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 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation: Our Changing Planet




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CSI Research and Publications

Connecting Science, Policy, and Decision-making: A Handbook for Researchers and Science Agencies - provides practical, hands-on suggestions for researchers and science agencies about ways to improve the focus of scientific research that is intended to be useful to decisionmakers (as opposed to more basic research that is not intended for immediate application).

Coping with the Climate: A Way Forward - A multi-stakeholder review of Regional Climate Outlook Forums concluded at an international workshop October 16 – 20, 2000, Pretoria, South Africa.

CVHH Publications

El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion - Climate Prediction Center/NCEP, December 11, 2003

ENSO Experiment Summary of Research Activities - Water-borne, Vector-borne, Rodent-borne, and other diseases.

ENSO Signal - The ENSO Signal is published by the Environmental and Societal Impacts Group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, with financial support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Global Programs. It is available both in hard copy and an electronic version.

HDGCR Publications (pdf version also available)

Making Climate Forecasts Matter - NOAA requested from the National Research Council (NRC) a science plan for research on the human dimensions of seasonal-to-interannual climate variability, the current focus of the NOAA Human Dimensions program.

The social and policy implications of seasonal forecasting: a case study of Ceará, Northeast Brazil (NOAA Final Report) - This project was designed to assess the socioeconomic and policy impacts of a well-developed climate forecast system in the Northeast Brazilian state of Ceará, a semi-arid area particularly vulnerable to severe drought.

Traditional indicators used for climate monitoring and prediction by some rural communities in Kenya - A Contribution to the Harmonization of Traditional and Modern Scientific Methods of Climate Prediction in Kenya


The ENSO Experiment


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Updated April 15, 2004