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The Advocacy Center

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Our mission is to coordinate U.S. Government resources
and authority in order to level the playing field on behalf
of U.S. business interests as they compete against foreign firms for specific international contracts or other U.S.
export opportunities. In doing so, the Advocacy Center helps create and retain U.S. jobs through exports.
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The Advocacy Center was established to support and expand the U.S. export base. Exporting today means more than just selling a product or service at a competitive price. It also means dealing with foreign governments. That's where we step in. In short, we are your advocates!


The Advocacy Center helps to ensure that sales of U.S. products and services have the best possible chance abroad. In fact, in fiscal year 2002, the U.S. advocacy network--within which the Advocacy Center operates--assisted in 76 projects that led to contracts totaling $18.6 billion with roughly $8.7 billion in U.S. exports. By our estimates, that's over 82,000 jobs! In pursuing foreign business opportunities, we encourage you and your company to contact us early and often!



The Advocacy Center joins the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service and now oversees the Commercial Officers at the Multilateral Development Banks. To learn more . . .



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Contact Information

U.S. Department of Commerce
The Advocacy Center
14th Street & Constitution
Avenue, NW, Rm. 3814-A
Washington, DC 20230
Office No.: (202) 482-3896
Fax No.: (202) 482-3508