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West Coast Groundfish Observer Program

West Coast Groundfish Observer Program

Program Leader
  Jonathan Cusick

Program Staff Directory

Observer Program FAQs

At-Sea Hake Observer Program

An observer recording fish catch information at sea.
An observer recording fish catch information at sea
The West Coast Groundfish Observer Program includes the Observer Team and collaborators from the PSMFC (Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission) that direct the program, train new observers, and manage and analyze the bycatch data. As part of this program, fisheries observers are placed on commercial fishing vessels to monitor and record catch data, including species composition of retained and discarded catch. Observers also collect critical biological data such as fish length, sex, and weight. The program currently deploys about 40 observers coast wide on the permitted trawl and fixed-gear groundfish fleet, as well as on some vessels that are part of the open-access groundfish fleet. Observers improve our understanding of fishing activities and help provide accurate accounts of total catch, bycatch, and discard associated with different fisheries and fish stocks.

For more information on the Observer Program please see FAQs and the documents below:

Contact Information
The West Coast Groundfish Observer Program can be contacted currently at the, Fishery Resource Analysis & Monitoring Division of the NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center 1-866-780-8064. Our website is with links to the West Coast Groundfish Observer Program. The Program's email address is:


last modified 06/07/2004

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