USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry

The trees and forests where we live, work, and play, are healthy and diverse, and appreciated by all: collectively valued, protected, supported, and considered in community decisions.

  • We are recognized and valued as a key partner and champion for urban and community forestry.
  • We are catalysts in shaping public awareness and understanding, energizing people to action.
  • We are leaders in managing information and sharing leading-edge technology with our partners.
  • We are proactive facilitators, bringing together multiple disciplines, agencies and organizations to collectively address critical natural resource issues and opportunities.
  • We focus our efforts so that our limited resources make the biggest impact, for the most people, over the long-term.
  • We seize opportunities and maximize efficiency through entrepreneurial approaches.
  • We are a diverse organization and promote outreach to a diverse audience.
To guide and support the partners of the urban and community forestry movement; building more livable communities through the planting and care of trees and forests.

Focus · Partnership · Integration · Innovation · Implementation

Improve Information and Communication (NA Strategic Priority 1)
  • Implement strategies to promote awareness, build understanding, and generate support
  • Transfer model programs, projects, and state-of-the-art technologies
Enhance Organizational Capacity (NA Strategic Priority 2)
  • Improve capacity to address emerging issues, opportunities and incidents
  • Strengthen State and Local Programs
Promote Comprehensive Natural Resources Management (NA Strategic Priorities 3 & 4)
  • Monitor, improve and report on urban forest health
  • Focus efforts on critical urban landscapes and watersheds
Strengthen Outreach and Environmental Equity (NA Strategic Priority 5)
  • Seize opportunities to create new and enhance existing strategic partnerships
  • Engage under-served and non-traditional communities
Strategic Priority 1: Improve Information and Communication
Goal 1.1: Implement strategies to promote awareness, build understanding, and generate support.
1.1a Provide partners with timely, accurate, understandable information about natural resources in urban areas
1.1b Articulate program needs to budget-makers, assist with special initiatives, and report accomplishments
1.1c Communicate with and integrate urban forestry into other federal and state programs
1.1d Develop and market a clear and consistent public relations message for urban forestry linked to national efforts

Goal 1.2: Transfer model programs, projects, and state-of-the-art technologies.
1.2a Replicate successful programs that identify, assess, and manage critical urban natural resources
1.2b Create a cataloging and resource referral system to make information available and accessible to our partners
1.2c Support education and regional training needs identified by our partners to address emerging issues
1.2d Identify focal points for the efficient transfer of information and technology

Strategic Priority 2: Enhance Organizational Capacity
Goal 2.1: Improve capacity to address emerging issues, opportunities and incidents.
2.1a Continue to assess and respond to changing technical assistance needs of customers
2.1b Develop quick-response teams to be mobilized immediately as need arises
2.1c Foster cross-discipline staff interactions, using work groups and project teams
2.1d Continue focused-funding through Centers of Excellence to address regional needs

Goal 2.2: Strengthen State and Local Programs.
2.2a Work with partners and grant recipients to set and achieve tangible performance targets
2.2b Build greater accountability into the grant-making and review process
2.2c Focus funding on partner capacity to address critical natural resource issues
2.2d Assist partners to develop self-sustaining programs

Strategic Priority 3: Promote Comprehensive Natural Resource Management
Goal 3.1: Monitor, improve and report urban forest health.
3.1a Cooperate with researchers to identify key indicators, and assess, monitor and report on urban forest health
3.1b. Identify/promote research needs and management actions as a result of monitoring
3.1c Identify/promote research being done at the State level having broad application to urban forest health

Goal 3.2: Focus efforts on critical urban landscapes and watersheds.
3.2a Identify and support programs/projects to assess and restore critical urban natural resources
3.2b Focus on green infrastructure planning/management to mitigate the impact of urban sprawl
3.2c Work with partners to emphasize a watershed or landscape approach to sustainable development

Strategic Priority 4: Strengthen Outreach and Environmental Equity
Goal 4.1: Seize opportunities to create new and enhance existing strategic partnerships.
4.1a Work with State and Federal partners to achieve shared goals at the local level
4.1b Identify and replicate successful new partnerships occurring at the state and local level
4.1c Initiate collaborative actions that promote awareness, build understanding, and generate long-term support

Goal 4.2: Engage under-served and non-traditional communities.
4.2a Work with the Civil Rights Advisory Committee to increase our capacity to achieve the goal
4.2b Identify and replicate model efforts to engage under-served and non-traditional communities
4.2c Support efforts to actively recruit and provide internship/career opportunities for people of color
4.2d Assist non-traditional communities to access technical assistance to assess and improve urban natural resources