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eRA Project Team 2003 Priorities



Data Quality

Suggest modifications to policy and business processes to improve the quality of institutional and personal data; implement changes to software to solve known data integrity problems.

Deploy electronic (XML data stream) competitive grant application submission capability in accordance with federal mandates.

Program Portfolio Management Interface

Implement a customized interface for tracking and managing Program Official portfolios through all phases of the grant lifecycle.

Institute and Center Staff Roles and Management Interface

Develop a flexible interface that improves the workflow and correspondence among different business areas.

Committee Management (CM) Conversion to J2EE

Convert CM’s meeting/roster functionality from client/server to Web-based, J2EE technology.

Enhancement of Reporting and Query Tools

Provide integrated, easy-to-use query capabilities for customizable pre-programmed (canned) and ad hoc reports.

Partial Integration of Loan Repayment Program (LRP) into eRA

Enable Institutes and Centers (ICs) to access and process LRP applications online.

Interagency Edison (iEdison)

Migrate iEdison to the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform and integrate into the NIH eRA Commons.

Electronic Trainee Activities Interface (X-Train)

Migrate X-Train to the J2EE platform.

Knowledge Management (KM) Pilot

Incorporate KM capabilities into eRA, such as using KM software to identify potential reviewers based on their areas of expertise.

Wireless Technology Pilot

Implement Oracle 9iAS technology to enable wireless communication between users and eRA applications, data sources and email.

Scanning of Legacy Files

Expand conversion of legacy grant applications and progress reports to electronic format for online access.

Web Site Redesign

Improve content, appearance and usability of sites for internal NIH staff and extramural grantee community.

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