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DEA Red Ribbon
Red Ribbon Week

What is Red Ribbon Week?

-a time for gratitude for all the lives that remain drug free

-a time to pledge to live a safe and drug-free life

-a time to remember those we have lost in the fight against drugs

DEA Red Ribbon Week 2003 Celebrations:

Alaska, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, El Paso, New Orleans, San Francisco , Washington D.C.

DEA Administrator Karen Tandy's comments on Red Ribbon Week 2003:
Windows Media files: For Dial Up 56k | For Broadband 300k
Real Video files: For Dial Up 56k | For Broadband 300k


photo of David Dhillon

“The resiliency of this country is amazing. There’s no country in the world that turns tragedies into super-positive things like this country...It’s unbelievable how we can bounce back from tragic events like Camarena’s death and turn it into something as wonderful as the Red Ribbon Week program.”

-David Dhillon, a co-founder of the Red Ribbon Week Program

photo - Myrna Camarena, Enrique's sister, spoke at DEA Headquarters.Red Ribbon Week is an important tradition for the drug prevention community, and especially for the DEA. The event that has become a national symbol of drug prevention, began as a grassroots tribute to a fallen DEA hero, Special Agent Enrique Camarena. The National Red Ribbon Campaign was sparked by the murder of DEA Special Agent Camarena by drug traffickers. Within weeks of his death in March of 1985, Camarena’s Congressman, Duncan Hunter, and high school friend Henry Lozano, launched Camarena Clubs in Imperial Valley, California, Camarena’s home. Hundreds of club members pledged to lead drug-free lives to honor the sacrifices made by Camarena and others on behalf of all Americans. From these clubs emerged the Red Ribbon Week Campaign.

Today, Red Ribbon Week is nationally recognized and celebrated, helping to preserve Special Agent Camarena’s memory and further the cause for which he gave his life. The Red Ribbon Campaign also became a symbol of support for the DEA’s efforts to reduce demand for drugs through prevention and education programs. By wearing a red ribbon during the last week in October, Americans demonstrate their ardent opposition to drugs. They pay homage not only to Special Agent Camarena, but to all men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in support of our nation’s struggle against drug trafficking and abuse.

Click here to read more about Enrique Camarena's life and his son Enrique Jr.'s involvement in Red Ribbon Week>>

A rubbing of Enrique Camarena's name from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington DC

Ways you can Help Others Celebrate Red Ribbon Week

Anyone interested in helping to make Red Ribbon Week a part of their community can organize activities in their area. The DEA Demand Reduction Section would be happy to assist you with Red Ribbon projects. Some project suggestions are listed below.

photo - kids at red ribbon celebration
photo of DEA's Red Ribbon

School Projects:

- A “wear red” day or week
- Poster contest
- Door decoration contest
- Essay/Letter Writing Contest
- A “plant red tulips” day
- Drug-Free pledge banner
- Anti-drug/ anti-alcohol pledge

Projects for Businesses:

-Employees wear Red Ribbons
-Display Red Ribbon posters
-Support local schools’ Red Ribbon activities

Community and Religious Group Projects:

-Host Red Ribbon speakers
-Pass out Red Ribbon handouts at events
-Support local schools’ Red Ribbon activities
-Include Red Ribbon information in group publications



Resources for Planning your Red Ribbon Celebration

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