International Wildlife Conservation--Ecological Processes and Human Impacts

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International Wildlife Conservation--Ecological Processes and Human Impacts,

including management of birds migrating between North America and Central and South America, international wetlands conservation, faunal change on Pacific Islands, Division leadership in Partners in Flight, partnership in Whooping Crane Conservation, the Black Duck Joint Venture, and the Canadian Bird Banding Office.

Active projects include:

Conservation of wintering habitat for Neotropical migrant birds on a newly-created private nature reserve in Campeche, Mexico

Behavior and ecology of birds with emphasis on tropical areas

Impacts of land use changes on migratory nongame bird populations

Application of satellite imagery to the conservation of neotropical migrants in Guatemala

Determination, biological consequences, and modeling of sex-specific demographic rates in declining, threatened, or endangered metapopulations

Population dynamics of Neotropical migratory birds using agriculture-forest mosaics in southern Mexico

Other Patuxent international activities include:

Herpetological diversity of the Maya Mountains

Population dynamics of wintering neotropical migrants

Ecology and management of giant tortoises

Herpetological diversity in Guyana

Habitat use by wintering migratory birds

Systematics and status of vertebrate species of concern

Mammals of South America

Neblina project

Diversity of reptiles and amphibians

Coastal ecosystem assessment for avian species

Synchronization of bird banding records

Endangered seabird studies - Chinese Crested tern

Waterbird and coastline ecology and management

Ecology of the Brown Tree Snake

Bird banding methodology

Application of satellite technology to the conservation of endangered birds

Bird banding programs - Europe, Russia, Japan, China

Joint Workshop on Ecology and Management - France

International collaborations of Patuxent scientists

Waterfowl brood visibility from helicopters - Canada

Restoration of masked bobwhites in Sonora - Sonora, Mexico

Conservation of neotropical birds - Guatemala

Survival of Fall staging American Black Ducks - Canada

Last Updated 6/17/97