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Bay Area Earthquake Probabilities Earthquake Probabilities for the San Francisco Bay Area
USGS and other scientists conclude that there is a 62% probability of at least one magnitude 6.7 or greater quake, capable of causing widespread damage, striking the San Francisco Bay region before 2032.
Real-time Earthquake Maps

Real Time Earthquake Maps
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  (with fault names)
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Real-time Shaking Maps

Real-time Shaking Maps
For California earthquakes of Magnitude 3.5 and larger

Seismogram icon 1906 Earthquake Centennial Alliance
The centennial of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake will mark a century of progress in understanding earthquake hazards and reducing risks. The Alliance plans to highlight scientific achievements and commemorate the cultural and social response to this historic event. Learn more about The Great 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
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Latest Quake Info
Real-time maps of recent earthquake activity in California, the nation and the world; real-time seismograms; regional earthquake activity reports; recent significant earthquakes.

General Quake Info
Earthquake basics and educational material; geological and historical information; links to professional and amateur organizations; online access to earthquake data.

Hazards & Preparedness
How to prepare your home, business and family for earthquake hazards; earthquake probabilities; shaking hazard maps; liquefaction hazard and earthquake engineering.

Earthquake Research
Current research activities and results in seismology, crustal structure and deformation, geology and borehole physics.

Special Features
Earthquakes in the news, special events and research developments of particular or topical interest.

Additional Resources
Links to other earthquake websites; "Ask-a-Geologist;" publication lists and bibliographies; ordering USGS products.

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