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What is a Patent and Trademark Depository Library?

A Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) is a library designated by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to receive and house copies of U.S. patents and patent and trademark materials, to make them freely available to the public, and to actively disseminate patent and trademark information. To be designated, a library must meet the specific requirements and promise to fulfill the obligations outlined in the information brochure entitled Notes on Becoming a Patent and Trademark Depository Library.

A Brief History of the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program

The Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program began in 1871 when federal statute (35 USC 12) first provided for the distribution of printed patents to libraries for use by the public. During the Program's early years, twenty-two libraries, mostly public and all but several located east of the Mississippi River, elected to participate. Since 1977 the PTDL network has grown to four times its original size. Currently, about half of the membership is academic libraries with nearly as many public libraries. There are also several state libraries and one special research library. All libraries regardless of size or mission must meet the same PTDL requirements and obligations.

The Importance of Patent and Trademark Information

The dissemination of patents to the public has long been one of the primary missions of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The premise of our patent system lies in its mutual benefit to both the inventor and our country. In return for full public disclosure, a U.S. patent offers certain rights to an inventor for up to twenty years, during which time the inventor may exclude all others from making, using, importing or selling his or her invention. The patent is published and disseminated to the public so that others may study the invention and improve upon it. The constant evolution of science and technology, spurred by the monetary incentive the U.S. patent system offers to inventors, strengthens our nation's economy. New inventions lead to new technologies, create new jobs, and improve our quality of life.

Strong trademark protection can be as important as a strong patent portfolio to a successful business. Unlike patents, trademark registrations are renewable for as long as the product or service they identify is offered for sale. The rise of global communication networks and easily accessible commercial markets significantly increases the importance of obtaining trademark protection for even the smallest companies.

Benefits of Becoming a Patent and Trademark Depository Library

Many states value the presence of a PTDL because it is a rich local resource for small businesses, research and development firms, university and governmental laboratories, and independent inventors and entrepreneurs. An active PTDL brings the newest technology in the form of patents to myriad potential users in a city, state or entire region. Patents also provide a unique body of scientific and technical literature that adds value and stature to a library's collection. Access to trademark information provides a service in high demand by local businesses. The availability of high quality patent and trademark information services often attracts new communities of library users with the potential for new sources of library support.

What Kinds of Patent and Trademark Materials Do PTDLs Receive?

Each PTDL must pay a nominal annual statutory fee to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In return, the following materials are provided:

« Utility, Design, Plant and Reissue Patents

« Reexamination Certificates

« Statutory Invention Registrations (SIRs)

« Post-issue patent status information

« The Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (both patent and trademark sections)

« All PTO search tools, indices and directories

All of the above are distributed in a variety of formats including: print, microfilm, microfiche, DVD and diskette.

Additional Services and Products Provided to Program Members

A paramount concern among member libraries and those exploring the possibility of becoming a PTDL is the ability to provide high quality services to their patent and trademark clientele. The Patent and Trademark Library Program Office offers the following principle forms of assistance and resources to all member libraries:

« A toll-free telephone line to the PTDL Program Office (for use by PTDL staff only) — a vital link to PTO experts.

« Membership in the PTDL Program List an e-mail link to other PTDL network members and the Program Office.

« The PTDL Web page — your online source for PTDL Program publications and information.

« "Accessing Patent and Trademark Information" public and staff training seminars conducted on location by PTO employees.

« The Librarian Fellowship Program — an opportunity for PTDL librarians to work in the PTDL Program Office of the PTO located in Arlington, Virginia.

« Training on-going opportunities, including an annual week-long, in-depth training seminar held on site at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Arlington, Virginia for representatives from each PTDL.

« Equipment and/or software for accessing patent and trademark databases, and other electronic resources, produced by the PTO.

« Official PTO manuals, handbooks, search tools, forms and unpublished materials to provide state of the art service to patent and trademark clientele.

« Miscellaneous materials provided by the European Patent Office, Japanese Patent Office and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) plus other commercial and non-profit publishers of intellectual property information.

« PTO reports and inventor mailing lists for specific states and municipalities.

Contact the PTDLP Office for more information.





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