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Resource Enhancement and Utilization Technologies

Resource Enhancement and Utilization Technologies
Dr. Walton Dickhoff
  Acting Director

REUT Staff Directory
REUT Org Chart

Salmon Enhancement
  Thomas Flagg

Marine Fish Enhancement
  Dr. Walton Dickhoff

Integrative Fish Biology
  Dr. Mark Strom
     • Physiology/Endocrinology
     • Microbiology

Full Utilization
  Dr. Jerry Babbitt

Issue Papers

Sampling DNA from bacterial pathogens in the Microbiology lab at Montlake. Sampling DNA from bacterial pathogens in the Microbiology lab at Montlake
The Resource Enhancement and Utilization Technologies Division provides scientific understanding and develops improved technology to better serve NOAA Fisheries' priorities on fisheries enhancement/culture, harvest and full utilization of resources.
  • The Salmon Enhancement Program resolves existing and developing challenges associated with captive rearing, hatchery technology, and behaviorial ecology of salmon and marine fish, to sustain and rebuild endangered or depleted stocks and to increase world seafood supply.
  • The Marine Enhancement and Aquaculture Research Program develops information and technology needed to test culture-based rebuilding of depleted marine species and manage environmentally sound aquaculture.
  • The Integrative Fish Biology Program develops fundamental biological understanding of fish development, growth, reproduction, smolt quality, fish health and disease diagnosis and control.
  • The Full Utilization Program improves fish processing methods to more fully utilize each fish caught--to relieve pressure on the resource, reduce waste released into habitat, and to benefit the fishing industry.
More information about specific Resource Enhancement and Utilization Technologies research programs can be found in the Issue Papers.

last modified 10/07/2004

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