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NREL Programs


NREL's total funding for FY04 was $213 million, with nearly 94% of the Lab's funding coming from the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Private firms, other DOE offices, and other government agencies provide the balance of the Laboratory's funding.

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)

NREL conducts renewable energy and energy efficiency R&D in 12 main programmatic areas. Each research area is enhanced by crosscutting functions, including industry partnerships and technology transfer, analysis, and program integration. To find out more about the Laboratory's main programs, core capabilities, and related analysis and models, see the program pages below.

Analytic Studies
Building Technologies
Distributed Energy
Federal Energy Management
FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies
Geothermal Technologies
Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Infrastructure Technologies
Industrial Technologies
Solar Energy Technologies
Weatherization and Intergovernmental
Wind and Hydropower Technologies

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's 12 program areas are led by experts in technology management with capabilities that span our wide range of renewable energy technologies. Learn more about our talented team.

DOE Office of Science

In work funded by the DOE Office of Science, our scientific staff conducts fundamental and theoretical research in advanced materials and processes.

Office of Science Support at NREL

DOE Office of Electric Transmission and Distribution (OETD)

In work funded by the DOE Office of Electric Transmission and Distribution (OETD), our engineering staff conducts applied research and engineering in electric distribution technology and standards development, DG interconnection testing, regulatory evaluation, high-temperature superconductivity research, and storage.

OETD Support at NREL

NREL's research also is supported through various grants, cooperative agreements, and other funding sources. Nonprofit and government organizations throughout the world help sponsor the Lab's ongoing research.
  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  World Bank
  National Science Foundation (NSF)
  United Nations Foundation
  U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)


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NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy,
operated by Midwest Research Institute • Battelle
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