Mid-Atlantic Urban and Community Forestry Resource Library


The purpose of the Mid-Atlantic Urban and Community Resource Library Database is to provide a fairly comprehensive listing of books, articles, fact sheets, brochures, slide programs, videos, and other publications produced by our State partners, research, universities, non-profit organizations, cooperative extension, and the Forest Service.

The goal of this database is to promote regional sharing of information and provide a means by which the Mid-Atlantic Center for Urban and Community Forestry can begin to develop a resource lending library. The database will occasionally be updated based on the addition of recommended publications and suggestions made by its users.

Many publications were recommended by the Mid-Atlantic Urban and Community Forestry State Coordinators and others found through internet searches of on-line journals and the Department of Agriculture Library.

Special thanks to Helen Butalla, Morgantown Field Office, USDA Forest Service, for creating the database template for the library, Karen Felton, USDA Forest Service, whose Wildlife Database served as the protocol for this project, and Scott Harris, Keystone College Intern, who worked endlessly on data entry.

Comments are welcome. Please email your comments to:
Donna Murphy, Center Coordinator, Mid-Atlantic Center for Urban and Community Forestry, at Donna Murphy