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Golden Age Games '03

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The “Sooner” the Better: See You In Oklahoma

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The staff and patients of the Oklahoma City VA Medical Center are busily making plans to host the 2005 National Veterans Golden Age Games. The medical center is partnering with their affiliate, the University of Oklahoma (OU), to bring the Games to the beautiful University campus in Norman. OU boasts a huge campus in a beautiful parklike setting. Veterans should enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the area, which is covered in flowers, huge trees, ponds and fountains. Competitors will be housed in the Walker Center, a wellappointed high-rise dormitory. Housing will include daily maid service, air conditioning and individual telephones. Great food will be as close as a walk across the street to the Couch Cafeteria, which offers numerous storefront restaurants with different cuisines from which to choose.

The OU campus also features the State’s best sites for the competition venues, most of which are within walking distance from the Walker Center. The 2005 National Veterans Golden Age Games planning team is putting together a great package of alternate activities for both day and evening entertainment. Veterans will be offered choices of trips ranging from dude ranches and Indian pow-wows, to the Western Heritage Center Cowboy Hall of Fame and the Alfred T. Murrah Bombing Memorial. Local performers and nationally known entertainers who hail from Oklahoma are being invited as well.

Medical center director Steven J. Gentling, and the staff of the Oklahoma City VA Medical Center are honored to be the 2005 host site and promise to try to provide the best Games ever. Gentling said, “We try daily to show veterans how very special and important they are to us. The Games offer us a unique opportunity to show this group of dedicated competitors the best that Oklahoma has to offer—because that’s what they deserve!”

Hosted by
VA Central California Health Care System
Co-sponsored by:
Veteran of Foreign wars logo
Veterans of Foreign Wars
VA Logo
Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Canteen Service


Page Last Reviewed/Modified: Monday, July 26, 2004 2:17 PM

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