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List of HIV/AIDS Publications

What is HIV/AIDS

  1. Federal resource  HIV and AIDS: Are You at Risk? - This brochure explains what HIV/AIDS is, how to know if you have it, what testing is done, and how to protect yourself from being infected.

  2. Federal resource  HIV Infection and AIDS: An Overview - This fact sheet briefly describes, in layman's terms, the transmission, early and advanced (AIDS) symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and current research on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Risky behavior and measures to control the spread of HIV are also discussed.

  3. Federal resource  HIV Infection In Women - AIDS is the fourth leading cause of death for women aged 25 to 44 in the United States. This fact sheet addresses the special concerns that women with HIV face.

  4. HIV Infection in Women (Copyright © AAFP) - This publication provides information on HIV and AIDS, how women can get infected with the virus, who is at risk for the infection, how HIV differs between men and women, and precautions that can be taken to prevent contracting this disease.

  5. Federal resource  How HIV Causes AIDS - This fact sheet contains an overview of the HIV virus, the scope of the HIV Epidemic, the life cycle of HIV, course of HIV infection, NIAID research, as well as a glossary of terms.

  6. Federal resource  In Their Own Words: NIH Researchers Recall the Early Years of AIDS - This presentation documents how NIH researchers answered such questions when asked to recall the early days of HIV/AIDS. In launching this Web site, NIH commemorate the 20-year struggle to confront the deadly HIV/AIDS pandemic.

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  1. Federal resource  An FDA Guide to Choosing Medical Treatments - This on-line publication contains information on which medical treatments can help treat your medical condition, and which will only make you worse off--financially, physically, or both. Treatment options can include participating in clinical trials, alternative treatments, offers tips on avoiding fraudulent claims, people at risk of health fraud promoters, and common illnesses associated with fraudulent claims.

  2. Federal resource  Antiretroviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV infection - This publication lists anti-retroviral drugs by brand name and provides their generic name, manufacturer, and FDA approval date.

  3. Federal resource  Approved therapies for the treatment of complications of HIV/AIDS - This publication lists the brand names, generic names, uses, manufacturers and approval dates for various drugs employed to treat complications of HIV/AIDS.

  4. Dealing with Drug Side Effects (Copyright © Project Inform) - This publication counsels patients on coping with the side effects of anti-HIV drugs. Its topics cover fatigue, anemia, headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, dry mouth, rash, peripheral neuropathy, period problems, and hair loss.

  5. Drug Side Effects Chart (Copyright © Project Inform) - This chart shows which side effects have been reported to occur with HIV medications. It is color coded to indicate which effects are more or less common. It may not accurately reflect the percentages of side effects in women due to the limited number of women in many studies of these drugs.

  6. Federal resource  Experimental Treatments? Unapproved but Not Always Unavailable - This publication explains how clinical trials can be a resort for those with critical illnesses where standard medical practices are failing. It discusses the risks and possible benefits and lists some clinical trial resources.

  7. Federal resource  HIV and Its Treatment: What You Should Know - This publication provides basic information for people recently diagnosed with HIV and also gives information on when to start treatment. Treatment during pregnancy is also discussed as well as what to expect during treatment.

  8. Living with HIV: A Female User's Guide (Copyright © Women Alive) - This publication provides some background information on HIV/AIDS as well as information on transmission and treatment with regards to women. It gives information on why things like irregular menstruation and gynecological infections should be of special concern to women with HIV.

  9. Federal resource  My Medicines - Available in many languages, the "My Medicines" brochure is the centerpiece of the 1999 Women's Health: Take Time To Care Campaign. Use this easy-to-read pamphlet and medicine-tracking chart to learn more about taking medicines correctly.

  10. Federal resource  Treatment of HIV Infection - This fact sheet gives an overview of the drugs that have been developed and approved for treating individuals with HIV. It also briefly covers the side effects of these drugs and what research is being done in the field.

  11. What Women Need to Know: The HIV Treatment Guidelines for Pregnant Women - This booklet explains the guidelines for doctors and other healthcare providers in the United States on how to use antiretroviral drugs in pregnancy to improve a women's health and to reduce the chance that the virus will pass from mother to baby (called perinatal transmission).

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Talking about your HIV

  1. Building a Cooperative Doctor/Patient Relationship (Copyright © PI) - This guide is intended to help both parties establish reasonable expectations of each other and set up a climate of cooperation and joint responsibility for healing.

  2. Federal resource  Living With HIV/AIDS - This booklet is for people who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is the virus that causes the disease acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). You might also want to share this booklet with your friends and family. It will help you, and them, understand more about HIV.

  3. Perspectives on Returning to Work: Changing Legal Issues and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic (Copyright © ABA) - The guide is designed for people living with HIV/AIDS who, as a result of taking new drug therapies, are feeling well enough to consider returning to work, but are afraid of risking their public health benefits and/or private insurance. The guide offers practical advice on how to walk the health insurance tightrope, addressing issues such as how to retain disability status while still in relatively good health, and how to remain eligible for benefits despite a return to work.

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Clinical Trials

  1. Federal resource  Become An HIV Vaccine Study Volunteer - This on-line publication lists the steps involved in participating in the clinical study of an HIV vaccine.

  2. Federal resource  Challenges in Designing HIV Vaccines - This publication contains information on what constitutes immune protection, immune responses, regulatory T cells, HIV Strain Variation, immune system breakdown, and animal model studies.

  3. Federal resource  Clinical Trials Databases - This is a National Institutes of Health web page containing links from which you can access several databases containing facts about both publicly and privately supported clinical studies.

  4. Clinical Trials Explained (Copyright © ACRIA) - This on-line publication provides some basic information on clinical trials including how to protect your rights, different types of trials, what happens when a trial ends and financial consideration.

  5. Federal resource  HIV Vaccine Research - This online publication provides links to information on HIV vaccine development and evaluation and other publications regarding this topic. It also has a list of links that promote community awareness regarding HIV.

  6. Federal resource  HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials FAQ - This fact sheet answers many questions about the details of HIV/AIDS clinical trials.

  7. Federal resource  HIV/AIDS Prevention Research activities at DAIDS - This web site provides an overview of the development and evaluation of HIV prevention interventions. Two of the most important biomedical HIV prevention strategies are vaccines and topical microbicides.

  8. Federal resource  HIV/AIDS Treatment Research activities at DAIDS - This Internet site is an overview of NIAID's research agenda, including scientific areas of emphasis, research advances, and clinical research priorities.

  9. Federal resource  HIV/AIDS Vaccine Research activities at DAIDS - This web site provides a comprehensive overview of AIDS vaccine discovery and development.

  10. Overview of Microbicide Trials: Issues and Challenges (copyright ©GCM) - This presentation outlines an overview of Microbicide trials. Addresses the challenges and issues involved in the different phases of clinical trials to get safe and effective microbicides to the public.

  11. Federal resource  Taking Part in Research Studies: What Questions Should You Ask? - This brochure explains research studies and provides a list of questions for a potential subject to ask before agreeing to participate in a research study. These questions are designed to help a participant to understand what is expected of them, and to protect them from physical, mental, and financial difficulties.

  12. Federal resource  The Jordan Report 20th Anniversary: Accelerated Development of Vaccines - Vaccines have become an increasingly important medical tool against a variety of public health problems, both in the United States and abroad. To inform policy-makers, researchers and the public about recent accomplishments and future trends in vaccine research, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) released this new edition of its comprehensive vaccine report.

  13. Federal resource  Topical Microbicides Research - Women currently have no way to protect themselves from STDs that does not require male cooperation. Topical microbicides could change this. This report clarifies why women need microbicides, what an ideal microbicide would be like, and what is needed to support research and development of microbicides for HIV prevention.

  14. TrialScope (Copyright © UCSF-CHI) - TrialScope is a comprehensive database of organizations conducting HIV-related clinical research in the United States. It is designed to connect researchers, care providers, patient advocates, and people with HIV to sites conducting HIV/AIDS clinical research in a given state.

  15. Federal resource  What is an AIDS Clinical Trial? - This publication discusses AIDS Clinical Trials. It also covers topics such as: what they are, questions to ask your doctor about participating, and where to get more information.

  16. Federal resource  Why Volunteer? Clinical Trials of Medical Treatments - This on-line booklet encourages people, including minorities and women, to participate in clinical trials and some of the benefits from doing so.

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Caring for Yourself and Others with HIV

  1. Federal resource  Caring for Someone with AIDS at Home - This publication provides information on HIV/AIDS, what it is, pointers on taking care of AIDS patients, referral sources, providing support, and guarding against infections.

  2. Federal resource  Depression and HIV/AIDS - Research has enabled many people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), to lead fuller, more productive lives. As with other serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease or stroke, however, HIV often can be accompanied by depression, an illness that can affect mind, mood, body and behavior. Treatment for depression helps people manage both diseases, thus enhancing survival and quality of life.

  3. HIV Infection: Coping With the Diagnosis (Copyright © AAFP) - This fact sheet provides information on how to cope with being diagnosed with HIV and the ways you can take care of yourself.

  4. Federal resource  Living With HIV/AIDS - This booklet is for people who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is the virus that causes the disease acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). You might also want to share this booklet with your friends and family. It will help you, and them, understand more about HIV.

  5. Living with HIV: A Female User's Guide (Copyright © Women Alive) - This publication provides some background information on HIV/AIDS as well as information on transmission and treatment with regards to women. It gives information on why things like irregular menstruation and gynecological infections should be of special concern to women with HIV.

  6. Federal resource  Recommendations and Guidelines - This web page contains publications that give referrals and guidance to caring for someone with HIV/AIDS, testing for HIV/AIDS, education, and more.

  7. Your Passport to Managed Care: A Tool for Making Managed Care Work for You (Copyright © NAPWA) - This handy pocket guide was written for people living with HIV who get their health care through a managed care system. This guide can help you understand how managed care works, and contains important information regarding managed care available, and a handy diary section for keeping all the records necessary to take action to get the care you need.

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HIV/AIDS and Pregnancy

  1. Federal resource  Backgrounder - HIV Infection in Infants and Children - This publication contains information on the scope of the problem, transmission, preventing prenatal HIV transmission, diagnosis, progression of HIV disease in children, signs and symptoms of pediatric HIV disease, treatment of HIV infected children, AIDS in adolescents, psychosocial issues, and resources.

  2. Is Mother/Infant HIV Transmission Preventable? (Copyright © University of California) - This fact sheet from the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies includes statistical information on breastfeeding and perinatal HIV transmission.

  3. Federal resource  Pregnancy and HIV: What Women and Doctors Need to Know - These materials inform women of the benefits during pregnancy of being tested for HIV disease and how Medicaid can help cover the costs. The seven fact sheets in this set give information on basic prenatal care, the importance of getting tested for HIV, how to reduce transmission of HIV to infants, special Medicaid coverage for pregnant women, the healthcare provider's responsibility to provide HIV counseling and urge all pregnant women to be tested.

  4. Pregnancy and Prenatal Care of Women with HIV (Copyright © University of California) - This publication contains information on early prenatal care, drug treatment including medical complications of which can occur in HIV-mothers.

  5. Federal resource  Public Health Service Task Force Recommendations for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1-Infected Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV-1 Transmission in the United States - This report reviews the special considerations regarding use of antiretroviral drugs for pregnant women, updates the results of PACTG 076 and related clinical trials and epidemiological studies, discusses the use of HIV-1 RNA and antiretroviral drug resistance assays during pregnancy, provides updated recommendations on antiretroviral chemo prophylaxis for reducing perinatal transmission, and provides recommendations related to use of elective cesarean delivery as an intervention to reduce perinatal transmission.

  6. Federal resource  Safety and Toxicity of Individual Antiretroviral Agents in Pregnancy - This publication defines the pregnancy risks associated with various anti-retroviral agents that may be used to prevent mother-child transmission of the HIV virus. This information can help physicians and their patients evaluate the benefits and risks of treatment options.

  7. Federal resource  Status of Perinatal HIV Prevention: U.S. Declines Continue - This fact sheet explains the reduction of HIV transmission from mother-to-infant in the United States. It emphasizes the importance of continued prevention efforts aimed at HIV-infected women.

  8. Federal resource  Study Concludes Benefits of Anti-HIV Therapy During Pregnancy Outweigh Risks - This publication provides information on the results of studies done on the effects of Anti-HIV therapy on pregnant women and concludes that the benefits of the treatment outweigh risks such as low birth weight in newborns.

  9. Women, Children, and HIV (Copyright © UCSF, UMDNJ) - The goals of this Web site are to: disseminate state-of-the-art clinical information and training resources on mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) and related topics; communicate the best practices in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and caring for infected children; disseminate PMTCT program resource materials; disseminate state-of-the-art clinical information and training resources on perinatally acquired pediatric HIV infection; and implement services responsive to the needs of the CDC Global AIDS Program (CDC/GAP).

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Having a Child with HIV/AIDS

  1. Federal resource  Backgrounder - HIV Infection in Infants and Children - This publication contains information on the scope of the problem, transmission, preventing prenatal HIV transmission, diagnosis, progression of HIV disease in children, signs and symptoms of pediatric HIV disease, treatment of HIV infected children, AIDS in adolescents, psychosocial issues, and resources.

  2. Federal resource  Caring for Someone with AIDS at Home - This publication provides information on HIV/AIDS, what it is, pointers on taking care of AIDS patients, referral sources, providing support, and guarding against infections.

  3. Children and HIV (Copyright © NYU School of Medicine) - This publication discusses the problems of HIV in children. It explains how children and teens can get HIV, what "HIV Positive" means and what HIV and AIDS are. It provides information on treating HIV in younger patients, information about clinical trials, and other details parents of HIV+ children should know.

  4. Federal resource  Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in Pediatric HIV Infection - This report addresses the pediatric-specific issues associated with antiretroviral treatment and provides guidelines to health care providers caring for infected infants, children, and adolescents. This is a clinical guideline intended for use by physicians.

  5. HIV & AIDS (Copyright © Kidshealth) - This guide for parents explains what HIV and AIDS are, the causes, signs and symptoms of infection, diagnosis and contagiousness, opportunistic infections and other complications, treatment, long-term care of children with HIV/AIDS, prevention, and a special section on talking with your child about HIV and AIDS.

  6. Federal resource  Insure Kids Now - This web site, part of the Children's Health Insurance Program outreach, contains information about your state's low-cost or free insurance programs for children through 18 years of age. This site contains state contact information and on-line video messages in both English and Spanish.

  7. Policy Statement: Education of Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection (Copyright © AAP) - In this policy statement the American Academy of Pediatrics supports the rights of HIV+ children to participate in school and educational activities.

  8. Federal resource  Pregnancy and HIV: What Women and Doctors Need to Know - These materials inform women of the benefits during pregnancy of being tested for HIV disease and how Medicaid can help cover the costs. The seven fact sheets in this set give information on basic prenatal care, the importance of getting tested for HIV, how to reduce transmission of HIV to infants, special Medicaid coverage for pregnant women, the healthcare provider's responsibility to provide HIV counseling and urge all pregnant women to be tested.

  9. Federal resource  State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Fact Sheets - The fact sheets found on this site give detailed information about the State Children's Health Insurance Program in your state.

  10. Taking Medications to Treat HIV/AIDS: A Treatment Adherence Guide for Parents of Children with HIV Infection (Copyright © EGPAF) - This fact sheet explains why "adherence to treatment" is so vital for HIV patients, lists drug side effects that can effect children and advice for what to do about them, how to stay on a schedule, and other tips to make treatment of children with HIV successful.

  11. Women, Children, and HIV (Copyright © UCSF, UMDNJ) - The goals of this Web site are to: disseminate state-of-the-art clinical information and training resources on mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) and related topics; communicate the best practices in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and caring for infected children; disseminate PMTCT program resource materials; disseminate state-of-the-art clinical information and training resources on perinatally acquired pediatric HIV infection; and implement services responsive to the needs of the CDC Global AIDS Program (CDC/GAP).

  12. Federal resource  You Can Prevent PCP in Children: A Guide for People with HIV Infection - This fact sheet explains what PCP is, how to diagnose it in a child and possible treatments available, as well as prevention measures.

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Financial Help

  1. Drug Company Patient Assistance Programs (Copyright © ATDN) - This on-line resource offers information on government and drug company sponsored programs that help pay for the drugs you need.

  2. Federal resource  Health Insurance Coverage of Persons With HIV-Related Illness: Data From the ACUS Screener. - Analyzes relationships between insurance status (public, private, and none) and personal characteristics such as disease stage (asymptomatic, symptomatic, and AIDS) and exposure category (gay/bisexual, injection drug user, other male, and female) for all 5,811 HIV-infected respondents to the ACSUS screener questionnaire.

  3. Federal resource  Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) - The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) established the HOPWA Program to address the specific needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. HOPWA funding provides housing assistance and related supportive services as part of HUD’s Consolidated Planning initiative that works in partnership with communities and neighborhoods in managing Federal funds appropriated to HIV/AIDS programs. HOPWA grantees are encouraged to develop community-wide strategies and form partnerships with area nonprofit organizations.

  4. Federal resource  Medicaid and AIDS and HIV Infection - This fact sheet contains information regarding Medicaid coverage for people living with HIV disease and whom to contact for more information.

  5. Federal resource  Medicaid Buy-In For Working People With Disabilities - States can extend Medicaid coverage to certain disabled people who work. This fact sheet explains more about the program and who qualifies.

  6. Patient Assistance Programs (Copyright © University of California) - Some pharmaceutical companies have programs that provide free or lower cost medications to patients who could not otherwise pay for them. Each program has specific requirements about who is eligible and what kind of financial help is available.

  7. Federal resource  Pregnancy and HIV: What Women and Doctors Need to Know - These materials inform women of the benefits during pregnancy of being tested for HIV disease and how Medicaid can help cover the costs. The seven fact sheets in this set give information on basic prenatal care, the importance of getting tested for HIV, how to reduce transmission of HIV to infants, special Medicaid coverage for pregnant women, the healthcare provider's responsibility to provide HIV counseling and urge all pregnant women to be tested.

  8. Federal resource  What You Need To Know When You Get Disability Benefits (No. 05-10153) - This on-line resource can assist with questions you may have after receiving disability benefits. It provides information on reporting changes that could affect your benefits, review of your case, and returning to work.

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Prevent HIV

  1. About Microbicides (Copyright © GCM) - The word "microbicides" refers to a range of different products that share one common characteristic: the ability to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) when applied topically. This fact sheet discusses the current development of this technology, and why it is important to develop microbicides.

  2. Can Barrier Methods Help in HIV Prevention? (Copyright © University of California) - This fact sheet summarizes evidence on the effectiveness of barrier methods (i.e. latex condoms, dental dams, female condom, etc.) in preventing HIV infection.

  3. Do Condoms Work? (Copyright © University of California) - This fact sheet from the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies includes statistical information and information about the effectiveness of condoms as an HIV prevention measure.

  4. Frequently Asked Questions about the Female Condom (Copyright © GCM) - The female condom is the first woman-initiated barrier method that protects against HIV and STDs as well as pregnancy. Since it's introduction in 1992, the female condom has become available in 70 countries. This publication explores its impact on prevention of HIV infection in women.

  5. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions on HIV/AIDS - This page contains answers to common questions regarding transmission and prevention, testing, HIV-related hoaxes and rumors, and other general questions about the HIV/AIDS

  6. Federal resource  HIV and AIDS: Are You at Risk? - This brochure explains what HIV/AIDS is, how to know if you have it, what testing is done, and how to protect yourself from being infected.

  7. Federal resource  HIV and Its Transmission - This publication discusses how HIV is transmitted. Examines transmission rates in different environments such as business and home settings and discusses the effectiveness of condoms.

  8. Federal resource  Topical Microbicides Research - Women currently have no way to protect themselves from STDs that does not require male cooperation. Topical microbicides could change this. This report clarifies why women need microbicides, what an ideal microbicide would be like, and what is needed to support research and development of microbicides for HIV prevention.

  9. What Are Women's HIV Prevention Needs? (Copyright © University of California) - This fact sheet contains information on what places women at risk for HIV infection, barriers to prevention, different methods of protection, and what needs to be done to decrease the transmission of HIV. Discusses abstinence, barrier methods and microbicides.

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Your Rights

  1. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions about Housing Discrimination - The on-line fact sheet discusses the Fair Housing Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It explains, how the Department of Justice enforces them and what to do if you believe you have been a victim of housing discrimination.

  2. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions About Legal Issues (HIV/AIDS) - This fact sheet explains legal protections for people with HIV/AIDS, laws regarding immigration, laws regarding knowingly infecting someone with HIV, and laws regarding privacy for persons with HIV.

  3. Perspectives on Returning to Work: Changing Legal Issues and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic (Copyright © ABA) - The guide is designed for people living with HIV/AIDS who, as a result of taking new drug therapies, are feeling well enough to consider returning to work, but are afraid of risking their public health benefits and/or private insurance. The guide offers practical advice on how to walk the health insurance tightrope, addressing issues such as how to retain disability status while still in relatively good health, and how to remain eligible for benefits despite a return to work.

  4. Policy Statement: Education of Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection (Copyright © AAP) - In this policy statement the American Academy of Pediatrics supports the rights of HIV+ children to participate in school and educational activities.

  5. Federal resource  Questions and Answers: The ADA and Persons with HIV/AIDS - This report covers several issues concerning the Americans with Disability Act and persons with HIV/AIDS including employment, public accommodations, state and local governments, telecommunications, housing, air transportation. It also contains a list of additional resources.

  6. Federal resource  Workplace Education: HIV & the Law - This section provides a broad overview of legal issues as they relate to HIV/AIDS. It includes suggestions for building HIV/AIDS workplace programs and policies that conform to Federal legal requirements and expectations.

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  1. 50 State Comparisons - HIV Reporting Policy (Copyright © KFF) - This on-line publication displays a color-coded map to illustrate the differences in states' mandatory name reporting requirements for HIV-positive test results. ...

  2. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions About HIV and HIV Testing - This publication answers common questions about the HIV test, how it's administered, what the results mean, and it reviews important issues you should think about when you do get tested.

  3. HIV Testing Fact Sheet (Copyright © KFF) - This fact sheet discusses the type of facilities where people can be tested, the differences between anonymous and confidential testing, and four common types of tests ELISA, oral HIV tests, home HIV test kits, and the rapid HIV test.

  4. National HIV Testing Day (Copyright © NAPWA) - The National HIV Testing Day campaign encourages Americans to get tested for HIV. This web site and provides helpful information on how and where to get tested.

  5. Federal resource  National HIV Testing Resources - This web site contains useful information and resources on HIV testing, including a national database of HIV testing sites, Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) on HIV/AIDS and HIV Testing, resources for people who test positive for HIV, basic information about HIV and AIDS, behaviors that place a person at risk for HIV infection and what the testing experience is like, and Information on upcoming events related to HIV testing.

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Opportunistic Infections

  1. Federal resource  HIV Infection In Women - AIDS is the fourth leading cause of death for women aged 25 to 44 in the United States. This fact sheet addresses the special concerns that women with HIV face.

  2. HIV: How to Avoid Infections If You're HIV Positive (Copyright © AAFP) - This fact sheet discusses ways to protect yourself from infection if you are HIV positive

  3. Federal resource  Prevención De Infecciones Causadas Por Animales Domesticos: Guía Para Personas Infectadas Con El VIH - Los animales podrían ser portadores de infecciones peligrosas para usted. Esta hoja informativa contiene información sobre infecciones causadas por animales domésticos y lo que uno puede hacer para prevenir estas infecciones.

  4. Federal resource  Preventing Infections During Travel: A Guide for People With HIV Infection - This brochure advises persons with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) on how to prevent opportunistic infections while traveling abroad. The brochure recommends discussing with one's physician which medications should be taken and which vaccines should be received to prevent opportunistic infections. It suggests what sanitation and hygiene precautions one should take during one's travels to avoid contracting opportunistic infections.

  5. Federal resource  Safe Food and Water: A Guide for People With HIV Infection - This brochure discusses safety guidelines for food and water preparation and consumption for persons living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The brochure explains how eating some foods, which have been prepared improperly, and drinking certain types of water can give persons living with HIV/AIDS opportunistic infections. It describes how to prepare meats, poultry, fish, eggs, fruits, and vegetables in order to prevent opportunistic infections. The brochure examines what water is safe to drink for persons with HIV/AIDS, as well as how to shop for foods safely. It advises the readers about what they can eat in restaurants and how to protect themselves in foreign countries.

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  1. Candidiasis (Thrush) (Copyright © - This fact sheet has information for HIV/AIDS patients about Thrush (oral candidiasis), what it is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it with medical and natural therapies.

  2. Oral Candidiasis (Thrush) (Copyright © Project Inform) - This publication explains Oral Candidiasis infection, or Thrush, as it occurs in patients with HIV/AIDS. This fact sheet covers diagnosis, treatment, side effects and drug interactions, anti-fungal medications and pregnancy, and prevention.

  3. Treatment Issues for Women (Copyright © ACRIA) - This booklet was written for women living with HIV. Some of the conditions discussed here affect men as well, but this booklet is meant to help you understand how these conditions and their treatments specifically affect women with HIV.

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  1. Federal resource  You Can Prevent Toxo (Toxoplasmosis): A Guide for People with HIV Infection - This publication provides information on this parasitic disease, how it is spread and how you can prevent getting this disease.

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  1. Federal resource  You Can Prevent CMV (Cytomegalovirus) Infection - This is a brochure of brief questions and answers explaining Cytomegalovirus (CMV), the causes and possible prevention of CMV.

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  1. Federal resource  You Can Prevent Crypto (Cryptosporidosis): A Guide for People with HIV Infection - Description on how to prevent Cryptosporidosis

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Mycobacterium Avium Complex

  1. Simple Facts Sheets: MAC (Mycobacterium Avium Complex) (Copyright © The Network) - Mycobacterium Avium Complex, or MAC, is a serious bacterial infection that HIV-positive people can get. This fact sheet discusses ways to prevent MAC and treatment of MAC.

  2. Federal resource  You Can Prevent MAC (Disseminated Mycobacterium Avium Complex) Disease: A Guide for People with HIV Infection - This brochure provides facts about the prevention, transmission, and treatment of MAC (Mycobacterium Avium Complex) for people living with HIV infection.

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Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia

  1. Federal resource  Usted Puede Prevenir La PCP en Los Niños: Guía Para Personas Infectadas con el VIH - La PCP es la infección grave más común entre los niños con el VIH. Puede ser fatal. Este folleto contiene informacion sobre que es la PCP y como los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos prevenir la PCP.

  2. Federal resource  You Can Prevent PCP in Children: A Guide for People with HIV Infection - This fact sheet explains what PCP is, how to diagnose it in a child and possible treatments available, as well as prevention measures.

  3. Federal resource  You can Prevent PCP: A Guide for People with HIV Infection - This brochure explains PCP as the most common serious infection among persons with HIV. However, PCP can be prevented and treated.

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  1. Federal resource  Histoplasmosis - Information on histoplasmosis including how it is spread, symptoms, treatment, and prevention.

  2. Federal resource  Histoplasmosis Resource Guide - This brochure discusses the symptoms, treatments, and surgery options for histoplasmosis.

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  1. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Tuberculosis (Easy to Read) - This fact sheet explains Tuberculosis or TB and provides information on the risk factors, symptoms, tests, and treatments.

  2. Federal resource  Tuberculosis - This fact sheet contains information on TB rise in the US, drug resistance, cause of resurgence, TB organism, transmission, infection, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and vaccines.

  3. Tuberculosis and HIV Disease (Copyright © Project Inform) - This publication provides detailed information to HIV patients about prevention of and treatment of Tuberculosis. It includes discussions of TB symptoms, its relationship to HIV; a detailed explanation of how TB is diagnosed, and treated; drugs used for TB treatment, coping with treatment; and preventing drug resistance, transmission to others, and more.

  4. Federal resource  Tuberculosis: A Guide for Adults and Adolescents with HIV - If HIV has made your immune system too weak to stop the Tuberculosis (TB) germs from growing you can get a dangerous infection called active TB (also called TB disease). This brochure explains how TB is spread, how you can avoid it, and answers questions about testing for TB, treatment, medications, and how to avoid things like drug resistance or passing TB onto others.

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  1. Federal resource  Coinfection with HIV and Hepatitis C Virus - This pamphlet provides basic information about the Hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) for persons living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It discusses the risk factors to HIV-infected persons for HCV infection, methods of transmission including the use of injection drugs and tattooing or body piercing, and treatment options for persons with HCV.

  2. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Hepatitis - This fact sheet provides information on the different types of hepatitis, how each is spread, their symptoms, and treatment. It further discusses the ways you can reduce your risk of contracting this disease.

  3. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Coinfection with HIV and Hepatitis C Virus - This fact sheet contains information on Coinfection with HIV and Hepatitis C Virus, including who is likely to have it, the effects of coinfection on disease progression of HCV and HIV, prevention, management, research efforts and links to other resources.

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Cryptococcal Meningitis

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HPV and Cervical Cancer

  1. Federal resource  A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV - This publication is a comprehensive manual for clinicians caring for women living with HIV/AIDS.

  2. Federal resource  Cancer Facts - Human Papillomaviruses and Cancer - This publication provides a comprehensive description of the many kind of Human Papillomaviruses. It explains what they are, how they are contracted and their treatment options. This publication also discusses the HPV's role as the major cause of cervical cancer and provides a list of resources for additional information.

  3. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts - This publication provides information on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts. It includes modes of transmission, treatments, and ways of prevention.

  4. Federal resource  HPV Testing Shows Which Pap Abnormalities Need Attention - This press release contains information how testing for HPV (human papillomavirus) may help doctors and patients decide what to do about the mildly abnormal Pap test results known as ASCUS. ...

  5. Treatment Issues for Women (Copyright © ACRIA) - This booklet was written for women living with HIV. Some of the conditions discussed here affect men as well, but this booklet is meant to help you understand how these conditions and their treatments specifically affect women with HIV.

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Menstrual Problems

  1. Federal resource  A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV - This publication is a comprehensive manual for clinicians caring for women living with HIV/AIDS.

  2. Menstrual Changes (Copyright © The Well Project) - This fact sheet contains information on menstrual changes that HIV positive women can experience including, irregular periods, abnormal bleeding, missed periods, no period at all and premenstrual syndrome.

  3. Treatment Issues for Women (Copyright © ACRIA) - This booklet was written for women living with HIV. Some of the conditions discussed here affect men as well, but this booklet is meant to help you understand how these conditions and their treatments specifically affect women with HIV.

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Vaginal Yeast Infections

  1. Federal resource  A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV - This publication is a comprehensive manual for clinicians caring for women living with HIV/AIDS.

  2. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Vaginal Yeast Infections - This publication contains information on vaginal yeast infections, the symptoms, causes, how it is diagnosed, treatment, and prevention methods.

  3. Federal resource  Genital Candidiasis (Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC), Vaginal Yeast Infections) - This publication contains information on yeast infections, symptoms, how it is treated, the advantages and disadvantages of different treatment, and possible health complications from not getting treatment.

  4. Treatment Issues for Women (Copyright © ACRIA) - This booklet was written for women living with HIV. Some of the conditions discussed here affect men as well, but this booklet is meant to help you understand how these conditions and their treatments specifically affect women with HIV.

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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

  1. Federal resource  A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV - This publication is a comprehensive manual for clinicians caring for women living with HIV/AIDS.

  2. Federal resource  Common Uterine Conditions: Options for Treatment - This booklet explains most of the problems that can affect a woman's reproductive system. The booklet also talks about ways the problems can be treated, including medication, surgery, and other kinds of treatments.

  3. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - This fact sheet provides information on Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), the causes of this STD, risk factors, the symptoms, and the treatment of this disease.

  4. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) (Copyright © AAFP) - This on-line publication provides information on PID, how a women gets it, the symptoms, and what can happen if you have PID. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection in the female reproductive organs.

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Urinary Tract Infections

  1. Federal resource  A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV - This publication is a comprehensive manual for clinicians caring for women living with HIV/AIDS.

  2. Federal resource  Cytoscopy and Ureteroscopy - This publication outlines the preparation, procedure and post-test expectations of a Cystoscopy or Ureteroscopy. Also included are resources for obtaining additional information on these diagnostic tests.

  3. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) - This publication explains what urinary tract infections (UTI) are, and what causes them. It also explains the symptoms of UTIs, who is at risk for developing them, and the affect pregnancy can have on urinary tract health. It contains additional basic information on diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

  4. Painful Urination (Copyright © AAFP) - This publication contains information on the many possible causes of painful urination, what you will need to tell your healthcare provider, types of tests you will need to have, how urinary tract infections (UTI) are treated, and what to do it a UTI is reoccurring.

  5. Treatment Issues for Women (Copyright © ACRIA) - This booklet was written for women living with HIV. Some of the conditions discussed here affect men as well, but this booklet is meant to help you understand how these conditions and their treatments specifically affect women with HIV.

  6. Federal resource  Your Urinary System and How It Works - This publication contains Information on how the body processes food and uses the waste products that end in the bowels. Also, information on what causes problems, detection of those problems and treatment of the urinary system.

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Genital Ulcers

  1. Federal resource  A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV - This publication is a comprehensive manual for clinicians caring for women living with HIV/AIDS.

  2. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Genital Herpes - This fact sheet contains information on genital herpes, its symptoms, how it is treated, and the complications that it can cause during a pregnancy.

  3. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Syphilis - This publication explains what Syphillis is, how it spreads and how best to avoid infection. It describes the many symptoms that are associated with Syphillis and how doctors diagnose and treat Syphillis. This publication also lists sources to contact for more information on Syphillis.

  4. Federal resource  Genital Herpes - This fact sheet briefly describes, in layman's terms, the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, possible complications, prevention and current research on genital herpes. Other topics covered include re-occurrence and effects on the transmission of HIV/AIDS.

  5. Treatment Issues for Women (Copyright © ACRIA) - This booklet was written for women living with HIV. Some of the conditions discussed here affect men as well, but this booklet is meant to help you understand how these conditions and their treatments specifically affect women with HIV.

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AIDS dementia complex

  1. AIDS Dementia Complex (Copyright © Project Inform) - This publication explains what AIDS Dementia Complex (ADC) is, including detailed descriptions of the symptoms it causes in its different stages. It describes how HIV is thought to cause ADC and how doctors diagnose and treat ADC and its symptoms. For patients with ADC and their loved ones this publication offers advice for coping with its challenges.

  2. Federal resource  Caring for Someone with AIDS at Home - This publication provides information on HIV/AIDS, what it is, pointers on taking care of AIDS patients, referral sources, providing support, and guarding against infections.

  3. Federal resource  NINDS Neurological Manifestations of AIDS Information Page - This on-line publication provides information on Neurological Manifestations Of AIDS, treatment options, prognosis, research, as well as additional resources.

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Mothers with HIV/AIDS

  1. Infant Feeding Choices for HIV Positive Mothers (Copyright © LLLI) - This publication outlines the different feeding options a new mother has when she is infected with HIV.

  2. Mothers and Babies and HIV: What is the Risk of Breastfeeding? - This publication discusses the findings of several studies looking at the risk of breastfeeding while HIV positive.

  3. Standby Guardianship (Copyright © Family Ties Project) - This Web site provides detailed information on The Standby Guardianship Act of 2002 in the District of Columbia and information and resources on similar legislation in the other states.

  4. Standby Guardianship (Copyright © NAIARC) - This fact sheet gives the legal definition of standby guardianship, its history, and lists the reasons parents have used standby guardianship. It goes on to explain how standby guardianship works and how to overcome obstacles for putting an arrangement in place. ...

  5. Federal resource  Status of Perinatal HIV Prevention: U.S. Declines Continue - This fact sheet explains the reduction of HIV transmission from mother-to-infant in the United States. It emphasizes the importance of continued prevention efforts aimed at HIV-infected women.

  6. WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS Mother-to-Child Policy Guidelines (Copyright © UNAIDS) - This publication is a response to a 1999 report that claimed the risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission through exclusive breastfeeding is less likely than previously thought. UNAIDS stands by its original 1997 statement on breastfeeding and HIV. ...

  7. Women, Children, and HIV (Copyright © UCSF, UMDNJ) - The goals of this Web site are to: disseminate state-of-the-art clinical information and training resources on mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) and related topics; communicate the best practices in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and caring for infected children; disseminate PMTCT program resource materials; disseminate state-of-the-art clinical information and training resources on perinatally acquired pediatric HIV infection; and implement services responsive to the needs of the CDC Global AIDS Program (CDC/GAP).

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Keep your Kids from Getting HIV

  1. HIV & AIDS (Copyright © Kidshealth) - This guide for parents explains what HIV and AIDS are, the causes, signs and symptoms of infection, diagnosis and contagiousness, opportunistic infections and other complications, treatment, long-term care of children with HIV/AIDS, prevention, and a special section on talking with your child about HIV and AIDS.

  2. Federal resource  HIV Infection in Adolescents - This fact sheet summarizes statistics about HIV infection in adolescents and how it is most commonly transmitted in this age group. It discusses difficulties facing health professionals treating adolescents for HIV infection, and explains the role of NIAID in conducting clinical studies involving adolescents.

  3. HIV/AIDS (Copyright © UNICEF) - This web site explores the problem of HIV/AIDS among young people across the world. It discusses why HIV/AIDS is such a problem affecting young people, and what needs to be done to protect them. It includes articles on what UNICEF is doing to prevent HIV/AIDS, reports on real programs for young people, and global statistics.

  4. Kids and AIDS: A Guide for Parents (Copyright © PPFA) - This guide is intended to assist parents in preparing their children for healthy, happy, fulfilling lives despite the specter of this epidemic, as well as teach them to protect themselves.

  5. Federal resource  Patterns of Condom Use Among Adolescents: The Impact of Mother-Adolescent Communication - This report presents the findings that discussions between mothers and their adolescents about condoms can lead teens to adopt behaviors that will prevent them from becoming infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

  6. Self-Esteem and Children (Copyright © The University of Iowa) - This fact sheet contains information about self-esteem and children. It explains why it is important to have high self-esteem, how it may affect a child, and tips for parents on how to help.

  7. Talking to Your Kids about Sex (Copyright © AACAP) - Talking to your children about love, intimacy, and sex is an important part of parenting. This article gives parents important guidelines for how to do this effectively.

  8. What Are Adolescents' HIV Prevention Needs? (Copyright © University of California) - This fact sheet from the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies includes statistical information, risk factors, education efforts, and information about barriers to prevention.

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HIV Wasting Syndrome

  1. Treatment Issues for Women (Copyright © ACRIA) - This booklet was written for women living with HIV. Some of the conditions discussed here affect men as well, but this booklet is meant to help you understand how these conditions and their treatments specifically affect women with HIV.

  2. Wasting Syndrome (Copyright © - This fact sheet gives the medical definition of wasting syndrome, explains what causes it, and how wasting is treated.

  3. Weight Maintenance and Nutrition (Copyright © Project Inform) - This fact sheet contains important nutrition and food safety information designed to help HIV patients prevent the weight-loss associated with HIV infection (known as wasting syndrome) and foodborne illnesses. It evaluates different medical and nutritional interventions for preventing weight-loss and includes a special section on the nutritional concerns of women with HIV.

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AIDS Worldwide

  1. Africa's Orphaned Generations (Copyright © UNAIDS) - Today, over 11 million children under the age of 15 living in sub-Saharan Africa have been robbed of one or both parents by HIV/AIDS. Seven years from now, the number is expected to have grown to 20 million. This document reports on the life circumstances of today’s orphans with new data and fresh analyses. It presents the possibility of change – for those already orphaned and for the generation to come – if certain things are done now.

  2. HIV and AIDS in the Americas: An Epidemic with Many Faces (Copyright © UNAIDS) - This report analyses the HIV epidemic in the Americas. It places special focus on Mexico, countries of the Caribbean, Central America, and Brazil. It analyzes behavioral and cultural factors that contribute to the pandemic and suggest how public health officials can better respond to the crisis. ...

  3. HIV/AIDS (Copyright © UNICEF) - This web site explores the problem of HIV/AIDS among young people across the world. It discusses why HIV/AIDS is such a problem affecting young people, and what needs to be done to protect them. It includes articles on what UNICEF is doing to prevent HIV/AIDS, reports on real programs for young people, and global statistics.

  4. Federal resource  HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: Background, Projections, Impacts, and Interventions - This report contains detailed information on the demographics of HIV infection in Southern Africa, with projections of future infections and AIDS cases. It outlines the impact HIV and AIDS has and will have on Africa's population, society and economy. Its final chapter discusses interventions to confront Southern Africa's HIV/AIDS epidemic.

  5. Federal resource  USAID Global Health: HIV/AIDS - Frequently Asked Questions - This publication shares data about the global HIV/AIDS pandemic such as how many people are estimated to be infected worldwide, how many are women, number of deaths, how fast the pandemic is growing, infection in children, AIDS orphans and more.

  6. What Drives HIV in Asia? (Copyright © FHI) - This report explains the forces that contribute to HIV infection in Asian countries. Research for this report used a Behavior Surveillance System (BSS) to identify risk behaviors and suggest ways to create better prevention strategies in these countries.

  7. WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS Mother-to-Child Policy Guidelines (Copyright © UNAIDS) - This publication is a response to a 1999 report that claimed the risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission through exclusive breastfeeding is less likely than previously thought. UNAIDS stands by its original 1997 statement on breastfeeding and HIV. ...

  8. World AIDS Campaign 2004 (Copyright © UNAIDS) - This Internet site provides information about World AIDS Campaign 2004. The theme for the World AIDS Campaign 2004 is Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS. The year-long campaign, culminating in World AIDS Day on 1 December, seeks to accelerate the global response to HIV and AIDS through a focus on women and girls. ...

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