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JOBS AND GROWTH TAX RELIEF RECONCILIATION ACT OF 2003--Continued -- (Senate - May 15, 2003)
Page: S6421
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, what is the regular order?
Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous consent that the Burns amendment be set aside.
Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that Senator...
Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I urge my colleagues to support this very...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I oppose this amendment. I feel exactly about...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I want to raise a point of order. This upsets the...
Ms. STABENOW. Due to the fact the budget resolution does not contain enough...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. BAUCUS. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. GRASSLEY. I ask unanimous consent that the Warner amendment be set aside to...
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Mr. BAUCUS. I understand the regular order is the Voinovich amendment. The...
Mr. VOINOVICH. I have an amendment that has been modified. The modification has...
Mr. VOINOVICH. Mr. President, I ask that the amendment, as modified, be...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, might I ask the Senator from Ohio if the...
Mr. VOINOVICH. It changes the ratio of the membership and increases more...
Mr. BAUCUS. I have no objection.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. REID. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. BAUCUS. I understand the next amendment is the Graham of Florida amendment.
Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous consent that the Warner amendment and all relevant...
Mr. GRAHAM of Florida. I ask unanimous consent that Senators ROCKEFELLER...
Mr. GRAHAM of Florida. Mr. President, we have more dismal news on the state of...
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Mr. GRAHAM of Florida. The period of time in which we need to have a stimulus....
Consumers Trimmed Spending In April
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, speaking on behalf of Senator Grassley, this...
Mr. GRAHAM of Florida. Pursuant to section 904 of the Budget Act I ask that the...
Mr. GRASSLEY. I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. BAUCUS. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask to have the amendment set aside.
Mr. WARNER. My request is on behalf of Senator Collins, Senator...
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Mr. GRASSLEY. The Senator accurately stated what my intentions are, but let me...
Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I thank my distinguished colleague. Perhaps the...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I thank the Senator from Virginia for asking the...
Mr. WARNER. I thank my colleague. I move to withdraw the amendment.
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, is there an order for me to speak to the Kyl amendment...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, this is the amendment that would return money to the...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I yield to the Senator from Louisiana.
Mr. BREAUX. Mr. President, this amendment was already offered in the Senate...
Mr. BIDEN. Will the Senator yield me 10 seconds?
Mr. BREAUX. I yield it if I have any time remaining.
Mr. BIDEN. I want to point out company lawyers were paid $700 million per year,...
Mr. BREAUX. Mr. President, the pending amendment is not germane. Therefore, I...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I move to waive the provision. I ask for the yeas and...
Mr. LOTT (when his name was called). Present.
Mr. REID. I announce that the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. INOUYE) is...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. BAUCUS. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that relevant pending...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, the Senate is not in order.
Ms. LANDRIEU. Thank you, Mr. President.
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Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, the way to make sure the American people are not...
Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, pursuant to section 904 of the Congressional...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. BAUCUS. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, my understanding is there are pending votes that...
Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, this amendment would go a long way to send the...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, this amendment proposes to offer a 50-percent tax...
Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that Senator...
Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, pursuant to section 904 of the Congressional...
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Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. BAUCUS. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the votes on the...
Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I thank my colleagues for their patience. Senator...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I have spoken to the Senator from Louisiana. I know the...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I, too, have spoken with the Senator and understand...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the votes on the...
Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, this is a simple amendment. Two years ago, on the...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, we added the tuition provision in the bill 2 years ago,...
Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask that the point of order be waived, and I ask...
Mr. BAUCUS. I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. REID. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. ENSIGN. Mr. President, I have a technical modification to my amendment at...
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Mr. ENSIGN. Mr. President, the modification says the offset included in the...
Mrs. BOXER. I ask for 10 seconds.
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I hope my colleagues will vote for this one-time...
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise to thank Senator ENSIGN for his...
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Mr. ENSIGN. Mr. President, the Senator from California is absolutely correct....
Mr. BREAUX. Mr. President, I rise in opposition to the Senator's amendment....
Mr. ENSIGN. Mr. President, I move to waive that section of the Congressional...
Mr. GRASSLEY. I urge we now adopt the amendment by voice vote.
Mr. GRASSLEY. I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. BAUCUS. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, my understanding is the next amendment is the...
Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, this bill increases the child tax credit from $600...
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Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, in opposition to this amendment, first, ask people...
Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, pursuant to section 904 of the Congressional Budget...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I have two housekeeping matters that have to be...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. REID. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, for our leader, I ask unanimous consent that the...
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the pending amendments...
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk.
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that reading of the...
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Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, in this debate about creating jobs, we have a clear...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, 1 minute does not give justice to saying what is...
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, pursuant to section 904 of the Congressional Budget...
Mr. NICKLES. I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the next amendment in...
Mr. DAYTON. Mr. President, I salute the Senator from Montana and the Senator...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, once again, we have a substitute that would...
Mr. BAUCUS. On behalf of the Senator from Minnesota, pursuant to section 904 of...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I think the clerk should read the entire amendment....
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that reading of the...
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Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, as we await the scoring for the Nickles amendment, I...
Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I call up my amendment No. 605.
Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that further reading of...
Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, my amendment is the family caregiver relief...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, once again, albeit good intentions on the part of...
Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, pursuant to section 904 of the Congressional...
Mr. McCONNELL. I announce that the Senator from Alabama (Mr. SHELBY) is...
Mr. GRASSLEY. I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. CRAIG. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I object.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous consent that the next amendment be that from...
Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I call up amendment No. 639.
Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the...
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Mr. SESSIONS. Under the agreed framework of this legislation, the tax reduction...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, this amendment sunsets offsets not in this decade...
Mr. SESSIONS. Pursuant to section 904(c) of the Congressional Budget Act of...
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that at 2:30 on Monday, May...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, we have conferred with the ranking member, Senator...
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, we are making progress on the underlying bill. Again,...
Mr. GRASSLEY. I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. BAUCUS. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. SESSIONS. I ask that Senator Allen be made a cosponsor to that...
Mr. NICKLES. I send an amendment to the desk and ask for its immediate...
Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the...
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Mr. BAUCUS. If the Senator will yield, this is probably the most important...
Mr. NICKLES. The amendment I sent to the desk on behalf of myself, Senator...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, let me read a quote of American Enterprise...
Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I urge our colleagues to vote in favor of this...
Mr. NICKLES. I ask for the yeas and nays.
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Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. CRAIG. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. NICKLES. I ask unanimous consent to add Senator Domenici and...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent the Reid amendment be...
Mr. BAUCUS. I ask 4 minutes total, 2 minutes on each side, on the Breaux...
Mr. BREAUX. Mr. President, I ask my amendment No. 663, which is at the desk, be...
Mr. BREAUX. I ask unanimous consent the reading of the amendment be dispensed...
Mr. BREAUX. Mr. President, may we have order in the Senate?
Mr. BREAUX. Mr. President, most people think we are debating a tax cut bill....
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, let us set the record straight. This is not a tax...
Mr. BREAUX. I ask for the yeas and nays.
Mr. CRAIG. I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. BENNETT. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that it now be in order to...
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Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk and ask for its...
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that reading of the...
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I will only take about a minute of the Senate's time...
Mrs. BOXER. I thank the Chair.
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, before the majority leader addresses the Senate, could...
Mrs. BOXER. Just by voice vote.
Mr. THOMAS. We have no objection to the amendment.
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, we have had tremendous progress. It has been a long...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Democratic leader has asked me to announce that he...
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Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I have a question.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I think sometimes discretion is the better part of...
Mr. DOMENICI. Have we already agreed on a list or are people still able to add...
Mr. BAUCUS. The answer to the question is, we have not agreed to a list....
Mr. DOMENICI. Do you have a list?
Mr. BAUCUS. We do have a list. We have 14--12 on our side at least.
Mr. DOMENICI. I ask unanimous consent that no other amendments be in order this...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I think in fairness to everyone I should read what the...
Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, on our side we have just three, a Gregg amendment,...
Mr. DOMENICI. I ask unanimous consent that there be no further amendments in...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, on the Santorum amendments, we would like to know the...
Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, am I on the list? I was not read off.
Mr. REID. You are on the previous list.
Mr. BINGAMAN. I have no objection.
Mr. DOMENICI. I renew my request.
Mr. DOMENICI. I renew my request.
Mr. SARBANES. Reserving the right to object, have Members been given notice...
Mr. DOMENICI. You have had it in mind most of the day. But, no, they have not....
Mr. BAUCUS. If I might respond, the answer is no, not formally. I suggest that...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, Senator Harkin wishes to be added to that...
Mr. DOMENICI. I have no objection.
Mr. SCHUMER. Reserving the right to object, I have an amendment that I believe...
Mr. THOMAS. While we are coming to an agreement, could we move forward. Senator...
Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I object to the request. I think it should be...
Mr. DOMENICI. I withdraw the request.
Mr. SARBANES. So everyone can have a fair opportunity.
Mr. THOMAS. I yield to Senator Gregg.
Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I am not going to call up the amendment. I will...
Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous consent that the next amendment in order be the...
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I call up amendment 545 and ask for its immediate...
Mr. KENNEDY. I ask unanimous consent that reading of the amendment be dispensed...
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, this amendment substitutes the funds that have been...
Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, on behalf of the chairman, I oppose this amendment....
Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, this amendment is not germane and I raise a point of...
Mr. KENNEDY. Parliamentary inquiry: Since the amendment only changes the...
Mr. THOMAS. I raise the point that it is not germane.
Mr. KENNEDY. They are included. They are included, Mr. President. They are...
Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, after looking at it, it is our opinion that these...
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, it is germane. It is a simple striking. It conforms...
Mr. THOMAS. It has nothing to do with prescription drugs.
Mr. KENNEDY. We are talking about relevancy of the amendment, and it does just...
Mr. KENNEDY. I ask for the yeas and nays, Mr. President.
Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, point of order, I make a point of order, there is...
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, we believe it is legitimate and we want to move...
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and nays.
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Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that we now proceed to the...
Mr. DODD. Mr. President, the purpose of this amendment is to improve access to...
Mr. DODD. Mr. President, it is amendment No. 572. It is at the desk.
Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, this amendment, like the last one, ought to be...
Mr. DODD. Mr. President, if I may, the purpose I have outlined in the amendment...
Mr. THOMAS. If we are going to debate this, it says nothing about it in the...
Mr. DODD. The purpose states it clearly.
Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and nays.
Mr. McCONNELL. I announce that the Senator from Alabama (Mr. SHELBY) is...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the pending amendments...
Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I call up my amendment 607 on behalf of myself and...
Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the...
Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, the distinguished majority leader admonished that...
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Mr. CHAFEE. Mr. President, we are debating a bill called the Jobs and Growth...
Mr. CHAFEE. There is not an elected official in the United States who does not...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I at least want to compliment the sponsors of this...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the pending amendments...
Mr. REID. I call up amendment No. 668.
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, this amendment would cut Federal agency administrative...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, this is another amendment where we essentially voted on...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the pending amendments...
Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask the clerk to read amendment No. 669.
Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the...
Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, we live in a nation that pays people more to watch...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, again, this is another amendment which eliminates the...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask consent that the pending amendments be set...
Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I call up my amendment numbered 618, which is...
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Mr. ROCKEFELLER. I ask unanimous consent the reading of the amendment be...
Mr. ROCKEFELLER. The average public school in this country is 42 years old....
Mr. KYL. For my colleagues, this is another amendment which takes tax cuts from...
Mr. REID. I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be...
Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous consent that the pending amendments be set aside so...
Mr. BAUCUS. Concerning the amendment he might otherwise have.
Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I thank my good friend from Montana. Some U.S....
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, the Senator from Michigan raised a very good point....
Mr. LEVIN. I thank my friend and I will not be calling up my amendment.
Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous consent the pending amendment be set aside to...
Mr. DAYTON. I call up amendment numbered 616.
Mr. DAYTON. This amendment would end the phony practice of making tax cuts...
Mr. KYL. We would all like to accomplish what the distinguished Senator...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the pending amendments...
Mr. SANTORUM. I send an amendment to the desk.
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the...
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I offer this amendment which deals with the issue...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, the next amendment is that of the Senator from New...
Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I have amendment No. 603, which was a ...
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Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that we now proceed to the...
Mr. EDWARDS. I call up amendment No. 662.
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. President, I call up my amendment.
Mr. EDWARDS. I ask unanimous consent that the reading of the amendment be...
Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. President, this is a simple proposal from Senator...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, let me speak in opposition to this amendment. There are...
Mr. EDWARDS. Pursuant to section 904 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, I...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I have conferred with the two leaders and the two...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that we now go to the...
Mr. REED. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk.
Mr. REED. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that reading of the amendment...
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Mr. REED. Mr. President, I offer this amendment along with Senators CORZINE,...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, we support the amendment and urge its adoption.
Mr. REED. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to include Senators...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that we now go to the...
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk.
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that reading of the...
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have this article...
Why This Tax Loophole for Losers Should End
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, this is an amendment that attempts to close a big...
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Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I hope the Senator from Pennsylvania will withdraw...
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I withdraw the amendment.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, we will next turn to the amendment of the Senator...
Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk.
Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that reading of the...
Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, very briefly, deep in this reconciliation bill is a...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, this amendment will undermine our efforts to ensure...
Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, there should be no point of order. But let me say,...
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Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mr. REID. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I suggest that the Senate now vote by voice on this...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I suggest that the Chair put the question a second...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I now urge the Chair to recognize the Senator from...
Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, I have an amendment which I am not going to ask to...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I appreciate very much what Senator Kerry...
Mr. KERRY. I thank the chairman.
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I, too, pledge to work with the Senator from...
Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, I thank the chairman and the ranking member. I know...
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. I thank the Senator from Massachusetts.
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum...
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, we are quite late at night and, just for...
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, we have been discussing this matter for the last...
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Mr. BIDEN. Will the minority leader yield?
Mr. DASCHLE. I am happy to yield.
Mr. BIDEN. We have a number of amendments on this side. And when I say ``a...
Mr. DASCHLE. I thank the Senator from Delaware.
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that no other amendments be...
Mr. CORZINE. Reserving the right to object, I am in the midst of a negotiation...
Mr. FRIST. The Senator would be able to do that, Mr. President.
Mr. CORZINE. If there is no guarantee that we are going to have acceptance of...
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the request be amended...
Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, reserving the right to object, I also have an...
Mr. FRIST. Is that request for the global HIV/AIDS bill? Just to clarify, on...

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