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   Supervisor's Employee Work Folder
   Extremist Activities
   Civilian Sexual Orientation Policies
   Incentive Awards Program (with Award Descriptions)
         Achievement Medal for Civilian Service
         Arthur S. Flemming Award
         Career Service Recognition for Civilian Employees
         Certificate of Achievement
         Certificate of Appreciation
         Certificate of Appreciation for Patriotic Civilian Service
         Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service
         Commander's Award for Public Service
         Commander's Award for Civilian Service
         Decoration for Distinguished Civilian Service
         Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award
         Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service
         Department of Defense Meritorious Award
         Decoration for Distinguished Civilian Service
         Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service
         GEICO Public Service Award
         Invention Awards
         John W. Macy Jr. Award
         Meritorious Civilian Service Award
         National Public Service Awards
         Nick Hoge Award
         On-the-Spot Cash Award
         Outstanding Civilian Service Award
         Performance Award
         Presidential Citizens Medal
         Presidential Medal of Freedom
         Roger W. Jones Award for Executive Leadership
         Secretary of Defense Medal for the Defense of Freedom
         Secretary of Defense Award for Outstanding Public Service
         Secretary of the Army Public Service Award
         Secretary of the Army Award for Valor
         Special Act or Service Award
         Superior Civilian Service Award
         Time Off Award
         The President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service
         William H. Kushnick Award
   Performance Management Program - Overview
         Quality Step Increase
         Performance Plans
              Performance Objectives/Responsibilities
         Performance Ratings
              Annual Rating
              Senior System Checklist
              Base System Checklist
              Off-Cycle Rating
         Dealing With Poor Performers
              Opportunity to Improve
              Performance Based Actions
                   Change to Lower Grade (CLG)
                        Notice of Decision to CLG
                        Notice of Proposed Change to Lower Grade (CLG)
                   Removal for Unacceptable Performance
                        Notice of Proposed Removal
                        Notice of Decision to Remove (Performance)
              Within-Grade-Increase (WGI)
                   Postponing Within-Grade-Increase
                   Withholding Within-Grade-Increase
                        Initial Decision to Withhold Within-Grade-Increase
                        Final Decision to Withhold Within-Grade-Increase
   Letter of Instruction
   Safety, Health and Fitness
         Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
         Army Civilian Drug Testing Program
         Employee Wellness Program
         Fitness for Duty Examinations
         Violence in the Workplace
              What is workplace violence and who perpetrates it?
              Factors, Elements and Social/Cultural Conditions that Contribute to Workplace Violence
              Strategies for Reducing Violence in the Workplace
   Disciplinary and Adverse Actions
         Disciplinary Actions
              Disciplinary File Documentation Checklist
                   Table 1-1: Table of Penalties for Various Offenses
              Selecting Appropriate Action
                   Selecting Appropriate Action
              Disciplinary Action Options
                   Oral Admonishment/Oral Reprimand
                   Written Reprimand
                        Notice of Decision to Reprimand
                        Suspension for 14 Days or Less
                             Notice of Proposed Suspension
                             Notice of Decision to Suspend
                        Suspension for More Than 14 Days
                             Notice of Decision to Suspend (More than 14 days)
                   Involuntary Reduction in Grade and/or Pay
                        Notice of Proposed Involuntary Reduction in Grade and/or Pay
                        Notice of Decision to Involuntarily Reduce in Grade and/or Pay
                        Notice of Decision to Remove
         Nondisciplinary Adverse Actions
              Furlough for 30 Days or Less
                   Notice of Proposed Furlough (30 Days or Less)
                   Notice of Decision to Furlough (30 Days or Less)
              Change to Lower Grade (Reclassification)
                   Notice of Proposed Change to Lower Grade
                   Notice of Decision to Change to Lower Grade
         Adverse Actions - Guidance for Deciding Officials
         Adverse Action Checklist for Deciding Officials
   Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL)
   Administrative Grievance Procedure
         Administrative Grievance System - Subchapter 771
Benefits   Classification   DCIPS   Demo Projects   Employee Relations   General Info   Labor   NAF   Staffing   Training