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The Peer-to-Peer Program on Traffic Control Devices

What is the Peer-to-Peer Program on Traffic Control Devices (P2P TCD)?

With more than 1,000 pages of standards, guidelines, and options, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) can be overwhelming. Couple this complexity with the multitude of unique settings and circumstances found throughout the Nation's transportation network, and questions are sure to arise.

The need for assistance in using the MUTCD, as well as in answering other questions related to traffic control devices, has led the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to establish a Peer-to-Peer Program on Traffic Control Devices (P2P TCD). Recognizing that jurisdictions may face budget and personnel constraints as they address issues regarding traffic control devices, FHWA is providing this service at no charge to State and local transportation agencies.

How does the program work?

It's easy as 1-2-3:

  1. A local, county, regional, or State agency requests assistance by e-mail or by calling the toll-free number and describing their needs to the P2P coordinator.
  2. The coordinator matches the agency with a transportation professional who is experienced and knowledgeable in the relevant technical area.
  3. The peer, in turn, contacts the agency to work out the details of the assistance to be provided within the program framework.

How do you get involved?

If you wish to be a peer on a less formal basis, please feel free to participate in the MUTCD Discussion Area. For more details about how you can participate in this new program, contact the P2P TCD Program Coordinator toll-free at 1-888-700-PEER (7337) or e-mail P2P@fhwa.dot.gov.


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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration