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Topical Resources

Minorities and Refugees Web Links

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English on issues regarding minority rights and refugee returns, with a focus on returning refugees to areas in the former Yugoslavia. For related web links, see Regional Resources: Europe.

These links complement two Institute Special Reports:
(1) Balkan Returns: An Overview of Refugee Returns and Minority Repatriation
(2) Albanians in the Balkans.
These web links also support the activities of the Institute's Balkans Initiative.

General Resources

The sites below collect links to other Internet resources which describe the issues of minority rights and refugee returns.

Government Agencies and International Organizations

Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Crisis Group (ICG)

International Labour Organization (ILO)

  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
    The web site of the ILO has been recently re-organized and includes several databases, descriptions of programs, news, a sitemap, a search engine and links to related web sites. A search by keyword on "refugees"or "migration" brings up relevant documents.

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)
    The web site of the IOM has current information on migration and refugee situation activity in its briefing notes, news releases, and statements. Contains several databases of programs and projects, special actvities, publications, related web sites, multilateral migration issues and migration health, an archive of briefing notes, news releases, and statements. Links to a country web site for Kosovo and another specialized web site co-ordinated with OSCE for Out-of Kosovo Voter Registration 2001.

International Rescue Committee

Minority Rights Group International

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • KFOR Online Homepage
    KFOR is a "NATO-lead international force responsible for establishing a security presence in Kosovo." The web site details the establishment of KFOR, with news, background, press, media and contact information, photos, video and audio clips, maps and and links to related web sites.
  • SFOR Stabilisation Force
    SFOR is the NATO-led stabilization force in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The web site includes a history of SFOR, participating nations, basic texts, transcripts, fact sheets, humanitarian aid projects, exercises and training ,contact information and links to related web sites.

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Refugees International

  • Refugees International (RI)
    Refugees International's web site has sections on regional focus and specific issues, including early warning, internally displaced persons (IDPs) refugee women and repatriation, among others. Also includes a chronological listing of missions and several media such as bulletins, newsletters, articles and video.

United Nations

United States

World Bank

  • Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe
    A joint web site of the European Commission and the World Bank , it contains a calendar of events/conferences, news releases, speeches and statements , documents issued by the EU, UN, IMF and IMF/WB, including the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe from June 10, 1999, links to related sites, with other sections of the web site under construction. The announcement of the launching of the joint web site describes the scope and types of information that will be covered, including assessment of the economic impacts and costs of the Kosovo crisis, reconstruction needs, and register of donor assistance.
  • Rebuilding Kosovo
    Web site of the World Bank Group provides news releases, press briefings, reports, country briefs and regional information, background reports, with key indicators and tables of comparative trends in PDF files (require Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to view).

Maps and Guides

  • ReliefWeb Map Centre
    ReliefWeb is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Its map centre is organized by region, with maps detailing the refugee situation and humanitarian planning for various areas including Balkans which points to maps produced by UNHCR, USAID, USIP, the UN Cartographic Section and the World Food Programme.
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Maps
    UNHCR operational maps are arranged by reverse chronology within region and detail the humanitarian/refugee situation or the UNHCR offices in each geographical area.

Media and News Sources

  • Ethnic Conflict Research Digest
    Produced by INCORE, ECRD "publishes peer reviews of recently published books, journal articles and research papers on the dynamics and management of ethnic conflict." Reviews are available from the web page.
  • Immigrants and Minorities
    A journal published by Frank Cass, the web page lists tables of contents and abstracts of articles for the current and some previous issues.
  • Nationalism and Ethnic Politics
    A journal published by Frank Cass, the web page lists tables of contents and abstracts of articles for the current and some previous issues.
  • On the Record: Bosnia Diary
    An electronic publication of the Advocacy Project, volume 7 of On the Record contains several written reports from the field on refugees returning to Bosnia in May-July 1999.
  • ReliefWeb: Complex Emergencies
    ReliefWeb, a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), has a database of the latest news and reports on humanitarian crises worldwide, including the Balkans. The database can be searched by month going back to December 1997, by source (organization name), by format or type of report, or by the latest news first.
  • UNHCR News
    This web page, part of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees web site, lists several news sources, including press releases, briefing notes, emergency updates, UNHCR news stories, a stories about refugees from news sources worldwide.

Research Centers and Resources

Selected Documents and Peace Agreements

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Updated: June 12 2002


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