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Smokey the Bear.
Smokey Bear
  Woodsy the Owl.
Woodsy Owl



New Century of Service Logo.



Call or write:
Northeastern Area Office
Office of the Director
11Campus Boulevard,
Suite 200
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Phone 610-557-4103
TDD 610-557-4160


Body header photo
Kathryn P. Maloney, Director

Welcome to the USDA Forest Service
Northeastern Area

Our Mission

Lead and support sustainable forest management and use across the landscape to provide benefits for the people of the 20 Northeastern and Midwestern States and the District of Columbia.

About Us

The Northeastern Area is an administrative unit of the State and Private Forestry branch of the USDA Forest service. We work with State forestry agencies and many other partners to influence the wise management, protection, and sustainable use of urban and rural natural resources. We accomplish this by providing financial support and professional expertise to private forest landowners, nonprofit groups, tribal nations, communities and states and by protecting and enhancing forest health on both Federal and non-Federal forest lands. -– more --

Northeastern Area News

Current Issues

Recent Additions

Resources for Forest Landowners

Do you own more than 10 acres of land and need information on how to care and manage your forest? The USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area has a number of programs as well as publications that can help you better care for your land. -- more --

Resources for Homeowners

Do you want to improve the beauty and value of your residential property? Healthy, mature trees add an average of 10% to a property’s value. Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 30% and can save 20-50% of the energy used for heating your home. For trees to add value to your home, they need to be properly planted and cared for. The USDA Forest Service offers a number of publications designed to help you better care for trees on your property. -- more --

Project Highlights

Project Highlights PhotoLearn how the Northeastern Area is helping communities and municipalities recycle urban wood waste -- more --
What You Can Do To Help
  1. Learn more about trees- find a public education program through your local horticulture or extension agency.
  2. Serve on your community’s Shade Tree or Parks commission.
  3. Check the trees on your property in the Spring and late fall for general health and insect problems
  4. Keep your eye on trees in public areas for obvious disease and insect damage
  5. Don’t move firewood from one area to another. Human intervention is the main cause the spread of non-native insects. If you are planning a trip to a camping or recreation area, buy your firewood when you get there.
  6. Use only certified, reputable tree care companies. Make sure your tree care company and lanscape/lawn care company have a way to properly dispose of tree debris.
  7. Support funding for the health and preservation of forests and urban trees, as well as tree planting.
  8. If you see an unusual insect or evidence of disease, report it to the appropriate authority, usually your local park or streets department, or your State agriculture department or Department of Natural Resources.
  9. Take the time to find out who is responsible for public trees and forests at the local and state level, so you know who to approach if you see a problem.

Links to Northeastern Area Field Offices

Map of 20 State Northeastern Area. Link to Durham Field Office. Link to Durham Field Office. Link to Grey Towers Historic Landmark. Link to Grey Towers Historic Landmark. Link to Morgantown Field Office. Link to Morgantown Field Office. Link to the St. Paul Field Office. Link to St. Paul Field Office

St. Paul | Morgantown | Grey Towers | Durham