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Kay King
Office of Congressional and Public Affairs
Phone: (202) 429-3832
Fax:    (202) 429-6063
E-mail: publicaffairs@usip.org

Erin Boeke Burke
Program Assistant
Office of Congressional and Public Affairs
Phone: (202) 429-3832
Fax:    (202) 429-6063
E-mail: publicaffairs@usip.org

Kuimba Boston
Office Assistant
Office of Congressional and Public Affairs
Phone: (202) 429-3832
Fax:    (202) 429-6063
E-mail: publicaffairs@usip.org

Latest Institute Resources

Focus on Iraq
A comprehensive collection of Institute resources on Iraq including reports, Newsbytes, library resources, events, and more.

August 26, 2004 - Promoting Values as Critical as Military Force in Combatting Terrorism, Rice Says
Institute Newsbyte explores highlights from August 19 address by National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice at the Institute.

July 19, 2004 - Serbia Takes a Step in the Right Direction
USIPBriefing analyzes the outcome of the recent presidential elections in Serbia and their likely impact.

June 8, 2004 - The Broader Middle East and North Africa: Major Challenges Ahead
Institute Newsbyte examines the latest iteration of the U.S. initiative to promote democracy in the Middle East.

June 2, 2004 - Kosovo and Serbia: Still in Need of a Plan
New USIPeace Briefing addresses the root causes of the violence and possible solutions.

May 21, 2004 - The U.S. Mission in Iraq After June 30: Views from State and Defense
Institute Newsbyte examines the challenges ahead for the June 30 transition in Iraq.

April 15, 2004 - Kosovo: Status with Standards
Institute Newsbyte examines steps the international community can take to address the recent riots in Kosovo and prepare for eventual final status negotiations.

March 12, 2004 - Serbia Needs a Push in the Right Direction
Institute Newsbyte explores the current political situation in Serbia and examines potential policy options for the international community to promote regional stability.

February 26, 2004 - Iraq and its Neighbors: A Regional Architecture is Needed
Institute Newsbyte examines how regime change in Iraq has affected regional politics and potential roles for regional actors in the reconstruction of Iraq.

News Release

Senate Recognizes Institute of Peace as National Resource on Its 20th Anniversary

July 27, 2004

WASHINGTON—On July 22, the Senate approved S. Con Res. 109, which honors the United States Institute of Peace on the 20th anniversary of its establishment. Sponsored by Senators Daniel Inouye (D-HI), John Warner (R-VA), and Tom Harkin (D-IA), the resolution underscores the role of the Institute as a "source of innovative ideas and practical policy analysis on peacemaking in zones of conflict around the world."

Institute Seal

In introducing the resolution, Senator Inouye called the Institute "a unique national treasure," and added that it has been “a pioneer in promoting the study and application of non-military approaches to the prevention, management, and resolution of conflict." He noted that the Institute of Peace "has played key roles facilitating the management of critical conflict situations. . ." during its 20-year history, and is currently utilizing its expertise in Iraq.

The resolution recognizes the Congressional founders of the Institute, including the late Senators Spark Matsunaga of Hawaii and William Jennings Randolph of West Virginia, among many others. Senator Inouye observed that these founders, who "supported elevating the importance of peace education in our national dialogue, would be proud of the way the Institute has grown and adapted to the ever-changing world."

The resolution acknowledges the educational work of the Institute both in developing curricula in conflict zones and in attracting new generations of U.S. high school students to the international affairs field. It also points to the importance of the Institute’s work in training thousands of government officials, military and law enforcement personnel, and humanitarian workers in the conflict resolution skills critical to peacemaking. The Institute is also acknowledged for its research, grant making, public education, and unique focus on rule of law and religious dialogue. In addition, the resolution highlights the Institute’s applied work in zones of conflict around the world—the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Afghanistan, and Iraq—where it is currently very active in post-conflict stabilization and peacebuilding efforts.

Additional Online Resources

Created by Congress in 1984, the U.S. Institute of Peace is an independent, non-partisan federal institution dedicated to research, education, professional training, and policy development on matters of international conflict prevention, management, and resolution.



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