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May 26, 2004 Oral Bacterium Linked To Preterm Births in Mice
For years, scientists have noticed a particular oral bacterium can be found in the amniotic fluid of about 20 percent of women with premature babies. more...
May 4, 2004 Periodontal Disease: Early Progress Reported in Tissue Engineering
Scientists have long known that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) has the potential to help regenerate the lost bone and soft tissue that occurs with advanced periodontal, or gum, disease. The problem always has been finding a way to administer PDGF that prevents scissor-like enzymes in the wound from snipping the growth factor to pieces and degrading it before complete regeneration can occur. more...
May 4, 2004 Scientists Identify Candidate Genes in Tumor Regression
cientists discovered several years ago that interleukin-12, a protein that immune cells secrete in response to an invading pathogen, can also alert disease-fighting T cells to recognize, attack, and remember tumor cells for months to come. But as researchers have developed Il-12 as a possible treatment for cancer, they have found the protein or its gene is most effective when injected directly into tumors, not infused into the bloodstream. more...
May 3, 2004 Animal Studies Show Promise Treating Severe Chronic Pain
Researchers may be on the trail of a new and more targeted treatment for severe chronic pain. In the current issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, a team of scientists established in a series of animal studies the therapeutic potential of selectively deleting specific nerve cells from the nervous system that convey severe chronic pain. more...
March 29, 2004 Scientists Finish Sequencing Genome of Oral Pathogen
In the late 1600s, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the renowned “father of microbiology,” peered through a microscope and noticed an unusual thread-like oral spirochete...more...
March 10, 2004 Researchers Report Progress in Salivary Gland Gene Transfer
Two years ago, scientists reported exciting news in the development of gene therapy for the salivary gland. more...
February 25, 2004 NIDCR Patient Overcomes Obstacles, Helps Others
At first, it might seem odd that someone who had to spend a lot of time in the dental chair would choose to become a dentist. more...
January 22, 2004 Gene Therapy in Salivary Glands Could Lead to Promising Applications in Oral Diseases
Although gene therapy has shown much promise over the past decade, one of its major challenges continues to be controlling the expression of a transplanted gene once it has been delivered into a cell. more...
December 1, 2003 Scientists Report Early Progress in Tissue Engineering Mandibular Condyle
Researchers have long dreamed of engineering new knees, hips and other body joints in the laboratory from a person's own bone and cartilage producing adult stem cells. more...
October 22, 2003 Gene Therapy Shows Promise in Treating Sjogren’s Syndrome in an Animal Model
Researchers have reported the first successful use of gene therapy to limit salivary gland inflammation and preserve saliva flow in a mouse model of Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disorder that can render people unable to produce saliva or tears. more...
August 4, 2003 Scientists Report Important Lead in Studying Possible Association Between Periodontal and Cardiovascular Disease
Scientists have hypothesized that people with chronic gum, or periodontal, disease may be predisposed to heart disease and stroke. more...
July 17, 2003 Scientist Report Key Discovery in Organ Development
Within weeks of fertilization, one of the great mysteries of life occurs: The heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs begin to appear in the fetus. more...
July 3, 2003 Scientists Create Mouse Model That Mimics Human Dental Disorder
A team led by scientists at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) has created a mouse model with tooth defects similar to those of people with dentinogenesis imperfecta III.  more...
April 21 , 2003 Scientists Discover Unique Source of Postnatal Stem Cells
Scientists report for the first time that "baby" teeth, the temporary teeth that children begin losing around their sixth birthday, contain a rich supply of stem cells in their dental pulp. more..
March 27 , 2003 Scientists Report Important New Data in Adult Stem Cell Debate Developmental biologists have long maintained that adult stem cells cannot be reprogrammed. Once a stem cell commits to a specific tissue, such as the brain, it can’t turn back its biological clock and become blood, bone, or any other type of adult stem cell. more..
October 17 , 2002 Scientists Turn Early Fat Cells into Bone Cells in the Laboratory
In the 1970s, researchers discovered that adult progenitor cells in the bone marrow can differentiate into a variety of different cell tissue types, such as bone, fat, or cartilage. With this finding, scientists also began to wonder: Once a progenitor cell has committed initially to become a fat cell, for instance, is it possible to influence the cell to turn back and become another cell type instead? more...
October 16 , 2002 Scientists Decipher Genome Sequence of S.Mutans
Scientists have deciphered the complete genome sequence of Streptococcus mutans, the main organism implicated in causing tooth decay. The scientists have made each piece of sequencing data freely available online during the course of the four-year project. Supported by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), the sequencing project was carried out by researchers at the University of Oklahoma. more...
October 1 , 2002 Scientists Identify Key Gene Involved in Cleft Lip and Palate
Scientists report in this month's Nature Genetics they have discovered the gene that causes Van der Woude syndrome, the most common of the syndromic forms of cleft lip and palate.  The term "syndromic" means babies are born with cleft lip and palate, in addition to other birth defects. more...
July 1, 2002 Scientists Report New Resin Matrix Passes Initial Tests
Scientists report in this month's issue of the journal Dental Materials that two synthetic molecules designed in their laboratory to improve the durability of composite fillings had acceptable strength and good biocompatibity during initial tests. more...
June 4, 2002 Scientists Extend Life Span of Adult Bone Marrow Stromal Stem Cells
Scientists report for the first time that under laboratory conditions they have more than doubled the life span of adult stem cells from the bone marrow, while also enhancing their natural ability to form new bone and possibly cartilage. more...
April 1, 2002 Scientists Discover First Gene Involved in Gum Overgrowth
Dental researchers have known for decades that some people are born with gums that grow abnormally over their teeth. What they have never known is what? more...
December 21, 2001 Scientists Discover Key Signaling Protein
October 1, 2001 NIDCR Funds Centers for Research to Reduce Oral Health Disparities
June 12, 2001 Scientists Sequence Genome of Major Periodontal Disease Bacterium
March 28, 2001 More Rigorous Studies Needed to Advance Emerging Dental Caries Diagnostic and Management Strategies, Says NIH Consensus Panel

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