Fruit and Vegetable Programs

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AMS Fruit and Vegetable Programs [PDF]
January 2004

Digital Imaging Inspection Service [PDF]
October 2001

Commodity Procurement [PDF]
December 2003

Developing a Research and Promotion Program [PDF]
May 1998

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grading and Quality Certification [PDF]
March 2003

Fruit and Vegetable Imports Requirements
English [PDF] March 2003
Spanish [PDF] March 2003

Governmentwide Food Quality Assurance [PDF]
May 1998

Fruit and Vegetable Market News [PDF]
March 2003

Federal Marketing Orders [PDF]
January 2004

PACA Fact Finder
English [Text]
Spanish [Text] [PDF]
Korean [PDF]
November 1997

Research and Promotion Programs [PDF]
October 2004

Processed Products Grading and Certification [PDF]
April 2003

The publications listed above are brochures that describe the services provided by different branches of the Fruit and Vegetable Programs. Send requests to: USDA, AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Stop Code 0235, Room 2077-S, Washington, D.C. 20250-0235


Fresh Products Inspection

7 CFR Part 51 U.S. Standards for Grades of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (individual)
First copy free, extra copies 10 cents per page

Guidelines For Developing or Revising U.S. Standards for Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts

U.S. Standards and Inspection Instructions for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and Other Special Products
January 1998

U.S. Grade Standards for Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Other Products [PDF]
January 2001

Partners In Quality
March 1997

Fresh Products Branch Offers Digital Imaging
March 1998

Digital Imaging Inspection Services
March 1998

Send requests to: USDA, AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Fresh Products Branch, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Stop Code 0240, Room 1661-S, Washington, D.C. 20250-0240.


Food Quality Assurance

7 CFR Part 42.101-143 U.S. Standards for Condition of Food Containers
February 1984

Visual Aids for Inspection of Glass Containers
August 1980

Visual Aids for Inspection of Flexible Containers
December 1966

Visual Aids for Inspection of Metal Containers
June 1978

Visual Aids for Inspection of Rigid and Semirigid Containers
May 1994

Commercial Item Descriptions (CID's) for Food Items (individual)

Governmentwide Food Quality Assurance Program Interagency Functional Directory
(revised annually) lists agencies and organizations involved in Federal food activities

NOTE: The visual aid publications provide detailed information on each type of container.

Send requests to: USDA, AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Head, Food Quality Assurance Staff, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Stop Code 0243, Room 2506-S, Washington, D.C. 20250-0243.


Fruit and Vegetable Market News

The International Report: Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Ornamental Crops
U.S. $240 yearly, Other countries $480 yearly

Fruit and Vegetable Market News Users Guide [PDF]
May 2004

Send requests for the two publications listed above to: USDA, AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Market News Branch, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Stop Code 0238, Room 2503-S, Washington, D.C. 20250-0238.

A listing of all market news reports and publications, including costs and subscription information.

Send subscription requests to: USDA, AMS, Market News Customer Service Center, 2202 Monterey Street, Suite 104-A, Fresno, California 93721


Federal Marketing Orders

PA 1095 Marketing Agreements and Orders for Fruits and Vegetables
January 1991

Export Fruit Acts: Questions and Answers
updated September 1990

Marketing Agreement and Order Operational Manual

Send requests to: USDA, AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Marketing Order Administration Branch, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Stop Code 0237, Room. 2525- S, Washington, D.C. 20250-0237.



PACA Fact Finder
English [Text]
Spanish [Text] [PDF]
Korean [PDF]
updated November 1997

Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930 and Regulations
December 1997
Not including rules of practice

Highlights of 1995 PACA Legislation [PDF]

PACA Basics for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry

Rules of Practice Governing Formal Adjudicatory Administrative Proceedings Instituted by the Secretary
April 1996

Rules of Practice Under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930
December 1981
Not including formal disciplinary proceedings

Send requests to: USDA, AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, PACA Branch, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Stop Code 0242, Room 2095-S, Washington, D.C. 20250-0242.


Processed Products Inspection

7 CFR Part 52 U.S. Standards for Grades of  Processed Fruits and Vegetables (individual)
First copy free, additional copies 20 cents per page

105-A-2 List of U.S. Standards and Grading Manuals for Processed Fruits, Vegetables and Related Products [Text]
November 1997

105-A-15 Visual Aids Approved for Use in Ascertaining Grades of Processed Fruits and Vegetables [Text]
November 1999
Includes licensed supplier information

Processed Products Grading and Certification [PDF]
April 2003

Processed Products...Plant Surveys [PDF]
June 2003

Processed Products...Plant Systems Audit [PDF]
June 2004

Processed Products...Qualified Through Verification [PDF]
October 2000

Send requests to: USDA, AMS, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Processed Products Branch, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Stop Code 0247, Room 0709-S, Washington, D.C. 20250-0247.