Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation Logo - Home
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About OHFAbout the DiseaseResearch and ProfessionalsPatient ServicesAdvocacyAbout OHF
Learn more about the Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation's mission, organization, directors, and staff
Hyperoxaluria has several forms: PH1, PH2, PH3, Acquired Hyperoxaluria, and Absorptive Hyperoxaluria.
OHF offers educational resources and research grants for professionals. Learn more about our programs.
Educational materials, online resources, a bi-annual newsletter, and OHF Talk online forum.
Advocacy includes information about NIH and ways for you to provide grassroots support of our goals.
There are many ways to support our fundraising efforts, from outright donations to supporting events...

Welcome! The Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation is here to help. Our website is your gateway to a wealth of information. We have structured the website to answer your questions, provide resources and opportunities for you to become more involved in our mission to seek the cause, improve the clinical treatment and discover the cure of hyperoxaluria and oxalate stone disease and enhance the quality of life of patients and their families.

We want everyone whose lives are touched by these diseases to be aware of our mission and to benefit from the services we offer. If you should have any further questions, please call us at 212.777.0470 or on our patient hotline at 800.OHF.8699 (tollfree) - and we'll help you find the answers.


Please help OHF

The Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation
201 E. 19th Street, #12E · New York, NY 10003
212.777.0470 (office) · 800.OHF.8699 (tollfree) · 212.777.0471 (fax)

Web site design ©2002-2003 Relevant Arts

What's New?

29 September, 2004
2005 OHF Grant Application - Deadline - October 15, 2004
Download the 2005 Grant Application

20 June, 2004
OHF and Mayo Foundation Open Mayo Clinic Hyperoxaluria Center
The only center devoted to the study of primary hyperoxaluria.

12 May, 2004
Oxalate Content of Foods List Posted