Designing Letter and Reply Mail

Publication 25, June 2003

6 Business Reply Mail

Receiving Customer Responses

BRM enables you to receive First-Class Mail back from customers while paying postage only on the pieces that your customers return. You may distribute cards, envelopes, self-mailers, and other types of mailpieces as BRM.

Following Design Formats

Exhibit 6-1 shows the six basic design elements required on a BRM piece. These elements are described and illustrated on the following pages.

To make sure that your mailpiece achieves the best quality, provide samples of your BRM pieces to a mailpiece design analyst early in the design process, allowing time for changes before printing.

Exhibit 6-1
BRM Design Format
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of BRM design format as described in the text.

Element 1: "No Postage Necessary" Endorsement

You must print the endorsement "NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES" in the upper right corner of your BRM pieces (see Exhibit 62). The left edge of the endorsement must not extend more than 13/4 inches from the right edge of the piece.

Exhibit 6-2
"No Postage Necessary" Endorsement
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of a 'No Postage Necessary' endorsement as described in the text.

Element 2: Horizontal Bars

To help identify your mailpiece as BRM, you must print a series of horizontal bars below the "NO POSTAGE NECESSARY" endorsement on your BRM pieces. These bars must be uniform in length, thickness, and spacing. Each bar must be at least 1 inch long and 1/16 inch to 3/16 inch thick (see Exhibit 6-3).

There must be at least a ½-inch clearance between the right edge of the ZIP Code in the delivery address and the left edge of the horizontal bars. The bottom bar in the series must be above (not on or below) the top of the delivery address line—the next-to-last line in the address, just above the line with the city, state, and ZIP Code (see Exhibit 6-3).

Exhibit 6-3
Horizontal Bars
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of horizontal bars as described in the text.

Element 3: Facing Identification Mark

You must print a FIM on all your letter-size BRM envelopes and cards and on business reply labels affixed to letter-size mail (see Exhibit 6-4). Flat-size BRM pieces do not require a FIM.

FIM B is used only with nonbarcoded BRM. Use FIM C for BRM with a preprinted ZIP+4 barcode. Mailers are encouraged to prebarcode BRM and use FIM C.

To use FIM B or FIM C, make sure that the FIM meets the standards on page 55.

Exhibit 6-4
FIM Location
(not drawn to scale)
Graphic of FIM location as described in the text.

Element 4: Business Reply Legend, Permit Number, and Postage Payment Endorsement

You must print the business reply legend and associated lines on your BRM pieces. For the business reply legend box (see Exhibit 6-5), follow these requirements:

Exhibit 6-5
Business Reply Legend, Permit Number, Postage Endorsement
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of Business Reply legend, Permitnumber, and Postage endorsement as described in the text.

Element 5: Complete Delivery Address

You must use a complete delivery address on your BRM pieces. This address includes the name of the BRM permit holder, delivery address, city, state, and ZIP Code (see Exhibit 6-6). For letter-size pieces, all delivery address lines must appear within the MLOCR read area (see Exhibits 3-1 and 6-6).

The Postal Service assigns a unique ZIP+4 code specific to BRM. Aunique four-digit add-on to denote BRM may not be used with a unique (firm) five-digit ZIP Code not specifically assigned to BRM.

The address on BRM must be that of the permit holder or of a representative of the permit holder authorized to use the BRM permit number. Contact your local post office for specific procedures about this process.

Exhibit 6-6
Complete Delivery Address Placement
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of delivery address location as described in the text.

Element 6: Barcode Clear Zone

You must maintain a clear zone for barcodes on your BRM pieces. This clear zone must measure 5/8 inch from the bottom edge and 43/4 inches from the right edge of the piece (see Exhibit 6-7).

The barcode must be within the barcode read area defined by the limits shown below (see also Exhibit 4-6).

For barcode placement options with address labels and window envelopes, see Exhibit 4-6, examples A and B.

Delivery point barcoding BRM pieces is not permitted.

Exhibit 6-7
Barcode Clear Zone
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of barcode clear zone as described in the text.
6 Business Reply Mail
Exhibit 6-8 summarizes the specifications for BRM elements and dimensions.

Exhibit 6-8
Reply Mail Specifications
(not drawn to scale)
Graphic of business reply mail specifications.

Meeting Size Standards

Physical Characteristics

For automated processing, your BRM pieces must be rectangular, have straight edges, and be within the dimensions shown in Exhibit 6-9.

Exhibit 6-9

Standard BRM Mailpiece Dimensions

BRM Dimension Card Minimum Card Maximum1 Letter Minimum Letter Maximum
Height 3-1/2 inches 4-1/4 inches 3-1/2 inches 6-1/8 inches
Length2 5 inches 6 inches 5 inches 11-1/2 inches
Thickness 0.007 inch 0.016 inch 0.0073 inches 1/4 inches

1. These are the maximum dimensions for card-rate eligibility.

2. BRM letter pieces should not be less than 0.009 inch thick if they are more than 41/4 inches high or 6 inches long or both. (The dimension that parallels the lines of the delivery address is the length. The top and bottom of the mailpiece also parallel the delivery address lines.)

3. The minimum thickness is 0.009 inch if the length is more than 6 inches or the height is more than 4-1/4 inches.

Nonmailable Pieces

All pieces not meeting the minimum size standards in Exhibit 6-8 are nonmailable.

Nonmachinable Surcharge

Letter-rate BRM that weighs 1 ounce or less is nonmachinable and subject to the nonmachinable surcharge if it meets the criteria beginning on page 12 under ‘Nonmachinable Characteristics’. In addition, any such pieces are not eligible for the QBRM discount.

Meeting Printing Standards

Paper Weight

For BRM envelopes, you must use paper stock with a basis weight of at least 20 pounds (the weight of 500 17-by-22-inch sheets).

For cards, you should use card stock with a basis weight of at least 75 pounds or greater, with none less than 71.25 pounds (measured weight of 500 25-by-38-inch sheets). For BRM cards sent as QBRM, this basis weight is a minimum requirement. Cards also have a minimum thickness requirement (see Exhibit 69).

Paper Grain

You should orient the paper grain in cards parallel to the long dimension of the card. Long-grain cards are damaged less often than cards with the grain parallel to the short dimension of the card.

Dark Fibers

If your BRM pieces contain dark fibers, make sure that the print contrast ratio between the fibers and the material is 15 percent or less in the red and the green portions of the optical spectrum, measured with a reflectance meter produced or licensed by the Postal Service.


You may use any legible printing process and typeface. Handwriting, typewriting, or hand-stamping may not be used for BRM lettering. Official mail used by government agencies has additional options (see DMM E060).

Printed Borders

You may not use printed borders on BRM letters and cards.

Print Reflectance

You may use any color ink if there is at last a 30 percent print reflectance difference (PRD) in the red and the green portions of the optical spectrum between the ink and the background material of the BRM piece, measured with a reflectance meter produced or licensed by the Postal Service.

Black ink on a white background generally satisfies this PRD requirement and is recommended.

Background Reflectance

You must make sure that the material used for your BRM pieces produce a background reflectance of at least 50 percent in the red portion and 45 percent in the green portion of the optical spectrum, measured with a reflectance meter produced or licensed by the Postal Service.

Material must have a fluorescence of no more than 4.0 phosphor meter units. Fluorescent colors generally do not meet this requirement. Fluorescent colors should be tested and approved by the Postal Service.

Halftone Screens

If the material on which the delivery address is to appear is printed in a halftone screen, the screen should be at least 200 lines per inch (dot size) or at least a 20 percent screen.

Providing Sealing

You may prepare envelopes for sealing with a variety of glues and gums that can withstand processing through Postal Service equipment. Any BRM piece is nonmailable if sealed with wax, clasps, string, staples, or buttons, or if all the edges are not straight.

Preparing Reply Cards

When preparing BRM cards, remember the following standards:

Using Window Envelopes

General Requirement

Exhibit 6-10 shows a BRM envelope designed so that the delivery address and barcode are printed on an insert appearing through an open or covered window. Window envelopes must meet the specifications in this section.

Exhibit 6-10
BRM Window Envelope
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of BRM window envelope as described in the text.


You must print directly onto the address side of the envelope the "NO POSTAGE NECESSARY" endorsement, the horizontal bars, the FIM, and the business reply mail legend. Other required elements, including "FIRST-CLASS MAIL" "PERMIT NO.," city, state, "POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE," and the permit holder's name and complete delivery address may be printed on the insert that appears through the window (see Exhibit 6-11).

Exhibit 6-11
BRM Window Alternate Format
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of BRM window alternate format as described in the text.

Address Visibility

Regardless of how much the insert containing the address and barcode shifts inside the envelope, the entire address, including the barcode, must show through the window with at least a 1/8inch clearance on all sides. This clearance must be maintained throughout the insert's full range of movement (shift) in the envelope.

No printing other than the elements already listed under "Format" may be visible through the window. The address must be readable through any window-covering material. The address and barcode must appear within the standards shown in Exhibits 611 and 6-12.

Exhibit 6-12
Address Clearance
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of address clearance in window with clearance.

Address clearance in window with barcode

Graphic of Address clearance in window without barcode.

Address clearance in window without barcode

Graphic of excessive insert shift.

Excessive insert shift


Window Placement

The bottom edge of the window must be at least 1/2 inch from the bottom edge of the envelope.


The standards for BRM self-mailers are outlined later in this chapter. Self-mailers must contain instructions to the user for folding and sealing the piece.

Reusable Mailpieces

Generally, a reusable mailpiece is an envelope designed for two-way mailing. The recipient removes part of the original mailpiece or refolds the piece to cover the original delivery address and to reveal the BRM format and the originator's delivery address for return.

The piece must be designed and constructed to allow the recipient to reconfigure or modify the piece to remove or cover the recipient's address, POSTNET barcode, postage, and any marking or endorsement on the piece when it was originally mailed.

The instructions on the piece must ensure that the recipient can prepare the piece correctly for remailing. See DMM C010.6.4 through 6.5 for more information regarding preparation of reusable mailpieces.

Prebarcoding Your BRM


Prebarcoding—that is, barcoding done by you rather than the Postal Service—is a great idea for all reply mail. It is mandatory for BRM enclosed in automation rate mailings or distributed under the QBRM program.

Prebarcoding allows the Postal Service to help you receive reply mail as quickly as possible. When you design BRM, you should benefit from barcoding at the same time.

Barcoded BRM must meet the requirements in the following sections.


You must use FIM C on BRM. You can get a camera-ready positive of the FIM and your barcode at no charge from Postal Service account representatives and postal business centers. The art must not be enlarged or reduced.


Address block barcoding of BRM pieces is permitted only when printed on an insert placed in a window envelope or on an address label affixed directly to the mailpiece. Otherwise, the barcode must be placed within the lower right barcode clear zone in accordance with Chapter 4 (see Exhibit 6-13).

Exhibit 6-13
Barcode Placement
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of barcode placement as described in the text.

Delivery Point Barcode

Delivery point barcodes are not permitted on BRM.

Address Block Readability

A correctly formatted and readable address block is critical for BRM that is not prebarcoded and therefore must be scanned by MLOCRs. To make processing more efficient, follow these guidelines:

Adding Optional Elements

Company Logo

A company logo can be used. On prebarcoded BRM, place it no lower than 5/8 inch from the bottom edge of the piece. On nonbarcoded BRM, place it no lower than the top of the street address or the post office box line of the address. The logo must not be too close to the required business reply endorsements (see Exhibit 6-14).

Exhibit 6-14
Company Logo with Barcode
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of logo with barcode as described in the text.

Attention or Information Line

If you use an attention or information line, place it above the company name or recipient line (see Exhibit 6-15).

Exhibit 6-15
Attention or Information Line
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of attention or information line as described in the text.

Permit Holder's Space

You may use the upper left corner of the address side of your BRM piece for the sender's return address, a company logo, an attention line, a distribution code, a form number, or other pertinent information (see Exhibit 6-16).

Exhibit 6-16
Permit Holder's Space
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of permit holder's space as described in the text.


Using BRM Varieties

Business Reply Labels

A business reply label is an adhesive label that meets the BRM label criteria. You (the sender) provide the label to your customers and they (the respondents) affix them to their own envelopes.

Exhibit 6-17 shows a business reply label affixed to a letter-size piece. Except as noted, all other BRM format requirements apply. Business reply labels may not be distributed under QBRM.

Exhibit 6-17
Business Reply Label
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of business reply label as described in the text.

Follow these business reply label requirements:

Exhibit 6-18
Business Reply Label Instructions to Customers

  1. Place the label squarely on the upper right corner of the envelope.
  2. Do not write on the envelope.
  3. Do not use an envelope that has a window, an envelope that is less than 1 inch taller than the label, or an envelope that has any printing on it other than the return address.
  4. Do not use the label on letter-size envelopes more than 41/2 inches high.
  5. Do not use tape to affix the label.

Priority Business Reply Mail

You may choose to have BRM pieces returned to you by using business reply service processed as Priority Mail. Priority Mail BRM is rated zone 4 if the zone cannot be determined from the cancellation or your complete delivery address on the BRM pieces.

In addition to meeting the BRM technical format requirements, your pieces must include the marking "PRIORITY" or "PRIORITY MAIL" placed prominently on the address side of each piece. This marking must not interfere with any required BRM endorsements. Priority BRM is not eligible for QBRM.

Paying for Replies

Choose from the following ways to pay for BRM replies:

Participating in Qualified Business Reply Mail


QBRM provides an automated method for sorting, counting, and rating BRM. The processing of your mail on automated equipment presents an excellent opportunity for increasing efficiency, improving service, and protecting postal revenues.

You must be assigned a unique add-on for each rate category of BRM authorized for QBRM (card rate, 1-ounce letter rate, and 2-ounce letter rate). A unique ZIP+4 code is assigned to your company or organization. The code represents the type of BRM piece and the corresponding BRM rate to be charged.


You may obtain a reduced BRM fee by participating in QBRM. Participation requires preparing BRM pieces as described in DMM E150. If you want to participate in QBRM, you must do the following:

Unique ZIP+4

You must have a unique four-digit add-on code specific to BRM and unique for each category of BRM pieces (such as postcard, 1-ounce letter, 2-ounce letter). Only letter-size BRM pieces that weigh 2 ounces or less are eligible for QBRM discounts.

Removal From Program

You may be removed from the QBRM program and required to pay the higher BRM per-piece fee for any of the following reasons:

Additional Standards

Besides meeting the standard BRM format requirements, you must meet the following additional QBRM requirements:

Using International Business Reply Service


International business reply service (IBRS) is similar to domestic business reply mail service. IBRS allows you to distribute envelopes and cards in certain foreign countries for return to you in the United States without prepaying postage.

With IBRS, you can extend your reach throughout the world, opening new markets or improving current markets. As with domestic business reply mail, you pay only for IBRS pieces mailed back to you by the respondents.

Be sure to take your IBRS samples to the post office for evaluation and approval. By using this service, you can save time and money. For complete information on designing and using IBRS, see Publication 513, International Business Reply Service, and the International Mail Manual (IMM), part 393.

Participating Countries

See the most current IMM for a list of participating countries, or contact your account representative or postal business center if the country you seek is not listed.


You must make sure that your IBRS pieces are within the dimensions shown in Exhibit 6-19.

Exhibit 6-19
IBRS Dimensions

BRM Dimension Card Minimum Card Maximum Letter Minimum Letter Maximum
Height 3-1/2 inches 4-1/4 inches 3-1/2 inches 4-3/4 inches
Length 5-1/2 inches 6 inches 5-1/2 inches 9-1/4 inches
Thickness 0.007 inch 0.016 inch 0.007 inches 0.200 inches


You must make sure that your IBRS piece weighs no more than 2 ounces.

Window Envelopes

If you use window envelopes, make sure that all windows are covered with a nontinted, transparent material. You may not use open (noncovered) windows for IBRS.

Design Format

You must meet the IBRS form requirements (listed below) and the QBRM requirements (including use of FIM C). Because of international agreements, IBRS pieces have a few unique design elements (see Exhibit 6-20). See the IMM for more information on how to use IBRS.

Exhibit 6-20
IBRS Design Format
(not drawn to scale)
Graphic of IBRS design format as described in the text.

Postage Endorsement

You must place the postage endorsement "NE PAS AFFRANCHIR, NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED TO THE UNITED STATES" in the upper right corner. You must print this endorsement with a partial diagonal bar (see Exhibit 6-21).

Exhibit 6-21
Postage Endorsement
(not drawn to scale)
Graphic showing postage endorsement

Horizontal Bars

You must print a series of horizontal bars parallel to the length of the IBRS piece directly under the postage endorsement. The bars must be of uniform length, at least 1 inch long, and 1/16 inch to 3/16 inch thick, evenly spaced.

The bars must not extend below the delivery address line (the line above the city, state, and ZIP+4 line). The left edge of the bars may be no more than 13/4 inches from the right edge of the IBRS piece (see Exhibit 6-22).

There also must be at least 1/2 inch of clearance between the ZIP+4 and the bars.

Exhibit 6-22
Horizontal Bars
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of horizontal bars as described in the text.

Legend, Number, and Endorsement

You must place, in capital letters, the business reply legend "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REPLY MAIL/REPONSE PAYEE" above the complete delivery address. The letters must be at least 3/16 inch high. Directly below, you must place in capital letters "PERMIT NO." followed by your permit number and the issuing post office name (city and state).

These two lines of information must appear between two horizontal bars at least 3/32 inch thick and at least ½ inch apart. You must place the postage endorsement "POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE" immediately below the lower bar (see Exhibit 623).

Exhibit 6-23
Business Reply Legend
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of international business reply legend as described in the text.

Complete Delivery Address

You must print a complete delivery address that includes the unique ZIP+4 code and "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (in capital letters) as the destination country (see Exhibit 6-24). The bottom line of the address must be no less than 5/8 inch from the bottom edge of your IBRS piece. The line for city, state, and ZIP+4 must be no more than 21/4 inches from the bottom edge of your IBRS piece (see Exhibit 6-24).

Clear side margins, free of any extraneous matter (except for the horizontal bars specified on the right) and at least 1 inch wide, are required between the left and right edges of the IBRS piece and the delivery address.

Exhibit 6-24
Complete Delivery Address
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of delivery address dimensions as described in the text.

Air Mail Endorsement

You must show the endorsement "AIR MAIL/PAR AVION" (in reverse print) in the upper left corner (see Exhibit 6-25). Immediately below this endorsement, you must place "IBRS/CCRI No." and your permit number.

Exhibit 6-25
Air Mail Endorsement
(not drawn to scale)

Graphic of air mail endorsement as described in the text.

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