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Forest Stewardship


Are you a forest landowner looking for voluntary, long-range conservation planning assistance tailored to your goals and the capacity of your land?

One of the most highly rated sources of such assistance across the country is the Forest Stewardship Program. You will be provided with advice not only on the trees, but also on the forest’s other plants and flowers, the wildlife, the soil, the water, and the aesthetic value. The advice can also include information on habitat projects, timber sales, and tree planting.

A forester or other natural resource professional will personally meet with you, listen to your goals, and examine your property. You will receive a Forest Stewardship plan that meets your goals while assessing the health, capability, and care of the forest. Plans are prepared by natural resource professionals from the private sector, public sector, or both depending on the state.

Participation is voluntary and you will not lose any of your property rights by getting involved. The costs for a Stewardship Plan will vary by state and provider, but are generally low cost or free.

Who is Eligible to Participate?
Private landowners interested in keeping their forest land as healthy and productive as possible – both for their own enjoyment – as well as future owners. The forestland can include any non-industrial private forest lands owned by a private individual, group association, corporation, Indian tribe or other private, legal entity. It includes rural lands with existing tree cover as well as land suitable for growing trees.

What is in a Stewardship Plan?
All landowners participating in the Stewardship Program should set clear objectives for managing their land. Each plan preparer should consider and evaluate the following natural resource elements (if present) when developing a plan:

Soil interpretations
Aesthetic quality

Forest health
Archeological, cultural and historic sites
Threatened and endangered species

Examples of Stewardship Plans
The following plans have been provided as examples, so you can get an idea of what is included in a forest stewardship plan. Please keep in mind that format and style of the plan varies from state to state. Contact your State Forester for assistance developing a stewardship plan in your state.


The following publications may be of interest to you as you steward your forests:



How To publications HOW to Publications
We offer a variety of our popular "How to" publications on-line. These publications are written for homeowners, land managers and others who want to know more about how to care for trees. Most are descriptions of specific pests that affect trees.
  FIDL publications Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets (FIDLs)
Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets are technical publications that address specific tree pests, including identification and control. Most of these publications are out of print, and available only via the WWW.
Pest Alert publications Pest Alerts
These publications are one-page fact sheets about new or unusual tree pests. They are intended to alert land managers and the public about important tree pests.
  Silvics of North America publications Silvics of North America
Two-volume set - these documents provide information about the biology of tree species growing in forest lands of the United States.


This page last updated on:
September 16, 2004