Gene Knockout/Transgenic Mice
NIAID Exchange Program

To foster increased availability to the scientific community of immunologically-related, gene-targeted mouse strains, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has instituted a special partnership with Taconic Farms, Inc., called the NIAID Exchange Program. The costs of this Program are partially underwritten by extramural NIAID funds to provide ready access to emerging mouse models. The strains chosen for the Exchange Program were selected by the NIAID Mouse Repository Committee based on expected interest to the scientific community and degree of genetic standardization and phenotypic characterization. The 5 strains currently available are:

  • [Tg]TCR 5CC7 (cytochrome c-reactive) and [KO]Rag2, B10.A bkg
  • [Tg]TCR P14 (LCMV-reactive) and [KO]Rag2, C57BL/6xC57BL/10SgSnAi bkg
  • [KO]IL-6, BALB.B bkg
  • [KO]gc chain and [KO]Rag2, C57BL/6xC57BL/10SgSnAi bkg
  • [KO]Nos2, C57BL/6Ai bkg

For more information, contact Taconic at or at 518-537-6208, or access the Taconic Web Site at

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