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Brochures, Publications and Reports

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Reports will soon be available.

On-Line Brochures
Hoover Dam
Describes Hoover Dam and its impacts on the growth and development of the Southwest.

Davis Dam
Offers an overview of Davis Dam and Powerplant that provides power, flood control, and recreation and wildlife habitat.

Parker Dam
An overview of Parker Dam, a structure that provides storage for water pumped into the Central Arizona Project and Colorado River Aqueduct as well as power and fish and wildlife and recreational habitat.

Hoover Dam/Colorado River Facts
Frequently asked questions and answers on Hoover Dam and its impact on the Colorado River.

Endangered Razorback Sucker Program
Describes multi-agency efforts to revive dwindling razorback sucker populations in the lower Colorado River.

Brochures to Order

The following publications are not available in an electronic format but can be ordered at no cost
from the Bureau of Reclamation by e-mailing your name and address to cdwyer@lc.usbr.gov.

Yuma Desalting Plant: Technology in Action
An overview of the facility's mission and operations to help meet water quality requirements for Colorado River water flows to Mexico.

Central Arizona Project: The Physical System
Describes the history, development and facilities of the Central Arizona Project, a 336-mile long aqueduct that brings Colorado River water to farms and cities in central and southern Arizona.

Bureau of Reclamation Recreation Areas
A map of over 300 recreation areas on Reclamation project lands in the 17 Western states and the recreational opportunities available at each.

We Can Use Our Water Resources More Than Once
An overview of the multi-agency Southern California Comprehensive Water Reclamation and Reuse Study which is examining opportunities for using recycled and reclaimed water throughout Southern California.

Webmaster: Colleen Dwyer, cdwyer@lc.usbr.gov
Updated: October 2004