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Research Participant Program
Student Internships
Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Associates
Sabbaticals and Faculty Appointments
Foreign Nationals Assignment Program
Housing and Transportation Info
Regional Information
Photo of technician working in a lab (PDF 368 KB)

Since its inception in 1977, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has played an increasing role in the international development of renewable energy — a role we couldn't have fulfilled without the support of visiting researchers. Here at NREL, we are committed to interacting with educational institutions, industry, and other research organizations through our Research Participant Program.

In return, participants are involved in exciting discoveries that go on here every day. Qualified university faculty, students, and professional scientists and engineers have the opportunity to participate in the Laboratory's research and development programs, initiate new areas of research, and establish a base for ongoing collaborations. You also can develop expertise in disciplines related to renewable energy research for application at your home institution or in your future career pursuits.

NREL also sponsors ongoing educational programs that provide opportunities for students, teachers, and faculty to learn about renewable energy and energy efficiency through research participation, curricula enhancement, and partnerships with schools, colleges, and universities.

Check out the following Web pages for information on job categories, appointment periods, application procedures, and funding options available. We've also provided you with information on housing and transportation, as well as interesting tips about the region. We hope you'll come join our team!

Participants in NREL programs generally pursue studies in the following fields, which are listed below the applicable research centers:

Electric and Hydrogen Systems Center
Radiometry, Atmospheric Science, Meteorology, Climatology, Remote Sensing, Metrology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

National Wind Technology Center
Aerospace, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering, Meteorology

National Center for Photovoltaics
Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Electrical and Chemical Engineering

Center for Basic Sciences
Physics, Material Science, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, and Biological Sciences

National Bioenergy Center
Biochemical Engineering, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering related to biomass and derived products

Transportation Technologies and Systems
Mechanical and Chemical Engineering

Buildings and Thermal Systems
Physics, Mechanical Engineering (emphasis on heat transfer), Architectural Engineering

Computational Sciences
Basic and applied research using high-performance computing and applied mathematics

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