dbSTS: database of "Sequence Tagged Sites"
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STS data submission file types:







Map data submission file types:


Map Method

Map Record


  Submitting sequences to dbSTS

Sequenced Tagged Sites (STSs) are short (about 200-500 bp) sequences that are operationally unique in a genome (i.e., can be specifically detected by PCR in the presence of all other genomic sequences), and that define a specific position on the physical map. STSs can therefore be used to generate mapping reagents which map to single positions within the genome.

STSs are usually submitted to GenBank and dbSTS as batches of dozens to thousands of entries, with a great deal of redundancy in the citation, submitter and library information. To improve the efficiency of the submission process for this type of data, we have designed a special streamlined submission process and data format.

Data submission file types

There are two sets of file types for STS submissions, one for the sequence data, and one for any mapping data.

The batch submission process for STS sequence data involves the completion of six file types:

 a.  Publication
 b.  Source
 c.  Contact
 d.  Protocol
 e.  Buffer
 f.   STS

Typically a batch of STSs share the same publication, source, contact, protocol, and buffer information. You only need to prepare one of each of those files.

If any of the STS files have different publication, source, contact, protocol, and buffer information, you must complete a new file for that data.

The batch submission process for STS map data involves the completion of four file types, below.

a. Publication
b. Contact
c. Method
d. Map Data

The publication and contact files use the same file format as the publication and contact files for STS sequence data. If the map data share the same Publication and Contact files as the sequence data, there is no need to resubmit the Publication and Contact files.

Mailing files to dbSTS

Send the completed files to: batch-sub@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

You can attach all the files to a single email message, or you can include them in the body of the email message. Please be sure that they are in plain text (ASCII) format.

We prefer to have the individual STS and Map data files batched together as much as possible: for example, all STS entries in one file and all Map entries in another file.

You can submit sources, publications, contacts, protocols, and buffers together in one file. You can also send them in the same file as the STS entries - the TYPE field will differentiate them for the parsing software.

Data entry and validation

When STS data is loaded into the database, checks are run to determine if the given primer sequences are found in the STS sequence and if the given length of the STS is accurate.

If an entry does not pass these checks, it sometimes indicates that there was an error in the sequences in the input file.

Entries that do not pass this validation check will be returned to the submitter so that they can be re-checked and corrected, if necessary, before entry.

Assignment of GenBank Accession Numbers and release of data

You will receive a list of dbSTS IDs and GenBank accession numbers from a dbSTS curator via email.

Once your sequences are released into the public database, they will be available from the STS division of GenBank and from the separate dbSTS site (How to Access STS Entries).  The sequences and accession numbers in both sources are the same, but there is additional annotation in the dbSTS records such as references to the top nucleotide and protein matches.

If you would like your sequences held confidential until publication, you can indicate that by putting the release date in the PUBLIC field of the STS files. Your sequences will be released on that date, or when the accession numbers or sequence data are published, whichever comes first.

Updating your dbSTS data

Updates to STS entries are done basically in the same way as new entries. Changes to any item in the STS input file (other than STS# or CONT_NAME) are made by completing an input file with new data in the fields that need to be changed. For the STATUS field enter "Update" instead of "New".

In addition to the fields to be changed Updates need to include TYPE, STATUS, STS#, and CONT_NAME fields.

For changes in Publication, Contact, or Source data, or for changes in STS#'s or CONT_NAME, send an email message describing the change that is needed.

Send the update files to: batch-sub@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Questions and Comments

If you have questions about the STS submission format, please contact info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

1. Submission Format for STS Sequence Data

The following is a specification for flat file formats for delivering STS and related data to the NCBI STS database.
  • The format consists of colon delineated upper case field tags, followed by data.
  • The data for most fields should appear on the same line as the tag, with no line wrapping. Exceptions to this are the TITLE and AUTHORS fields in the Publication file; DESCRIPTION field in the Source file; PROTOCOL field in the Protocol file; BUFFER field in the Buffer file; and the SEQUENCE, COMMENT, CITATION, and PCR_PROFILE fields in the STS file.  In these fields, the data begins on the line following the field tag and the lines can be wrapped.
  • Note that some fields are obligatory.
  • The TYPE field is obligatory at the beginning of each entry, even if there are multiple entries of a given type in a file.
  • Each record (including the last record in the file) should end with a double-bar (||) tag to indicate the end of the record.
  • If data is not available for a non-obligatory field, the field can either be omitted entirely, or the tag may be included with an empty data field. Please do not put '*', "-", etc to indicate missing data.
  • Please do not use tabs or double quotation marks (") in any of the input files.
  • The NAME used for Source, Buffer, Protocol, and Contact data must be unique within the dbSTS database. So please try to use names that are specific and likely to be unique.
  • See also the bulleted tips at the end of each file format for important notes about that file type.

File Types

There are six types of deliverable files (in addition to Map data files which are covered separately, below):
a. Publication
b. Source
c. Contact
d. Protocol
e. Buffer
f.  STS

Each STS file needs to reference the Publication, Source, and Contact data. Therefore the Publication, Source, and Contact files must be in the database when the STS file is entered. Once these files have been submitted and entered, they do not need to be re-submitted for additional STS files that have the same Publication, Source, or Contact.

a. Publication Files

These are the valid tags and a short description:
TYPE:           Entry type - must be "Pub" for publication 
                **Obligatory field**
MEDUID:         Medline unique identifier. Not obligatory, 
                include if you know it.
TITLE:          Title of article.
                (Begin on line below tag, use multiple lines 
                if necessary)
                **Obligatory field**
AUTHORS:        Author name, format:  Name,I.I.; Name2,I.I.; 
                (Begin on line below field tag, use multiple 
		lines if necessary)
                **Obligatory field**
JOURNAL:        Journal name
VOLUME:         Volume number
SUPPL:          Supplement number
ISSUE:          Issue number
I_SUPPL:        Issue supplement number
PAGES:          Page, format:   123-9
YEAR:           Year of publication. 
                **Obligatory field**
STATUS:         Status field.1=unpublished, 2=submitted, 
		3=in press, 4=published.
                **Obligatory field**


Human chromosome 7 STS
YEAR: 1996

MEDUID: 96172835
CpG islands of chicken are concentrated on microchromosomes
McQueen,H.A.; Fantes,J.; Cross,S.H.; Clark,V.H.; Archibald,A.L.; 
JOURNAL: Nat. Genet.
PAGES: 321-4
YEAR: 1996
  • The TYPE field is obligatory at the beginning of each entry, even if there are multiple entries of a given type in a file.
  • The MEDUID field is a MEDLINE record unique identifier. We do not normally expect you to supply this - we try to retrieve this from our relational version of MEDLINE database.
  • The STATUS field is 1=unpublished, 2=submitted, 3=in press, 4=published.
  • The TITLE field is a free format string. The only requirement is that you put an identical string in the CITATION field of STS file, since we will be matching that field automatically against the publications in the publication table and replacing the string with the publication id in the STS table.
    If there is no publication actually associated with your STS's, we still need to have a title and list of authors for the database records.

b. Source Files

These are the valid tags and a short description:
TYPE:        Entry type - must be "Source" for source 
             **Obligatory field**
NAME:        Name of source.
             **Obligatory field**
ORGANISM:    Organism from which source prepared: 
	     Scientific name.
             **Obligatory field**
STRAIN:      Organism strain
CULTIVAR:    Plant cultivar
SEX:         Sex of organism (female, male, hermaphrodite)
ORGAN:       Organ name
TISSUE:      Tissue type
CELL_TYPE:   Cell type
CELL_LINE:   Name of cell line
STAGE:       Developmental stage
VECTOR:      Name of vector.
V_TYPE:      Type of vector (Cosmid, Phage, Plasmid, YAC, 
HOST:        Laboratory host name
DESCR:       Description of source preparation methods, 
             vector, etc.
             This field starts on the line below the 
	     DESCR: tag.


TYPE:  Source
NAME:      cSRL flow sorted Human Chromosome 11 specific cosmid
ORGANISM:  Homo sapiens
VECTOR:    sCos-1
V_TYPE:    Cosmid
Human Chromosome 11 specific cosmid library prepared from flow
sorted human Chromosome 11 derived from Chinese Hampster Ovary 
(CHO) monochromosomal somatic cell hybrid, J1

TYPE:  Source
NAME:  Bovine sperm
ORGANISM:  Bos taurus
STRAIN:  Holstein
SEX:  male
TISSUE: seminal vesicle
CELL_TYPE:  sperm
STAGE:  adult
VECTOR:  pBluescript
V_TYPE:  Plasmid
Genomic PstI fragments cloned into pBluescript

  • The TYPE field is obligatory at the beginning of each entry, even if there are multiple entries of a given type in a file.
  • The SOURCE field of the STS file (below) must contain an identical string to the NAME field of the Source file, for purposes of automatic matching.
  • The DESCR field should contain as much detail about the source as seems appropriate.

c. Contact Files

These are the valid tags and a short description:
TYPE:   Entry type - must be "Cont" for contact entries.
        **Obligatory field**
NAME:   Name of person who provided the STS.
FAX:    Fax number as string of digits.
TEL:    Telephone number as string of digits.
EMAIL:  E-mail address
LAB:    Laboratory providing STS.
INST:   Institution name
ADDR:   Address string, comma delineation.


TYPE: Cont
NAME: Eric Green
EMAIL: egreen@wugenmail.wustl.edu
LAB: Center for Genetics in Medicine
INST: Washington University School of Medicine
ADDR: Box 8232, 4566 Scott Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA

  • The TYPE field is obligatory at the beginning of each entry, even if there are multiple entries of a given type in a file.
  • None of the other fields are obligatory, but we require at least the name of a contact person or lab.
  • We would like as many of the fields filled in as possible, to provide complete information to the user for contacting a source for the STS or further information about it.
  • The CONT_NAME field of the STS file must contain an identical string to the NAME field of the Contact file, for automatic matching.

d. Protocol Files

These are the valid tags and a short description:
TYPE:     Entry type - must be "Protocol" for protocol entries.
          **Obligatory field**
NAME:     Name of protocol.
          **Obligatory field**
PROTOCOL: Description of protocol used. 
          Starts on the line below the PROTOCOL tag.
          Lay out this description as you want it to appear 
          in GenBank, using blanks, not tabs, to line up columns.


TYPE: Protocol
NAME: STS-A (E.Green)
        Template:       30-100 ng
        Primer:         each 1 uM
        dNTPs:          each 200 uM
        Taq Polymerase: 0.05 units/ul
        Total Vol:      5 ul
TYPE: Protocol
NAME: STS-B (E.Green)
        Template:       30-100 ng
        Primer:         each 1 uM
        dNTPs:          each 200 uM
        Taq Polymerase: 0.05 units/ul
        Total Vol:      10 ul

  • The TYPE field is obligatory at the beginning of each entry, even if there are multiple entries of a given type in a file.
  • When assigning a NAME to the protocol, remember that this name must be distinct in the database in order for matching from the STS file to occur.
  • The PROTOCOL field of the Protocol file should contain as much detail as seems appropriate. Lay out this description as you want it to appear in GenBank, using blanks, not tabs, to line up columns.
  • The PROTOCOL field of the STS files (below) must contain an identical string to the NAME field of the Protocol file.

e. Buffer Files

These are the valid tags and a short description:
TYPE:   Entry type - must be "Buffer" for buffer entries.
        **Obligatory field**
NAME:   Name of buffer.
        **Obligatory field**
BUFFER: Description of buffer used. 
        Starts on the line below the BUFFER tag.
        Lay out this description as you want it to appear 
        in GenBank, using blanks, not tabs, to line up 


TYPE: Buffer
NAME: STS-1 (E.Green)
        MgCl2:          1.5 mM
        KCl:           50 mM
        Tris-HCl:      10 mM
        pH:             8.3
TYPE: Buffer
NAME: STS-2 (E.Green)
        MgCl2:          2.5 mM
        KCl:           50 mM
        Tris-HCl:      10 mM
        pH:             8.3

  • The TYPE field is obligatory at the beginning of each entry, even if there are multiple entries of a given type in a file.
  • The BUFFER field of the Buffer file should contain as much detail as seems appropriate. Lay out this description as you want it to appear in GenBank, using blanks to line up columns, not tabs.
  • The BUFFER field of the STS files must contain an identical string to the NAME field of the Buffer file.

f.  STS Files

These are the valid tags and a short description:
TYPE:        Entry type - must be "STS" for STS entries.
             **Obligatory field**
STATUS:      Status of STS entry - "New" or "Update".
             **Obligatory field**
CONT_NAME:   Name of contact (Must be identical string to the 
             NAME field of the Contact file.)
             **Obligatory field**
PROTOCOL:    Protocol name. (Must be identical string to the 
             NAME field of the Protocol file.)
             **Obligatory field for New entries**
BUFFER:      Buffer name. (Must be identical string to the 
             NAME field of the Buffer file.)
             **Obligatory field for New entries**
SOURCE:      Source name.  (Must be identical string to the 
             NAME field of the Source file.)
             **Obligatory field for New entries**
CITATION:    Journal citation. (Must be identical string to the 
             TITLE field of the Publication file).  
             Starts on line below CITATION: tag -
             use continuation lines if necessary.
             **Obligatory field for New entries**
STS#:        STS id assigned by contact lab.
             **Obligatory field**
             For STS entry updates, this is the string we 
	     match on.
SYNONYMS:    Synonyms list, separated by commas.
PRIMER_DB:   Database which contains the sequence used as the 
             source of the primer sequences, if relevant.
PRIMER_ACC:  Accession number of the sequence from which primer 
             sequences were derived.
GB#:         GenBank accession number.
GDB#:        Human genome database accession number.
GDB_DSEG:    Human genome database Dsegment number.
CLONE:       Clone id.
P_END:       Which end sequenced, e.g. 5'
DNA_TYPE:    Genomic (default),cDNA, Viral, Synthetic, Other.
SIZE:        Size of STS (in nucleotides); includes primer sites.
F_PRIMER:    Sequence of forward primer.
B_PRIMER:    Sequence of backward primer.
PCR_PROFILE: Description of PCR profile. 
             Starts on line below the PCR_PROFILE: tag. 
             Line up data as you wish it to appear in GenBank.
             Use blanks, not tabs to format this data.
PUBLIC:      Date for public release. 
             **Obligatory field**  
             Leave blank for immediate release.
             Use the date format mm/dd/yyyy (e.g., 12/31/1999).
GENE_SYMBOL: Putative gene symbol.
GENE_NAME:   Full name of putative gene.
PRODUCT:     Putative product identification.
COMMENT:     Comments about STS. 
             Starts on line below COMMENT: tag.
SEQUENCE:    Sequence string. 
             Starts on line below SEQUENCE: tag.
             **Obligatory field for New entries**


CONT_NAME: Eric Green
BUFFER: STS-1 (E.Green)
Human chromosome 7 STS
SOURCE: Human EGreen
STS#: sWSS282
DNA_TYPE: Genomic
SIZE: 143
        Presoak:          0 degrees C for 0.00 minute(s)
        Denaturation:    92 degrees C for 1.00 minute(s)
        Annealing:       60 degrees C for 2.00 minute(s)
        Polymerization:  72 degrees C for 2.00 minute(s)
        PCR Cycles:      35
        Thermal Cycler: Perkin Elmer TC

Example of a sequence update:

STATUS: Update
CONT_NAME: Thomas Hudson
SIZE:       231

  • The TYPE field is obligatory at the beginning of each entry, even if there are multiple entries of a given type in a file.
  • Valid data values for the STS STATUS field are New (new entry) or Update (change existing STS entry).
  • When updating an STS, only the fields present in the STS file will be changed.
  • The DNA_TYPE is assumed to be Genomic, so this field may be omitted unless the DNA type differs from this.
  • Sequences start on line below the SEQUENCE field tag, and should be no longer than 60 bases per line with no blank spaces.
  • It is very important that the strings in the following fields be completely identical, for purposes of automated matching:
    CONT_NAME field of STS file and NAME field of the Contact file
    PROTOCOL field of STS file and NAME field of the Protocol file
    BUFFER field of STS file and NAME field of the Buffer file
    SOURCE field of STS file and NAME field of the Library file
    CITATION field of STS file and TITLE field of the Publication file.
    When loading the STS file into the database, these fields are matched automatically to source, contact, protocol, buffer and publication records in the other tables, so content, spelling, letter case and spacing must be identical.

2. Submission Format for STS Map Data

The following is a specification for flat file formats for delivering STS mapping and related data to the NCBI STS database.
  • The format consists of colon delineated upper case field tags, followed by data.
  • Each record (including the last record in the file) should end with a double-bar tag (||) to indicate the end of the record.
  • Each Map Data file needs to reference the Publication, Method and Contact data. Therefore the Publication, Method and Contact files must be in the database when the Map Data file is entered. Once these files have been submitted and entered, they do not need to be re-submitted for additional Map files that have the same Publication, Method, or Contact.
  • If the map data share the same Publication and Contact files as the sequence data, there is no need to resubmit the Publication and Contact files. The CITATION and contact name CONT_NAME fields of the Map Data files will serve as a cross reference to the appropriate Publication and Contact files.

File Types

There are four types of deliverable files:
a. Publication
b. Contact
c. Method
d. Map Data

a. Publication Files

  • Use the same Publication file format as shown in Part 1, submission of STS sequence data.

b. Contact Files

  • Use the same Contact file format as shown in Part 1, submission of STS sequence data.

c. Method

These are the valid tags and a short description:
TYPE:     Entry type - must be "Meth" for method 
          **Obligatory field**
NAME:     Name of method.
          **Obligatory field**
ORGANISM: Organism from which library prepared.
          **Obligatory field**
ABSOLUTE: Y or N.  (Enter Y if method gives absolute 
	  address; enter N if method gives relative 
          **Obligatory field.**
L1:       Interpretation of line 1 of Map Data files.
L2:       Interpretation of line 2 of Map Data files.
L3:       Interpretation of line 3 of Map Data files.
L4:       Interpretation of line 4 of Map Data files.
L5:       Interpretation of line 5 of Map Data files.
L6:       Interpretation of line 6 of Map Data files.
L7:       Interpretation of line 7 of Map Data files.
L8        Interpretation of line 8 of Map Data files.
L9:       Interpretation of line 9 of Map Data files.
L10:      Interpretation of line 10 of Map Data files.
DESCR:    Description of method. Description starts on 
	  line after DESCR tag. May be multi-line free 
	  format text.
||        Entry separator


TYPE: Meth
ORGANISM: Homo sapiens
L1: plate
L2: row
L3: column
L4: comment
L5: comment
L6: comment
L7: comment
PCR-based mapping of 3'UT-derived primers to CEPH YAC DNA pools.
Primers are chosen using the PRIMER program by Lincoln et al., 
ver 0.5 (1991).
To date, MIT puts out YAC pools A and B; if both pools
were used for the mapping data given, then 'C' is designated.

TYPE: Meth
NAME:  Radiation Hybrid JMS
ORGANISM: Homo sapiens
L1: chromosome
L2: bin
L3: comment
L4: comment
L5: comment
Radiation hybrid panels with binning.
Primers are chosen using the PRIMER program by Lincoln et al., 
ver 0.5 (1991).

TYPE: Meth
NAME:  Somatic Hybrid JMS
ORGANISM: Homo sapiens
L1: chromosome
L2: arm
L3: band
L4: band range
L5: comment
L6: comment
Somatic cell hybrid mapping.
Primers are chosen using the PRIMER program by Lincoln et al., 
ver 0.5 (1991).

  • The TYPE field is obligatory at the beginning of each entry, even if there are multiple entries of a given type in a file.
  • Lines L1 to L10 are available for describing interpretation of data in the corresponding Map Data files. There must be a method interpretation line for each line of parsed mapping information provided in the Map Data files.
  • When referring to the method in the map data entries, you must use an identical string for the method name to the string used for method name in the method entry.
  • The METHOD field of the Map Data files must be identical to the NAME field of the Method file.

d. Map Data Files

These are the valid tags and a short description:
TYPE:       Entry type - must be "Map" for map data entries.
             **Obligatory field**
STATUS:     Status of STS entry - "New","Replace" or "Update".
             **Obligatory field**
CONT_NAME:  Name of contact (Must be identical string to the 
            NAME field of the Contact file.)
             **Obligatory field**
CONT_LAB:   Contact laboratory. (Must be identical string to 
	    the LAB field of the Contact file.)
METHOD:     Method name. (Must be identical string to the 
            NAME field of the Method file.)
             **Obligatory field**
CITATION:   Journal citation. (Must be identical string to the 
            TITLE field of the Publication file.)  
            Begins on line below CITATION: tag -
            use continuation lines if necessary.
NCBI#:      NCBI Id of STS. (Must have either NCBI#, STS# 
	    or GB#)
STS#:       Name of STS (Must have STS#, NCBI# or GB#)
GB#:        GenBank accession number of STS .
PUBLIC:     Date of public release.  
            Leave blank for immediate release.
            Use the date format mm/dd/yyyy 
	    (e.g., 12/31/1999).
             **Obligatory field**
MAPSTRING:  Full mapping information. Unparsed. 
             **Obligatory field**
CHROM:      Chromosome name or number
L1:         Line 1 of parsed mapping information.
L2:         Line 2 of parsed mapping information.
L3:         Line 3.
L4:         Line 4.
L5:         Line 5.
L6:         Line 6.
L7:         Line 7.
L8:         Line 8.
L9:         Line 9.
L10:        Line 10 of parsed mapping information.
||          Entry separator


Nature Genetics, 2:180-185 (1992)
L1: 959
L2: H
L3: 08
L4: Pool B
L7: Product Length: 162

METHOD: Radiation hybrid JMS
Nature Genetics, 2:180-185 (1992)
STS#: STST001a
MAPSTRING: 4, bin 2
L1: 4
L2: 2
L5: Product Length: 119

METHOD: Somatic hybrid JMS
Nature Genetics, 2:180-185 (1992)
GB#: T12813
L1: 20

  • National Center for Biotechnology Information
  • National Library of Medicine, NIH
  • Building 38A, 8600 Rockville Pike
  • Bethesda, MD 20894
  • tel: 301-496-2475, fax : 301-480-9241

On-Line STS Database, Data Input Format Specification

This draft document is being made available solely for review purposes and should not be quoted, circulated, reproduced or represented as an official NCBI document. The draft is undergoing revisions and should not be considered or represented as reflecting the views, positions or intentions of the NCBI or the National Library of Medicine.

Rev. 04/14/99

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