PTDLP > Events Schedule
Events Schedule
Exhibits and Presentations
November-December 2004
December 02 Arizona Library Association 2004 Annual Conference, Government Documents Interest Group Presentation Tucson, AZ

December 03

Arizona Association of Law Libraries Presentation

Phoenix, AZ
Seminars and Events at Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries
November-December 2004
Video Conference Lectures
-- More information --
VCC Lecture Descriptions [PDF] and 2004 VCC Lecture Schedule
November 2004
November 03 Madrid Protocol
November 09 Rule Change
November 16 Patent Cooperation Treaty I
November 18 Patent Cooperation Treaty II
December 2004
December 02 Rule Change
December 07 ReExam/ReIssue
December 09 Obviousness under 35 USC 103
December 14 Trademark Tips
The information provided is the best available at time of posting. Please contact the hosting institution directly for registration information and complete program details.

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