Change log for test 20km RUC at FSL

Change log for test 20km RUC at FSL

27 July 2000

20km model starts running every 3 h on Jet, FSL's Linux cluster. Initial conditions interpolated from 40km FSL MAPS/RUC optimal interpolation analysis.

mid November 2000

Started running model version with

Also started using new hybcst_pre, including read of new USGS land-surface data sets, daily 50km SST/LST file from NCEP, and daily NESDIS ice cover file from NCEP. These files are already used by the NCEP RUC-2, but have not been used at FSL until this time.

27 November 2000 - 0000 UTC

HYBCST - Fixed problem in changtq_trial.F. New value of theta-v incorporates effects of qv change on full temperature, not just temperature change in current time step (TTEN).

28 November 2000 - 1500 UTC

topoenvl.dat - Switched to updated version of plain Brown envelope topography. Max elevation is now 3582 m.
Initial conditions are still being taken from 40km FSL RUC/MAPS analysis using optimal interpolation at this point. There is no cycling yet at 20km (which causes some spin-up limitations and reduces accuracy of near-surface fields).

8 December 2000 - 0000 UTC

HYBCST - exmoisg.F, paramr.F, PMOIST, PMICRPH -
New version of MM5/NCAR cloud microphysics put in.

8 December 2000 - 2100 UTC

HYBCST - sfctmp.F -
Go back to snow density of 10-1 for snow accumulation and also go back to allowing snow over water areas.

9 December 2000 - 1500 UTC

run.20.hybpre.hybcst-part2 - script -
Start to use boundary conditions from better Eta data - runs every 6h, output every 3h, output with 25mb vertical resolution and 40km horizontal resolution.

12 December 2000 - 0000 UTC

HYBCST - navypb.F, tqcan.F, tqsnow.F
Cleaned-up code of navypb.F with addition of IMLICIT NONE. Addition of one more check of possibly zero denominator (DWILT) in tqcan.F and tqsnow.F.

12 December 2000 - 0000 UTC

run.20.cycle, run.20.cycle2
Start to cycle, with 20km 3dVAR analysis now being run using previous 20km 3h forecast as background.

12 December 2000 - 0300 UTC

HYBCST - hybfront.F
Do not write output from initialization.

12 December 2000 - 2100 UTC

HYBCST - exmoisg.F, paramr.F, PMOIST, PMICRPH
Back to old version of microphysics

15 December 2000 - 1800 UTC

HYBFRONT - hybanl_qc.f
Fix to psi/chi background error, to limit excessive divergence in analysis increment.

16 December 2000 - 2100 UTC

HYBFRONT - hybfront.f
Limit coefgeos to 0.4, instead of 0.7. There was too much geostrophic coupling.

16 December 2000 - 1800 UTC

HYBCST - exmoisg.F, paramr.F, PMOIST, PMICRPH
Re-implement microphysics changes, with modifications to prevent problems for previous 8-12 Dec test. Modification - corrected error in Marshall-Palmer slope calculation for rain, snow, and graupel.

19-20 December 2000

Fixes to GRIB writing, calculation of soil-related variables in hybpost. Also, change to coupling to same as used in 40km parallel cycle, new NORMA.DAT, change to GRIB number for soilt.

23 December 2000 - 1800 UTC

Much narrower vertical scales for PSI,Z, using 1.1/1.0 for BSCALEP for both.

5 January 2001 - 1200 UTC

HYBFRONT - hybanl_qc.f, othersubs.f, NORMA.DAT
Use psi horizontal scale = 1.0 x z scale, and chi scale = 0.4 x psi scale. Use OEQ x 1.0 for z/u/v and x 1.2 for t. Smooth WH an extra time in othersubs.f. Decrease nu2k to decrease divergence in analysis increment.
HYBINT - Changed isobaric h smoothing up to 5x.

6 January 2001 - 2100 UTC

HYBFRONT - hybanl_qc.f, hybfront.f
Increase max coefgeos from 0.5 to 0.7. Put back in gross error check.
HYBINT - Added extra pass of smoothing for all other variables (in addition to z) and all levels (figuring that at 20km, more smoothing would be needed. This may not be enough.)

13 Jan 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBFRONT

Change coefg from 0.7 to 0.5 to reduce height increments. Change smoothing passes for TINC from 2 to 5.


Addition of four surface variables (temperature inside snow, water vapor mixing ratio at surface, snow density and snow water equivalent) to cycling. Also the list of variables for MOLTS output is updated. The class of output is the same now for all stations.

2 Feb 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBEXT

Running on jet, hybext.f
Now running on jet. Uses 25mb 40km Eta data available from runs every 6h with output frequency of 3h. Modification to hybext.f to remove interpolation of theta-v to intermediate levels (between 25mb levels) for improved hydrostatic consistency -- it was causing more problems due to difference between integ (theta-v) dp vs. integ (Tv) d ln p.

3 Feb 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBPOST combined

Combined hybpost and hybint into a single program, hybpost.
Reads NNT_dat files directly and avoids the read/write of the .RAW files.

3 Feb 2001 - 0300 UTC - HYBFRONT

31 routines
Tracy's rewrite of ingest to directly include PW and cloud drift winds out of hybing, rather than adding them later in hybanl. Also, hundreds of fixes in messages - clearer message, and all now using write instead of mixed prints and writes. Finally, write out QCRESID_SUMMARY file by platform for flags and mean residuals.

5 Feb 2001 - 0000 UTC - run scripts

Now running full 1h cycle on jet. Use 37 procs for longer fcsts but only 17 procs for non-3h times.

6 Feb 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBFRONT - cloud analysis

Added cloud analysis (hybctp.f, rd_wiscld.f) to 20km hybfront.

7 Feb 2001 - 1200 UTC - HYBEXT

geteta.f, run script
Barry's changes - produce inventory file for Eta files, then read this to make sure hybext does not crash due to missing Eta file.

~18 Feb 2001 - 1200 UTC - 50-level version - all programs, HYBFRONT -output

hlev.f, etc.
All programs now using 50-level version. Jet not running steadily at this point.
HYBFRONT now successfully writes NNT_dat files so that hybpost can be called afterwards instead of hybint.

22 Feb 2001 - More reliable processing on jet again.

Jet is running more reliably again at this point.

26 Feb 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

mapsout_post.f, tq2uv10.f, class1.f, simila2.f
Use similarity theory to derive u/v at 10m and t/q at 2 m and put these into gsfc_m arrays. Not yet passed to hybint for ruc_sfc and ruc_presm files.

5 Mar 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

hybint.f, mapsout_post.f
Write out similarity theory sfc 10m u/v and 2m t/q from hybint.f into ruc_sfc and ruc_presm files.

8 Mar 2001 - 1700 UTC - HYBCST_PRE

modelin.f, inithybv_pre.f, getvegalb.f
Clean up print statements and comments.

11 Mar 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

mapsout_post.f, hybint.f
Add 3h surface pressure tendency. Fix MAPS SLP calculation to use interpolated 700 mb value, instead of extrapolating from surface (done mistakenly previously).

11 Mar 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

calvis.f, hybint.f
Fix visibility algorithm to properly give 5 km vis at 95% RH, as intended. Fix 3h pressure change to be based on change of pressure at RUC elevation, not from topomini pressure.

17 Mar 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

othersubs.f, hybanl_qc.f
Implement new version of 3-dVAR analysis using new control variables (psi, chi, unbalanced z) with statistically-based parameters.

20 Mar 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBFRONT

gtresids_sfc_tquv.f, hybanl_qc.f
Use reduced 2m T/q and 10 m u/v (instead of 5m for all) fields as background for sfc T/q/u/v. Change factor for OEQ from 0.8 to 0.6. Add modification of qvg from qvinc.

28 Mar 2001 - 1200 UTC - HYBFRONT,HYBPOST

pwin.f, writeg_coarse.f
Check for GPS PW lat out of range (was causing crashes overnight). Add 4x smooth at 40km for all isobaric output.

28 Mar 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBCST

coord_trial.F, hybcst_trial.F, hybcstdv.F, inithybv.F, outqv.F, outqve.F, panpbl1.F, physics_trial.F, tqcan.F, tqsnow.F, clocks.F, makefile
Code fixes to now give exact reproducibility for different number of processors (thanks to Tanya Smirnova and Dan Schaffer). Also, prevent soil moisture from reaching underflow values.

29 Mar 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

New regression coefficients, now for 144 instead of just 65 cases, and with 3-d smoothing.

29 Mar 2001 - 1900 UTC - HYBCST

Includes fix for production of proper ice particle number concentration in presence of ice. Also includes Bill Hall's (NCAR/RAP) fixes, which are expected to have only small effects.

29 Mar 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBPOST

simila2.f, mapsout_post.f
Change use ot 10m wind to following: Use 5m wind (original) instead under stable conditions (Ta-Tg > 0.2K), use 10m wind under unstable conditions (Ta-Tg<-0.5K), and linear variation in between.

30 Mar 2001 - 1400 UTC - HYBPOST

simila2.f, mapsout_post.f
Change back - 10m winds are clearly better at times other than analysis time.

31 Mar 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

Changed to new NORMA.DAT with longer z scales, derived from RUC 40km 6h/12h forecasts using NMC method.

31 Mar 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBPOST

readg.f, hybint.f, hybint.f
Fixes to allow proper calculation of 3h pressure change and isobaric vertical velocity.

3 Apr 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

Changed back to old NORMA.DAT with shorter z scales, generated 5 Jan 2001. Verification showed worse results since 31 Mar, and there had even been some crashes.

3 Apr 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

simila2.f, tq2uv10.f
The water vapor mixing ration at 2 m is checked not to exceed the saturation value.


SOILVEG, VEGPARM, SOILPARM, soilvegin1.F, soilvegin2.F
Cleaned-up use of SOILVEG, VEGPARM and SOILPARM.

5 Apr 2001 - 1900 UTC - HYBFRONT

set to call gtresids_sfc_tquv a second time after multivariate analysis.

5 Apr 2001 - 1900 UTC - HYBPOST

Go back to 10m winds rather than picking between 5m and 10m winds.

6 Apr 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBCST

soil123.f, soilsnow.f
Safety checks are added to avoid division by 0 in computations of TSQ1 and TSQ2.

6 Apr 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT

Went to BSCALETP of 2.0/1.5 instead of previous 1.1/1.0. Result - more smoothing in vertical in theta-v analysis increment.

6 Apr 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT

Added various lapse rate checks as last step. Do top down superadiabatic check first down to level 2, then a bottom-up check afterwards. Allow 1.5K of superadiabatic lapse rate in each of the first two layers.

8 Apr 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f, NORMA.DAT
Modified super adiabatic extra allowed from 3K to 1.5K. Also modified NORMA.DAT to 1.5/1.2 smoothing for theta (slightly less, but still more than up to 2 days ago) and from 1.1/1.0 for psi up to 1.5/1.0. Do top down superadiabatic check first down to level 2, then a bottom-up check afterwards. Allow 1.5K of superadiabatic lapse rate in each of the first two layers.

9 Apr 2001 - 1500 UTC - HYBPOST

Switched to polinomial computation of water vapor pressure instead of ESW. This is consistent with hybint.f. Also the previous version had specific humidity computed instead of mixing ratio. This error is fixed.

11 Apr 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

Quality control problems fixed with top layer. Also removed gross error check, was removing too many obs. Now getting no ill-conditioned matrices. Solved crash problems for 00z today and 12z on 10 April.

12 Apr 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBPOST

Add 1 pass smoothing for vertical velocity on 40km grid (previously was none).

12 Apr 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybhqc.f,hybanl_qc.f,procobqc.f,pwin.f,satwin.f,srchobqc.f, srdcmp.f, NORMA.DAT
Limit to lapse rate correction to 2K, based on looking at 011002300 case study. Also, change scale for z/psi at level 1 from 160 to 140km, and scale for theta at level 1 from 140 to 120km.

13 Apr 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBCST_SP

SMS/Jet change to allow better performance for I/O.

16 Apr 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBCST_SP

Revert back to previous version, I/O problems

16 Apr 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBFRONT

humisubs.f, hybanl_qc.f, VARPRMS, gtresids_pw.f
Introduction of assimilation of precipitable water obs within moisture 3dVAR analysis. (Dezso Devenyi and Steve Weygandt).

17 Apr 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBFRONT

set DENPW properly, fix OEQ(temp) (2-3 times smaller now, previous error), modify skin temp and snow temp according to UV temp increment (not done before thru oversight)

18 Apr 2001 - 1500 UTC - HYBFRONT

Create OK value for PW obs in gtresids_pw, so that hybanl treatment of PW obs will be correct.

18 Apr 2001 - 1600 UTC - HYBPOST

Print max/min for CAPCIN output grid values.

24 Apr 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f, script
Limit upward lapse rate change from 2K down to 1K. Also, change PW obs directories to bogus values.

25 Apr 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBFRONT, HYBCST

hybanl_qc.f, coord.F
Force at least 5 mb thickness in layer in hybrid-b algorithm instead of 1 mb.

25 Apr 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBPOST

Add clearing of ice/snow/no. concentration at top 2 levels and in levels 50mb above dynamic tropopause. Do this only for analysis times.

25 Apr 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBFRONT, run.20.cycle

Removed links to PW obs in run scripts, so that PW obs will not be used.

26 Apr 2001 - 1700 UTC - HYBCST, HYBFRONT

coord.F, ueqn.F, veqn.F, hybanl_qc.f
Change minimum thickness to 0.5 mb. Also change to upstream vertical advection for u/v in model, so that this process is not subject to vertical CFL instability due to averaging of SDOT between different levels.

26 Apr 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

mapsout_post.f, writeg_coarse.f
Change ice clearing to top 4 levels. Also, make fix to get 1 pass smoothing for vertical velocity.

5 May 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

Make sure ob is in N. Hemis. Was getting crashes from S. Pole METAR ob.

5 May 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f, satwin.f, raobin.f, profin.f pirepin.f,pwin.f
Make sure obs are in N. Hemis. Also, turn off changing of soil temp and skin temp from theta-v analysis increment. This was clearly causing problems w/ soil property discontinuities, e.g., in Ontario.

7 May 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBCST

Set so that if cflu goes above 0.4, to set to 2dt for physics instead of 4dt (after 1h).


Look-up table for reference soil moisture is corrected.

9 May 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBFRONT

exsfcobs.f, hybctp.f
Two changes - lapse rate max for extrapolating sfc obs T/Td to model terrain was set to 1.5 x dry adiabatic. Changed to 1.0 times this. Also, value for cloud building was increased from 0.05 g/kg to 0.1 g/kg, which is still well below the current autoconversion threshold of 0.35 g/kg in exmoisg.F.

10 May 2001 - 1500 UTC - HYBCST, HYBCST_PRE, HYBPOST

Noticed problem - too moist and cold soil for loamy sand (class 2). The adjacent clay soil is significantly drier and warmer causing the discontinuity between these two soil classes in Canada. The look-up tables for this soil type, as well as for all other classes are revised. For loamy sand reference soil moisture is reduced, and hydraulic conductivity is increased.

11 May 2001 - 1200 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f, gtresids_sfc_tquv.f
Changed calculation of surface station obs residuals such that background for METARs and other surface stations must be from land grid points, and the background for buoys must be from nearby water points. If there is no land/water match from any of the four surrounding points, the observation is not used (unless a land point surrounded by water grid points is less than 13 m in sfc elevation, i.e., a 'small' island).

12 May 2001 - 1200 UTC - HYBFRONT

Modification to yesterday's change. For obs surrounded by combination of water and land grid points, choice for background is set adaptively to whichever gives the lower absolute residual for theta-v. The reasoning is that will signify whether the ob is under 'marine' or 'land' influence. A bit hokey, but so is much of data assimilation.

14 May 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBCST_PRE

SST/LST file
Sea/lake surface temperature file ftp'd from NCEP had not been updated since 9 May.

15 May 2001 - 1500 UTC - soiltex.dat, vegtype_usgs.dat

Water points in soil and vegetation types match now. Also single points in land-use fields are replaced by prevailing land-use types from the nearest neibours.

15 May 2001 - 1800 UTC

Soil temperature and moisture fields are replaced by interpolated fields from 40-km MAPS. This is done for not snow-covered points to take care of "model permafrost" of loamy sand in Canada. Also HYBCST_PRE and HYBCST were modified not to overwrite bottom soil temperature over water.

16 May 2001 - 1800 UTC - MOLTSSITES, HYBPOST

moltssites.dat, getsta.f, class1.f, profout.f Switched to the new table of stations for MOLTS output. HYBPOST is also updated to be consistent with the new format of the table.

16 May 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

profout.f- The format of MOLTS output file has been changed to BIG_ENDIAN.

17 May 2001 - 1600 UTC -HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f - xland passed into NNT_dat file. This will allow the proper diagnosis of the 10m winds, and 2m temperatures and dew point, which have been incorrect before this point. This will improve the fit to METAR observations from the 20km analysis for these fields, esp. during the day.

17 May 2001 - 2000 UTC -HYBPOST

simila2.f - diagnostics for 10m winds is corrected. Now it is LOG interpolation between first two atmospheric levels (5 and ~20m) rather than LOG extrapolation out of surface layer to 10m height. This prevents from winds to be higher at 10m than at the third level. The same change is done to diagnostics of TH and QV at 10m height needed for MOLTS output.

18 May 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybctp.f, hybanl_qc.f - Set qv to 5% of water saturation values at top 4 levels to avoid cloud being created at these levels. Also, build cloud now down to 950 mb instead of previous 850 mb. Finally, clear down to 80% RH in all clear volumes according to cloud-top pressure data.

21 May 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBCST

swrad.f - Normalized for overhead sun albedo is adjusted to the current solar angle.

23 May 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

simila2.f - Switch from LOG interpolation to simple linear interpolation to diagnose 10 m winds.

24 May 2001 - 1100 UTC - HYBPOST

helic.f - Fix to helicity to use storm-relative motion for helicity calculation instead of mean 0-6km wind.

24 May 2001 - 1100 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f, hybpw.f, uvpw.f, srchobs.f, srchsect.f, procob.f, hybctp.f, rd_wiscld.f - Introduce OI-based precipitable water analysis inside outer loop containing: PW analysis, saturation check,cloud analysis, 3dvar in situ moisture analysis.

25 May 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybpw.f - Use max RH of 85% for PW moistening, or previous RH if higher. Also, correct to use mixing ratio instead of specific humidity. This reduces producing 'cloud' or near-cloud from PW analysis.

25 May 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBPOST

helic.f - Fix another bug, now seems to give more reasonable values.

25 May 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f - Update 2m qv after hybpw/hybctp step, so that 2m qv residuals are consistent with latest qv information in moisture loop.

25 May 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybctp.f - Change so that cloud clearing is done at all points above observed cloud top, regardless of cloud fraction at cloud top. Previously, only done where cloud fraction was > 0.80 and < 0.05. Also, change RH definition problem (was done for specific humidity instead of mixing ratio).
exmoisg.F - Change ES value to that in METCON to agree with rest of RUC system.

30 May 2001 - 1600 UTC - HYBCST_PRE, HYBCST, HYBPOST

SOILPARM - Rawls et al. values of soil parameters have been changed to Clapp and Hornberger values which are used in 40km RUC. 20km RUC has experienced problems with Rawls parameters during the snow melting season. Off-line 1-D testing of RUC LSM with Rawls parameters demonstrated unrealistically low values of diffusional and hydraulic conductivities causing abnormal discontinuities in soil moisture profiles. Clapp-Hornberger values of parameters provide better performance of RUC land-surface model.

10 June 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBPOST

writeg_coarse.f - Changed smoothing of 40km grids from 4x for all to 4,3,2,3,3,1 for h/z/rh/u/v/vv.

11 June 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBCST

soil123.f, soilsnow.f. Volumetric heat capacity includes now the contribution of air in the water-free pores of soil (minor effect). Also, in soilsnow.f evaporation of snow is fixed so it can happen independent of snow melt.

12 June 2001 - 1100 UTC - HYBFRONT, HYBCST

hybanl_qc.f, coord.F - New definition of hybrid coordinate, allowing thinner levels once a level has been resolved using its reference potential temperature (use of iresolve).

15 June 2001 - 1300 UTC - HYBFRONT

SETOFEQS, raobin.f, hybhqc.f - use of raob PW, fix to PW QC.

18 June 2001 - HYBCST

ueqn.F, veqn.F, coord.F - use conserving form of vertical regridding for u, v, and q*.

29 June 2001 - 2100 UTC -HYBCST

physics_trial.F - Fix loop zeroing out CUP variables - improve run time.

2 July 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybhqc.f - Reduce QC threshold factor for sfc moisture obs and for PW obs.

3 July 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBCST

cup*.F, CUGREL - Changes in convective parameterization. Fix bugs in convective downdraft, reduce downdraft intensity, change capping from depth of negative buoyancy layer to integrated negative buoyancy (CIN-based). Use 15 J/kg as initial capping value.

4 July 2001 - 0300 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Change CIN criterion from 15 to 25 J/kg for capping -- previous value appeared to be too much.

4 July 2001 - 1300 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Back to 15 J/kg for today.

5 July 2001 - 0200 UTC - HYBCST

smolar2.F - Corrected version with separate u and v advection without previous asymmetry.

5 July 2001 - 0500 UTC - HYBCST

smolar2.F - Back to original version.

5 July 2001 - 1400 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Reinstall new version with 15 J/kg.

6 July 2001 - 0100 UTC - HYBPOST

simila2.f - Limit 2m qv to be within 5% of qv at k=1 level.

6 July 2001 - 1300 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Change CIN limit from 15 to 20 J/kg.

6 July 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F,cup_dd_nmc.F - Change CIN limit to 25 J/kg.

8 July 2001 - 1200 UTC - HYBCST, HYBCST_PRE

hybcstdv_pre.f, hybcstdv.F, hybcstin6h.dat, hybcstin12h.dat - Increase initialization period from +/- 16 min to +/- 32 min (= 160 dt at 25 s dt). optfil.F will not allow more than 64 dt for a half period, so the code fix involved re-indexing to re-map the digital filter weights from optfil back to a longer period. Also, optfil was not being called correctly, so the weights were essentially constant before, and there was no extra weight for the fields at the end of both the forward and backward period as there should have been. This is all fixed now.

12 July 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBCST

navypb.F, hoskeep.F, physics_trial.F, hybcst_trial.F - Change icdt to 1, and call physics routines each on their own frequency, 1 min for exmoisg, 15 min for cup, etc. Bring MM5 changes for navypb.F in. Start to use TKE basis for CIN in cup.

13 July 2001 - 1200 UTC - HYBCST

navypb.F - Fix c2 coefficient, now gives reasonable TKE at all levels. Also start to use time-averaged TKE for CIN criterion in cup.

13 July 2001 - 1400 UTC - HYBCST

hybcst_trial.F - Skip calculation of icdt.

13 July 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBCST

hybcst_trial.F, simila2.F, soil123.F, soilsnow.F, tqcan.F, tqsnow.F - Go back to calculating icdt - it is needed. Also add Tanya's changes to keep minimal mixing at night with limits on minimum values of u* and psim.

14 July 2001 - 2000 UTC - grib.table

Change precision for cloud water and ice from e-6 to e-8 to keep small amounts from getting wiped out with assimilation cycle.

14 July 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBEXT

hybext.f - Update to new hybrid coordinate definition made last month for other programs. Also, further limit RH to small values at top levels.

14 July 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBCST

doboundst.f - Force qv to nudge on interior. Products appear to show that there is no change of qv value on actual boundary.

16 July 2001 - 1700 UTC - HYBCST

hybcstdv.F, hybcst_trial.F - If cflu grows too large during initialization (indicating imminent crash), redo initialization but with 1/2 the initialization period. Also, change stop in hybcst_trial.F to stop if cflu > 0.8 (instead of previous 1.5, by which time it is too late since cflu is now strictly based on horizontal velocities and not vertical motion.)

16 July 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBPOST

mapsout_post.f, simila2.f, tq2uv10.f - Do 2m / 10m calculations with correct unstaggered u/v instead of staggered u/v. Also, limit ustar and PSIM in stable conditions to allow lower temps at night for 2m values.

16 July 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBEXT

hybext.f - Use standard lapse rate below 1000 mb instead of isothermal lapse rate. Also, fix bug with vertical loop limit so that RH limits at higher levels will now actually work, and T can be virtualized above 875 mb.

16 July 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Tune capping threshold from 5 J/kg + 5 *TKE_mean to 8 J/kg + 7*TKE_mean.

19 July 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Change capping such that presence of convection at current or adjacent grid point allows reduction of CIN of 60 J/kg.

19 July 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Average tkmax w/ 9-pt smoother before using it to modify capping threshold. Change capping such that presence of convection at current or adjacent grid point allows reduction of CIN of 150 J/kg.


Change to use high effective cloud amount from GOES to reduce min CIN in initial time step in model.

22 July 2001 - 1700 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Change min CIN form 6 to 10 J/kg.

23 July 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBCST

ueqn.F, veqn.F, hybcst_trial.F, coord.F - Switch order of solution from (physics, coord, momentum) to (physics,momentum,coord). Also, do regridding of u/v in coord instead of ueqn/veqn, and correct to use conservative formulation.

24 July 2001 - 0300 UTC - HYBCST

smolar2.F, cupnew_g.F, hybcst_trial.F - Move exchange of tkmax_real out of physics_trial and into hybcst_trial. Use original smolar2.F.

24 July 2001 - 1400 UTC - HYBCST

hybcst_trial.F - Put code back in to set TKE to high value at grid points where previous conv precip was > 0.25 mm.

24 July 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBCST, HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f - Smooth previous convective precip field that has been modified by GOES ECA to make it more spatially representative. Use 2 mm amount for ECA-indicated areas of conv precip.
hybanl_trial.F - Use 1 mm threshold instead of 0.25 to set TKE to large value to remove initial CIN constraint.

24 July 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBPOST

mapsout_post.f - Do not unstagger u/v at analysis time.

15 Aug 2001 - 0300 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F - Do not call kbcon a second time.

17 Aug 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBCST

cupnew_g.F, cup_output_ens.F - Change pbcdif limit from 75 hPa to 50. Also, change so that ensemble members with zero mass flux are still averaged in, and subtract out standard deviation.

17 Aug 2001 - 2200 UTC - HYBFRONT

balance.dat - Put in file taken from RUC40 June statistics, presumably more appropriate for summer forecast errors.

28 Aug 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBFRONT

rd_cld.f - Add END= clauses to read statements.

28 Aug 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBPOST

writeg_coarse.f - Fix bug to change number of smoothing passes so that it is 4 for heights, not 1, and 2 for temp, not 4.

28 Aug 2001 - 2000 UTC - land-use, soil texture data

Introduced new land-use (vegtype_usgs.dat) and soil texture (soiltex.dat) files using WRF Standard Initialization, correcting 0.5 grid point incorrect offset in north and east directions. Also, performed extra smoothing to remove isolated land-use and soil type anomalies from previous files. Set soil temp and moisture for grid points now land that used to be water from nearest land points (691 of these).

6 Sept 2001 - 0500 UTC - HYBCST

physics_trial.F - changed frequency of calling Burk-Thompson from 6 min to every 2 min. This gives a clean behavior in a jet case from Feb 2001 that caused a crash without this.

10 Sept 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f, NORMA.DAT - Implement bird migration QC for VAD winds. This had been omitted in the 20km hybfront code. Also, change PKD parameter for calculation of theta-v increment from z increment to 100 mb from 150 mb to allow better fit. Finally, increase vertical scale of z background error in NORMA.DAT file.

12 Sept 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT

Use cloud-drift wind data only that is ~2h old. Was using the same data up to 3 h straight.

17 Sept 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f, rd_cld.f

20 Sept 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBPOST

capcin.f - smooth q profile above kthick to get rid of any thin moist layers.

27 Sept 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybctp.f - Correct error that was preventing building of clouds above co2_preslim_p (650 mb).

28 Sept 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

mapsout_post.f - Correct error so that unstaggering of u/v occurs for forecasts and not for analysis; opposite was previously true.

28 Sept 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBFRONT

getvad.f - use VADs only from +0 and -30 min times. Was previously going to +60 min first.
hybanl_qc.f - get rid of cloud-drift winds over land.
rejctair.dat - add 19 aircraft to reject list with large temperature bias problems.

16 Oct 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBPOST

helic.f - Revised calculation of storm-relative helicity. Avoid problems with unstable calculations in previous code.

17 Oct 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBFRONT

NORMA.DAT - changed from z/psi/chi factors for horizontal length scales from 1/1/0.4 to 1/0.5/1.0 to avoid so much energy in divergence around jets and strong along-flow divergence.

19 Oct 2001 - 1200 UTC - HYBFRONT

NORMA.DAT - changed from z/psi/chi factors for horizontal length scales from 1/0.5/1.0 to 1/1/2 to increase scale. Was too small.

19 Oct 2001 - 1900 UTC - HYBCST, HYBPOST

simila2.F - the low limit on USTAR was reduced from 0.1 to 0.05. Computation of PSIM and PSIH for stable conditions are back to the previous version. With these changes some mixing in the surface layer under stable conditions is still allowed, but reduced. Too much mixing over snow at night were causing too cold temperatures at the 1st atm. level.

21 Oct 2001 - 1300 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybctp.f - Condition for building low cloud over ocean further modified so that RH>50% rule is not enforced in this case. This is because we consider the GOES indication of cloud to be reliable over ocean, even if the level assignment may not be correct. Also, change reduction of RH over cloud top to 85% or less -- now reduce to 85% only in actual cloud-cleared volumes.

23 Oct 2001 - 0300 UTC - HYBFRONT

NORMA.DAT, hybanl_qc.f - new version w/ 0.7/0.7/0.7 horizontal scale factors for z/psi/chi and a reduction of 0.6 in BAL_NP coefficients in hybanl_qc.f.

26 Oct 2001 - 1600 UTC - HYBCST

cup_output_ens.F - comment out last loop that was causing intermittent crashes.

2 Nov 2001 - 2000 UTC - HYBCST

physics_trial.F - no ice above 200 mb pressure level.

3 Nov 2001 - 1300 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybctp.f, getvad.f - Fix limits of do loop for coastline check and set VAD min wind speed limit to 2 m/s instead of 0 m/s.

5 Nov 2001 - 0300 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybhqc.f, init.f hybanl_qc.f - Change to horizontal buddy check QC design similar to that in 40km OI version, with 50 levels instead of 14 layers, fixes to obs and background errors, search technique, etc.

5 Nov 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBPOST

getsta.f - Station type in the MOLTS output is consistent with the actual station type in the mosltssites.dat (water or land).

5 Nov 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBCST

inithybv.f, sfctmp.f - back to constant snow density (300 kg/m^3)

6 Nov 2001 - 1200 UTC - HYBFRONT

Change to OI analysis using infrastructure of 3dVAR code.

10 Nov 2001 - 0600 UTC - HYBFRONT, HYBCST

Change to update ub/vb in coord.F. Change back to 3dvar exec.

10 Nov 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBFRONT, HYBCST, HYBPOST

HYBPOST - switch from 2x smoothing on 40km grid for all isobaric vars to 3-4x. data nsmooth /4,4,3,3,4,4,2/
HYBFRONT - switch back to PKD of 150 instead of 100 mb.
HYBCST - switch back to coord.F updating ua/va instead of ub/vb.

12 Nov 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBPOST

writeg_coarse.f - add 2 smooth passes for dewpoint, and 10m u and v.

13 Nov 2001 - 1500 UTC - HYBFRONT

Stopped use of VAD winds for time being.

14 Nov 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

New NORMA.DAT with 0.4/0.4/0.8 scales.

14 Nov 2001 - 1600 UTC - HYBFRONT

OI-newqc version with correct height increment (instead of using v increment)

15 Nov 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBCST

inithybv.F - RHOSN=400. This value is used in 40-km RUC.

16 Nov 2001 - 1900 UTC - HYBCST

coord.F - Changed to upstream differencing instead of centered differencing for vertical advection of all moisture and momentum variables.

26 Nov 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBPOST

capcin.f - Fix regarding zlcl calculation.

30 Nov 2001 - 1800 UTC - HYBPOST

mapsout_post.f - zero out snow if less than 2 cm and temp > 5 C.

2 Dec 2001 - 2300 UTC - HYBFRONT

profin.f - Use onanalev. VARPRMS - switch to dx_ratio - 2 instead of 4.

11 Dec 2001 - 1500 UTC - HYBCST

sfctmp.F, soilsnow.F - experimental new snow model with changing snow density and thin snow coupled to the top soil layer.

14 Dec 2001 - 1800 UTC

Soil temperature, soil moisture, snow depth and snow temperature were replaced by the interpolated fields from 40-km MAPS. This was done because the 20-km RUC cycled fields lost their realism due to the problems in the model and gaps in the 1-h cycle caused by the jet problems.

15 Dec 2001 - 0200 UTC - HYBPOST

writeg_coarse.f - switch from 2x smooth for 40km 10m winds to no extra smoothing. Will be a little worse for METAR verif but better for use by forecasters.

15 Dec 2001 - 2100 UTC - HYBCST_PRE, HYBCST

inithybv_pre.f,swrad.F, sfctmp.F, soilsnow.F - Fixed the bug in computing the albedo over the snow-covered areas. The bug caused albedo to be too high over the snow, and the lack of solar radiation prevented from enough warming in these areas. The experimental snow model was temporarily replaced by the 2-layer snow model with constant snow density to give this version of the snow model a chance to be tested with the correct computation of the snow albedo.

16 Dec 2001 - 0000 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybanl_qc.f - only change top level soil temp (tg_p) if no snow cover is present.

15 Jan 2002 - 0500 UTC - HYBFRONT

hybctp.f - change linear change region for changing from saturation over water to that over ice from (-10, -40) to (-10, -25) deg C.

This page prepared by Stan Benjamin