This fixed amount award is subject to the Federal Demonstration Partnership
General Terms and Conditions (FDP-III) (7/1/96) and the NSF Agency-Specific
Requirements (7/96), except as modified below or in the award letter.

The following articles are deleted in their entirety:

Article	  2.	Allowable Costs and Prior Approvals
Article	  3.	Programs or Related Projects
Article	  6.	NonCompetitive or Continuation Award
Article	13.	Preaward Costs
Article	14.	Extensions without Additional Funds
Article	15.	Equipment and Real Property
Article	16.	Alteration and Renovation
Article	18.	Financial Management System

Under NSF Agency-Specific Requirements, the following Other Additional
Requirements are deleted in their entirety:

No. 2.	Cost Sharing and Cost Sharing Records
No. 3.	Consultant Services

The following Other Additional Requirements Apply:

No. 6	Type of Award

        The grant letter specifies a pre-determined fixed amount of NSF
support for the project described in the referenced grant proposal.  This
amount is based upon the budget approved by NSF for the referenced grant
proposal as amended.  NSF anticipates that the full award amount will be paid
without regard to the actual cost subsequently incurred.  The award is not
subject to the Federal Cost Principles (e.g. OMB Circular A-21), except
insofar as provided under Article 24, "Termination and Enforcement."

        Final payment of this amount is subject to grantee's acceptance and
compliance with the award terms and conditions which include undertaking the
proposed activity and expending the approximate person-months of effort
proposed for the Principal Investigator and the timely delivery to NSF of any
required reports.  The grantee also agrees to comply with applicable Federal
requirements for grants and to the prudent management of all expenditures and
actions affecting the grant.

        The results of this activity and effort are to be documented in the
form of reports as required by these Articles, or as specified in the grant
letter.  The final performance report shall include a certification by an
authorized grantee institutional official that the approximate person-months
of effort proposed by the Principal Investigator were indeed performed.

No. 7	Equipment

a.      Purchase.  No item of equipment over $5,000, other than items
identified in the approved budget, may be purchased without the advance
written approval of the cognizant NSF Program Officer.

b.      Title.  Title to equipment purchased with grant funds shall pass
directly to the Government from the vendor.  Within 30 days from the date of
delivery by the vendor, the Grantee shall furnish the Foundation Property
Management Officer with a full description of the equipment, including model
and serial number, acquisition cost (including transportation charges), and
the date of  acquisition.  The Grantee shall be responsible for property
control over Government equipment until such time as it is disposed of as
directed by the Government.

c.      Disposition.  Upon expiration of the grant, the Grantee shall provide
the cognizant NSF Program Officer with a listing of all equipment purchased
with grant funds.  This listing should include the acquisition cost and
current estimated value of each piece of equipment as well as a recommendation
from the Grantee regarding appropriate disposition.  If the Grantee wishes to
retain the property for continued use, the Grantee should also include a
statement of the intended use as well as an indication of whether it is
willing to purchase the equipment from the Government.  Upon consideration of
information provided by the Grantee and other relevant information, the
Government will determine appropriate disposition of the equipment and will
provide the Grantee with disposition instructions.

No 8.	Subcontract Requirements

        Any proposed subcontract over $5,000, other than those identified in
the approved budget, must be forwarded to the NSF Grants Officer for approval.
The proposed subcontract must be approved prior to its issuance.

FAA/FDP (7/96)