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River Systems and Meteorology Group

Technical Service Center
Denver, Colorado
Denver Federal Center,
Building 67, Room 550, Mail Code D-8510

Engineers and Scientists Providing Water Management, Hydrological, and Meteorological Services
For Better Water Management through Science

Overview of Activities of the River Systems and Meteorology Group (RSMG)

Group Capabilities and Programs are listed below:


About RSMG

Products & Services

Services to Reclamation 

USBR Research

News & Events

Links to Reclamation Sites


Links to Other Sites

Weather & Climate Outlooks

Hydrologic & Meteorological Links


  1) Watershed and River System Management

      4) Water Demand and Conservation

  2) Water Management & Accounting Tools & Data
            Management Tools
           (Watman, Webacap, Last,Sams)

      5) Hydrologic Modeling Inventory


  3) Water Supply Analysis and Forecasts
          (Nexrad, Rainfall ET, Snow, QPF, Naturalized
           FlowStudies, Missouri River Basin Forecasts)
     6) Current Weather & Hazards (may load slowly)









Projects Areas Served by the RSMG Group

Projects Areas Served by RSMG Group


1. WaRSMP 4. Prairie Pothole Restoration 7. Precipitation Estimation
2. Awards ET Toolbox 5. Naturalized Flow Estimation 8. QPF - Forecasts 
3. Xeriscape
6. Upper Missouri Streamflow Forecasts 9. Snow Pack Water Supply Analysis

River Systems & Meteorology Group, D-8510

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