   Law Enforcement
   Drug Courts
   Drug Endangered
   SW Border Initiative

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Law enforcement initiatives emphasize attacking drug trafficking organizations at every level through a careful coordination of Federal, State, and local law enforcement efforts. These efforts continue through the criminal justice system with programs such as drug courts and prison based treatment that reduce recidivism of drug-involved offenders.

Law Enforcement

Effective law enforcement is essential for reducing drug-related crime in the United States.

Drug Courts

Drug courts have been an important step in diverting non-violent offenders with drug problems into treatment and other community resources.


Drug users and offenders are evaluated by attorneys and judges on a regular basis as they pass through U.S. courts.


Many drug users and drug-related offenders enter correctional facilities across the country.

Drug Endangered Children

Innocent children are sometimes found in environments where methamphetamine and other illegal substances are produced. Children who live or visit these sites are exposed to a variety of health and safety risks. Around the country, Drug Endangered Children (DEC) programs have been developed to ensure that children found in these environments receive appropriate care.

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) program enhances and coordinates drug control efforts among local, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies. The program provides agencies with coordination, equipment, technology, and additional resources to combat drug trafficking and its harmful consequences in critical regions of the United States.

Southwest Border Initiative

The Southwest border is a major gateway for the entry of illegal drugs into the United States.

Other Resources

The ONDCP Web site provides listings of drug enforcement publications and related links from a variety of sources.

Last Updated: May 20, 2004

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