A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Helping Your Child Learn Geography - October 1996


Backler, Alan; and Stoltman, Joseph.
"The Nature of Geographic Literacy." ERIC Digest (no. 35). Bloomington, IN. 1986.

Blaga, Jeffrey J.; and others.
Geographic Review of Our World: A Daily Five-Minute Geography Program for Grades 3-11. GROW Publications. Racine WI. 1987.

Department of Education and Science.
Geography from 5 to 16. HMSO Books. London. 1986.

Duea, Joan; and others.
Maps and Globes: An Instructional Unit for Elementary Grades. University of Northern Iowa. Cedar Falls, IA. 1985.

Geographic Education National Implementation Project.
Walter G. Kemball (chair). K-6 Geography: Themes, Key Ideas, and Learning Opportunities. National Council for Geographic Education. Western Illinois University. Macomb, IL. 1984.

Geography Education Standards Project.
Geography for Life: National Geography Standards, 1994. National Geographic Research & Exploration. Washington, DC. 1994.

Hoehn, Ann.
"Helping Children Get Their Hands on Geography" (unpublished activity guide). Milaca Public Schools. Milaca, MN. 1988.

Joint Committee on Geographic Education.
Guidelines for Geographic Education, Elementary and Secondary Schools. Association of American Geographers and National Council for Geographic Education. Washington, DC. 1984.

National Assessment of Educational Progress.
NAEP 1994 Geography Report Card. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, DC. 1996.

National Council for the Social Studies.
Strengthening Geography in the Social Studies, Bulletin 81. Salvatore J. Natoli (ed.). Washington, DC. 1988.

National Geographic Society.
"Geography: Making Sense of Where We Are." Geography Education Program. Washington, DC. 1988.

Wilson-Jones, Ruth Anne.
"Geography and Young Children: Help Give Them the World" (unpublished paper). LaGrange, GA. 1988.

Salter, Christopher L.; and others.
Key to the National Geography Standards. National Geographic Society. Washington, DC. 1994.

[3 Different Maps of Salt Lake City, Utah] [Table of Contents] [What Does Your Fourth-Grader Know?]