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Donna Murphy
Center Coordinator

Mid-Atlantic Center for Urban & Community Forestry

Keystone College

PO Box 1466

LaPlume, PA


Phone: 570-945-8095

Fax: 570-945-8096

 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Mid-Atlantic Center

for Urban & Community Forestry


The Mid-Atlantic Center for Urban and Community Forestry at Keystone College collaborates to support the needs of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia through the transfer of new technologies, programs and the effective delivery of products and solutions. The Center identifies, transfers, and replicates innovative technologies, research and cooperative programs related to urban and community forestry and assures these resources are available and easily accessible to partners throughout the Mid-Atlantic.


  • Improve communication and information transfer by delivering products, programs, and solutions addressing common needs.
  • Build partnerships that strengthen urban and community forestry program delivery.
  • Transfer products, tools, and programs having broad applications to urban forestry.
  • Transfer research addressing critical urban and community forestry needs.
  • Promote comprehensive natural resource management.

Mid-Atlantic Urban and Community Forestry Resources Library


NEW: Regional Urban Tree Risk Training, May 25-26, 2004




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 Last Modified: July 14, 2003