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User Accounts

Operating Accounts (81000 accounts)

General users who are allocated beam time must establish a BNL operating account to cover the costs of miscellaneous BNL services (telephone & fax codes) and materials while running the experiment. The term of the purchase order must be specified and names of persons having signature authorization for charges against this account must be listed.

Brookhaven's Fiscal Division will bill the user for any charges the user makes to the account. Users are obligated to pay outstanding debts promptly.

All users should set up a $1,000 operating account to cover operating expenses while at the NSLS, such as charges for use of trades, shops, and Stockroom withdrawals. A telephone access code, for use in placing off-site calls and faxes, is associated with each operating account. Operating accounts, which are subject to BNL overhead, are established by the user's home institution via a purchase order. All orders for an operating account must contain the following:

  • Sufficient information to identify type of account (e.g. PHOBOS Experiment, NSLS User, Beamline X23 PRT, Proprietary research, services of..., identity of contact person, or facility being visited, etc...)
  • Full names of authorized users. Identify the Principal Investigator
  • Total dollar amount
  • Expiration date of order
  • Complete billing instructions

To open an account, forward a purchase order to the address below.

G. Irving, BNL Budget Officer
Brookhaven National Laboratory
P.O. Box 5000, Bldg. 460
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Phone: (631) 344-7957, Fax: (631) 344-2149, Email: Irving@bnl.gov
Information regarding those accounts can be obtained from the BNL Budget Office at x7957.

Proprietary Research Accounts (85000 accounts)

Any beam time used for proprietary research purposes must be charged the full cost recovery rate against a proprietary account. Users should set up such an account at the same time they submit a Proprietary Research Proposal. A single account may be used to cover one or more proprietary proposals over an extended period of time. These accounts, like operating accounts, are established by the user's home institution via a purchase order. Information regarding those accounts can be obtained from the BNL Budget Office at 631-344-7957.

The spokesperson is responsible for having a proprietary research account at BNL, separate from their operating account, to suitably cover proprietary research charges they will incur. A single proprietary research account may be used for one or more proposals, either at the same time or consecutively. The spokesperson must arrange to use an existing account associated with their institution or they must create a separate account. To set up an account forward a purchase order to BNL's Budget Office, allowing two weeks for processing at BNL. The purchase order should clearly state:

  • P.I. on account and who will have signature authorization for charging expenses against this account
  • that it is for proprietary research expenses
  • the authorized charge ceiling of the account
  • the expiration date of the order

BNL Budget Office
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bldg. 460 P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Phone: (631) 344-7957, Fax: (631) 344-2149, Email: Irving@bnl.gov

Capital Accounts (89000 accounts)

Capital accounts are used for fabrication of equipment and components that become part of the beamline. These accounts are established through a purchase order between the user's home institution and BNL according to a pre-arranged agreement and cost estimate. These accounts are subject to BNL overhead charges. Questions regarding these accounts should be addressed to x3599.

Procurement of Goods and Services

Purchase requests against user accounts are handled through Contracts and Procurement. Direct any questions about purchase orders to Wendy Morrin 631-344-4884. There are also detailed instructions listed on the NSLS Administration website.

Procurement of BNL Services

Intra-Laboratory Requests (ILRs) are used to request and charge work to your BNL account. There are different types of ILRs (yearly, for a specific job, or estimate only). ILRs can be opened and jobs scheduled by contacting the Building Manager. The trades are all union-controlled although users can do incidental experimental work. Divisions of most interest to users are:

  • Plant Engineering - plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters, steam fitters, custodians, carpenters, and riggers
  • Central Shops - machining work and welding
  • Information Services Division - research library, photographer services, developing and printing of slides, prints, copying, overhead transparencies, designs, and drawings

Any questions pertaining to unions should be directed to the Building Manager:

  1. Obtain blank ILR form from Room 2-177 or outside the Building Manager's Office (1-179).
  2. Send completed forms to Data Entry at 725D (or take to room 2-177). It will be entered and returned to you.
  3. Review the input and have original signed.
  4. Forward signed copy to Joan Marshall at mail stop 725D.

Users with questions about ILRs should contact the Building Manager. NSLS Staff should contact Joan Marshall (x3887).


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