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RSS Feeds


XML gif for Breaking News RSS feed Breaking News

XML gif for Image of the Day RSS feed Image of the Day

XML gif for Science at NASA RSS feed Science@NASA

Previous Topics

XML gif for Hurricane RSS feeds Hurricane Ivan

XML gif for Hurricane RSS feeds Hurricane Jeanne

Here is an example of how RSS feeds could be displayed using a Java reader within your web page. In this case we're displaying the content from the NASA "Breaking News" RSS feed:

Special Feature

RSS Readers can automatically detect and display when changes have been made to the news items and are often available for download free of charge.

If you are interested in dowloading an RSS reader, search for "RSS Reader" in your favorite web search tool.

The java applet reader used on this page is called RSSApplet and is available free of charge via the GNU Public License

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Editor: Jim Wilson
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar
Last Updated: October 21, 2004
+ Contact NASA