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War and Violence

de Silva, K.M. and G.H. Peiris. Pursuit of Peace in Sri Lanka: Past Failures and Future Prospects (Kandy, Sri Lanka: International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 2000). 389 pp.

Jayatilleka, Dayan. The Indian Intervention in Sri Lanka, 1987-1990: The North-East Provincial Council   and Devolution of Power   (Kandy, Sri Lanka: International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 1999). 79 pp.

Funabashi, Yoichi, ed., Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific (Washington: USIP Press, 2003), pp. 238.

Gourevitch, Philip. We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We will be Killed With our Families: Stories from Rwanda (New York: Farrar Straus and Giroux, 1998).

Grinker, Roy Richard, Korea and Its Futures: Unification and the Unfinished War (New York: St. Martins Press) 1998, 316 pp.

Harkavy, Robert E. and Stephanie G. Neuman.   Warfare and the Third World. (New York:   Palgrave, 2001). 413 pp.

How Should Japan's War Responsibility Be Viewed--A Report from the Workshop on Historical Reconciliation (Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun, July 24, 01) 320 pp. (In Japanese)

Katz, Mark N.   Revolutions and Revolutionary Waves.   New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997.

Korn, David, Stalemate: The War of Attrition and Great Power Diplomacy in the Middle East, 1967-1970 (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992).

Kriesberg, Louis and Stuart Thorson, Timing the De-escalation of International Conflicts (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1991).

Kupchan, Charles, Emanuel Adler, Jean-Marc Coicaud and Yuen Foong Khong. Power in Transition (Tokyo: The United Nations University Press, 2001). 182 pp.

Licklider, Roy, ed. Stopping the Killing: How Civil Wars End (New York: New York University Press, 1993).

Miall, Hugh, The Peacemakers: Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Since 1945   (London:   MacMillan, 1992).

Midlarsky, Manus I. The Evolution of Inequality: War, State Survival and Democracy in Comparative   Perspective (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1999). 349 pp.

Mills, Greg and John Stremlau. The Privatisation of Security in Africa (Johanasaburg, SA: The South African Institute of International Affairs, 1999). 130 pp.

Parker, Richard B.   The October War:   A Retrospective.   (Gainesville:   University Press of Florida, 2001).   396 pp.

Robarchek, Clayton and Carole Robarchek.   Waorani: The Contexts of Violence and War.   (Fort Worth,TX:   Harcourt Brace, 1998).

Rummel, Rudolph,China's Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900   (New Brunswick:   Transaction Books, 1991).

Rummel, Rudolph, Death By Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900   (New Brunswick:   Transaction Books, 1994).

Rummel, Rudolph, Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder (New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1992).

Rummel, Rudolph, Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1917 (New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1990).

Rummel, Rudolph, The Conflict Helix: Principles and Practices of Interpersonal, Social, and International Conflict and Cooperation (New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1991).

Russett, Bruce, Grasping the Democratic Peace: Principles for a Post-Cold War World (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993).  

Stanley, William.   The Protection Racket State: Elite Politics, Military Extortion, and Civil War in El Salvador (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996).

Walt, Stephen. Revolution and War (Cornell, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996).

Wiseman, Geoffrey, Concepts of Non-Provocative Defence: Ideas and Practices in International Security (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002).


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