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Northeastern Area

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Fire & Aviation Management


Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) Program

In 1949, the Congress enacted the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act. The purpose of this law was to make Federal excess trucks and equipment available to civilian organizations to protect and assist the citizenry. The Northeastern Area administers this program through cooperative agreements with the 20 northeastern state forestry agencies. The program provides trucks, heavy equipment, and aircraft to support state and local fire agencies. More than 13,000 pieces of equipment valued at more than 226 million dollars have been recycled for public service through the Northeastern Fire Program.

Under the Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) program, Federal property, originally purchased for use by a Federal agency, but no longer needed by that entity, is acquired by the USDA Forest Service for loan to one of the 50 States or the Territories for use in the State's rural or wildland fire protection program. As a result, the equipment stays in service to America, protecting lives and property across the nation.

Contact your State FEPP Manager for more information.







This page last updated on:
October 13, 2004