USDA Forest Service

Siuslaw National Forest

Advisory Committees

Siuslaw National Forest
4077 S.W. Research Way
P.O. Box 1148
Corvallis, Oregon 97339

(541) 750-7000
TDD: (541) 750-7006
Fax: (541) 750-7234

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service

Ecosystem Restoration

Home : Projects & Plans : Ecosystem Restoration

Background & Overview

bullet The Siuslaw National Forest business plan, Decades of Change... A Challenge for the Future, outlines the Forest's commitment to ecosystem restoration and provides the framework for planning and implementing restoration projects on the Forest.

bullet Map of main restoration focus areas from the 2001 business plan

Restoration Projects by Type of Habitat

bulletStreams, Lakes and Estuaries

  • Battle Lake
    Resource restoration has begun in this area on the Hebo Ranger District. Volunteer organizations worked with Hebo Ranger District to re-establish a road closure to protect the area. Other volunteer organizations will collaborate with Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife to access the lake and stock it with trout.

  • Crab Creek

  • Enchanted Valley/Bailey Creek Stream Restoration
    Located 6 miles north of Florence, this Forest Service project recreated a natural meandering channel on an old dairy farm to improve habitat conditions for coho salmon and other species. Work was completed in 2003. MORE

  • Karnowsky Creek Restoration
    Highlighting the use of partnerships to build community ownership in habitat restoration, this project, located south of the Siuslaw River Estuary approximately 5 miles east of Florence, restored 4 miles of valley bottom stream habitat for a wide range of species. MORE

  • Knowles Creek Restoration

  • Salmon River Estuary
    The restoration project on this estuary located on the Hebo Ranger District will start with an assessment of the current conditions on the old Pixie Land area. Boy Scouts planted 120 trees at the Pixie Land site and decommissioning of buildings on recent land acquisitions is in the works.

  • Slab Creek Road
    This Hebo Ranger District project is designed to improve fish passage and road conditions on the entire Slab Creek Road. Aged, undersized culverts in combination with unstable slopes have caused safety concerns. The project is working to secure funding to address these concerns and to maintain the road as a scenic by-way.

bulletForest, Dunes and Meadows

  • Drift Creek (Siletz)
    Restoration planning and implementation continues with thinning overstocked stands on 990 acres of land in the Drift Creek Watershed on the Hebo Ranger District.

  • Early Seral Habitat Restoration/Maintenance

  • Green Thin Stewardship

  • Oregon Dunes Overlook Dune Restoration

  • Silver Spot Butterfly

  • Western Snowy Plover Recovery
    Western Snowy Plover Predator Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice documents (January 2002) are available from our NEPA Planning section.





USDA Forest Service, Siuslaw National Forest
Last modified Tuesday, July 20 2004

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