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National and Collective Security

Adam Isacson.   Altered States:   Security and Demilitarization in Central America.   Washington, DC: Center for Interrnational Policy and San Jose, Costa Rica:   Arias Foundation, 1997.

Adibe, Clement, Managing Arms in Peace Processes: Liberia (New York: United Nations, 1996), 130 pp.

Asmus, Ronald D., Opening NATO's Door: How the Alliance Remade Itself for a New Era (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002).

Bonn International Center for Conversion. Conversion Survey 1999: Global Disarmament, Demilitarization, and Demobilization   (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagesgesellschaft, 1999).

Centro Peruano De Estudios Internacionales, El Convenio Contra El Narcotrafico Entre El Peru Y Los Estados Unidos: Un Debate De Interes Nacional (Lima, Peru: CEPEI, 1991).

Cilliers, Jakkie and Mark Shaw, eds. South Africa and Peacekeeping in Africa, Volume 1 (South Africa: Institute for Defense Policy, 1995).

Cilliers, Jakkie and Greg Mills, eds.   Peacekeeping in Africa, Volume 2 (South Africa: Institute for Defence Policy, 1995.

Disarmament and Conflict Resolution Project. Managing Arms in Peace Processes: Nicaragua and El Salvador. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 1997.

Disarmament and Conflict Resolution Project. Managing Arms in Peace Processes: The Issues. Geneva: United Nations, 1996, 234 pp.

Disarmament and Conflict Resolution Project. Managing Arms in Peace Processes: Haiti. Geneva: United Nations, 1996, 110 pp.

Dominguez, Jorge I. ed.   International Security & Democracy:   Latin America and the Caribbean in the Post-Cold War Era.   (Pittsburgh, PA:   University of Pittsburgh Press), 1998.

Dominguez, Jorge I. ed.   Seguridad Internacional, Paz y Democracia en el Cono Sur.   (Santiago, Chile: FLACSO-Chile/Dialogo Inter-Americano), 1998.

Drohobycky, Maria, ed., Managing Ethnic Tension in the Post-Soviet Space   (Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1995).

Ehteshami, Anoushiravan and Raymond A. Hinnebusch.   Syria and Iran:   Middle powers in a penetrated regional system.   London and New York:   Routledge, 1997.

Faltas, Sami and Joseph Di Chiaro III, eds. Managing the Remnants of War:   Micro-Disarmament as an Element of Peace-building. (Baden-Baden:   Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2001).   237 pp.

Goodby, James, Petrus Buwalda and Dimitri Trenin, A Strategy for Stable Peace: Towards a Euroatlantic Security Community. (Washington, DC: U.S. Institute of Peace, 2001), 189 pp.

Grinker, Roy Richard, Korea and Its Futures: Unification and the Unfinished War (New York: St. Martins Press) 1998, 316 pp.

Harrison, Selig S. and Masashi Nishihara, eds. UN Peacekeeping:   Japanese and American Perspectives (Washington:   Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1995).

Karen M. Sutter, ed.Taiwan 2020:   Developments in Taiwan to 2020:   Implications for Cross-Strait Relations and U.S. Policy (Washington, D.C.:   The Atlantic Council of the United States, 1996).

Keller, Edmond J, and Donald Rothchild, Africa in the New International Order: Rethinking State Sovereignty and Regional Security (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996). 253 pp.

Killham, Edward, The Nordic Way: A Path to Baltic Equilibrium (Washington, DC: The Compass Press, 1993).

Larkin, Bruce D.   Nuclear Designs: Great Britain, France & China in the Global Governance of the Nuclear Arms Race (Transaction Publishers, 1996).

Lebow, Richard Ned and Janice Gross Stein, We All Lost the Cold War (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994).

Leng, Russell J., Bargaining and Learning in Recurring Crises:   The Soviet-American, Egyptian-Israeli, and Indo-Pakistani Rivalries (Ann Arbor:   The University of Michigan Press, 2000).

Lorenz, Joseph P. Peace, Power, and the United Nations: A Security System for the Twenty-first Century (Boulder: Westview, 1999).

Lu, Ning. Flashpoint Spratlys! (Singapore: Dolphin Books, 1995), 213 pp.

Malone, David, ed. The UN Security Council: From the Cold War to the Twenty-First Century (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004) pp. 746.

Mastny, Voltech, The Helsinki Process and the Reintegration of Europe, 1986-1991 (New York:   New York University Press, 1992).  

Miller, Benjamin, When Opponents Cooperate: Great Power Conflict and Collaboration in World Politics (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995).

Mills, Greg and John Stremlau. The Privatisation of Security in Africa (Johanasaburg, SA: The South African Institute of International Affairs, 1999). 130 pp.

O'Brien, William, Law and Morality in Israel's War with the PLO (London: Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 1991).

Oakley, Robert B., Michael J. Dziedzic, and Eliot M. Goldberg (eds.). Policing the New World Disorder: Peace Operations and Public Security. (Washington: National Defense University Press) 1988

Peterson, Sophia and Virgil Peterson, eds. Agenda for the 21st Century: Global Cooperation(Morgantown: West Virginia University, 1991).

Puschel, Karen, U.S-Israeli Cooperation in the Post Cold War Era: An American Perspective (Boulder,   CO: Westview Press, 1992).

Raevsky, Andrei. Managing Arms in Peace Processes:   Psychological Operations and
Intelligence. (New York: United Nations, 1996).

Rouvez, Alain, Disconsolate Empires: French, British and Belgian Military Involvement in Post-Colonial Sub-Saharan Africa (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994).

Smyser, Richard. From Yalta to Berlin: The Cold War Struggle Over Germany (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999).

Stern, Jessica. The Ultimate Terrorists (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999). 214 pp.

Trood, Russell and Ken Booth.   Strategic Cultures in the Asia-Pacific Region (New York:   St. Martin's Press, Inc.), 1999.

Weigel, George and John Langan, eds. The American Search for Peace: Moral Reasoning, Religious   Hope, and National Security   (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991).

Williams, Philip J. and Knut Walter.   Militarization and Demilitarization in El Salvador's Transition to   Democracy.   (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press).

Wiseman, Geoffrey, Concepts of Non-Provocative Defence: Ideas and Practices in International Security (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002).

Zimmerman, William, ed. Beyond the Soviet Threat:   Rethinking American Security Policy in the New   Era (Ann Arbor:   The University of Michigan Press), 1992.


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