On-line publications and Other Info.

* We provide our publications in two formats:
1. All publications are in HTML format unless otherwise noted.
2. PDF files must be viewed using Adobe Acrobat. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, you can download it from the Adobe site.
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     Search FS Publication Database   searchable database - Forest Service Publications
How To Publications image HOW to Publications
We offer a variety of our popular "How to" publications on-line. These publications are written for homeowners, land managers and others who want to know more about how to care for trees. Most are descriptions of specific pests that affect trees.
Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets image Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets (FIDLs)
Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets are technical publications that address specific tree pests, including identification and control. Most of these publications are out of print, and available only via the WWW.
Pest Alert Publication image Pest Alerts
These publications are one-page fact sheets about new or unusual tree pests. They are intented to alert land managers and the public about important tree pests.
Silvics Publication image Silvics of North America
Two-volume set - these documents provide information about the biology of tree species growing in forest lands of the United States.
Natural Resources Publications image Natural Resources
Publications on Natural Resources and Fact Sheets available on our web site.
Miscellaneous Publications image Miscellaneous Publications
We offer a variety of popular publications on-line. Please feel free to browse and to make suggestions for additional publications.
Alphabetized Publications Listing image Alphabetized List
A complete listing of our publications alphabetized on our web site.
Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions about trees and tree care
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