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Inspiration Dam at 11 cfs Pinal Creek at Inspiration Dam, March 20, 1990. Instantaneous discharge: 11 cubic feet per second.
(Click on image for a larger version, 68 K)

outfallWater treatment plant out-fall, 6 km upstream from Inspiration Dam. Acidic, contaminated ground water is put through a lime-treatment process that removes dissolved metals from the water. The treated water is then released into Pinal Creek.
(Click on image for a larger version, 50 K)

perennial reach Perennial reach of Pinal Creek at station Z-9a looking south (upstream).
(Click on image for a larger version, K)

Water quality sampling USGS Hydrologists Cory Angeroth and Jim Leenhouts checking dissolved oxygen meter operation during a routine surface water sampling trip.
(Click on image for a larger version, 154 K)

UZ gas samplingUSGS Research Hydrologist Pierre Glynn and student assistant Robbie Green sample unsaturated zone gases along Tonto Creek near Roosevelt Lake. Data collected here is used to compare with similar measurements taken along contaminated reaches of Pinal Creek.
(Click on image for a larger version, 125 K)

Westward view of the Miami area in the early 1900's Westward view of the Miami area in the early 1900's.
(Click on image for a larger version, 170 K)

Westward view of the Miami area today. Westward view of the Miami area in 1997.
(Click on image for a larger version, 117 K)

Perennial Reach-April 2000
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Last modified: January 10, 2001