul 7, 2004)

Letter to Dale Bosworth, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service:

Page 1 (PDF, 596 KB)

Page 2 (PDF, 530 KB)

Page 3 (PDF, 467 KB)

Page 4 (PDF, 528 KB)

Page 5 (PDF, 537 KB)

Page 6 (PDF, 530 KB)

Page 7 (PDF, 548 KB)

Page 8 (PDF, 533 KB)

Page 9 (PDF, 201 KB)

Letter to Jack Troyer, Regional Forester, Region 4, from Paul Hansen, Izaak Walton League of America:

Page 1 (PDF, 435 KB)

Page 2 (PDF, 296 KB)

Page 3 (PDF, 176 KB)

Letter from Natural Trails & Waters Coalition (April 12, 2004):

Page 1 (PDF, 816 KB)

Page 2 (PDF, 174 KB)

Letter from Natural Trails & Waters Coalition (June 3, 2004):

Page 1 (PDF, 470 KB)

Letter from International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies:

Page 1 (PDF, 421 KB)

Letter from Blueribbon Coalition:

Page 1 (PDF, 571 KB)

Page 2 (PDF, 331 KB)

Letter from National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council

Page 1 (PDF, 424 KB)

Resolution Passed by the National Association of Counties in July 2003 Regarding Off-Highway Vehicle Management on Public Lands (PDF, 722 KB)



USDA Forest Service
Last modified July 14, 2004

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.