Evidence Report/Technology Assessment Number 25

The Efficacy of Interventions to Modify Dietary Behavior Related to Cancer Risk

Volume 1. Evidence Report and Appendices
Volume 2. Evidence Tables

File Inventory

Prepared by:

Research Triangle Institute, Research TrianglePark, NC (RTI)-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC (UNC) Evidence-based Practice Center
Alice Ammerman, Dr. P.H., R.D.
   Principal Investigator (UNC)
Christine Lindquist, Ph.D.
   Co-Principal Investigator (RTI)
James Hersey, Ph.D. (RTI)
Anne M. Jackman, M.S.W. (UNC)
Norma I. Gavin, Ph.D. (RTI)
Cristina Garces, B.A. (RTI)
Kathleen N. Lohr, Ph.D. (RTI)
Timothy S. Cary, M.D., M.P.H (UNC)
B. Lynn Whitener, Dr. PH, M.S.L.S. (UNC)

File Name		Description			Software	Version		File	Size
01front.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		27KB	4 pages
Contents: Front Cover, Title Page, Preface

02abstr.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		27KB	2 pages
Contents: Structured Abstract

03conts.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		26KB	2 pages
Contents: Table of Contents

04summ.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		42KB	7 pages
Contents: Summary

05chap1.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		155KB	7 pages
Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction: Background and Significance; Analytic Framework; 
Primary Objectives and Scope of the Evidence Report; Key Clinical Questions; 
Technical Expert Advisory Group (TEAG); Organization of the Report; 
Figure 1. Hypothesized Analytical Framework: Efficacy of Behavioral Dietary Interventions 
to Reduce Cancer Risk

06chap2.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		166KB	35 pages
Contents: Chapter 2. Methodology: Literature Identification; Literature Search; 
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria; Data Collection; Abstractors and Training; 
Change in Abstraction Process; Data Abstraction Form; Rating the Quality of the Evidence; 
Development of the Evidence Tables; Analysis Approach; Meta-Analysis; Standardized Analysis 
of the Magnitude of the Intervention Effect; Analysis of the Significance of the 
Intervention Effect; Relative Effectiveness of Interventions; 
Table 1. Expanded literature search results using MEDLINE (1966 to present); 
Table 2. Literature search results using EMBASE (Excerpta Medica); 
Table 3. Literature search results using PsycINFO; 
Table 4. Literature search results using Cumulative Index to Nursing and 
Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); 
Table 5. Literature search results using AGELINE; 
Table 6. Literature search results using AGRICOLA; 
Table 7. Literature search results pertaining to "Meta-Analysis and Diet Counseling" 
using MEDLINE; 
Table 8. Literature search results pertaining to "Counseling" using MEDLINE; 
Table 9. Literature search results pertaining to "Meta-Analysis and Cancer" using MEDLINE; 
Table 10. Literature search results pertaining to "Diet and Cancer" using MEDLINE; 
Table 11. Literature search results pertaining to "Diet Therapy" using MEDLINE; 
Table 12. Literature search summary; 
Table 13. Inclusion/exclusion criteria; 
Table 14. Reasons for Exclusion; 
Table 15. Illustration of the Calculation of the Difference in Change in Total Fat Intake 
Between Groups; 
Table 16. Illustration of the Calculation of the Difference in Percentage Change in Fruit 
and Vegetable Intake Between Groups at Multiple Follow-Up Periods

07chap3.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		1.9MB	93 pages
Contents: Chapter 3. Results: General Overview of Interventions Reviewed; Intervention Setting 
and Population Characteristics; Intervention Characteristics and Study Quality; Dietary Outcomes; 
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption; Meta-Analysis; Standardized Analysis of the Magnitude 
of the Intervention Effect; Overall Magnitude of Effects; Duration of Effects; Effects by 
Population Characteristics; Effects by Intervention Characteristics; Analysis of the 
Significance of the Intervention Effect; Overall Magnitude of Effects; Effects by 
Population Characteristics; Effects by Intervention Characteristics; Dietary Fat Consumption; 
Meta-Analysis; Group 1. School-Based Interventions with Healthy Children; Group 2. Worksite 
and Community Interventions with Healthy Adults; Group 3. Healthcare Setting Interventions 
with Healthy Adults; Group 4. Healthcare Setting Interventions with High-Risk Adults; 
Group 5. Healthcare Setting Interventions with Adults Diagnosed with Specific Diseases; 
Summary of Meta-Analysis Findings; Standardized Analysis of the Magnitude of the Intervention 
Effect; Overall Magnitude of Effects; Duration of Effects; Effects by Population Characteristics;
Effects by Intervention Characteristics; Corroboration of Changes in Dietary Fat Outcomes 
Using Biochemical Indicators; Analysis of the Significance of the Intervention Effect;
Overall Magnitude of Effects; Effects by Population Characteristics; Effects by 
Intervention Characteristics; 
Figure 2. Plotted Estimates of the Mean Differences in Change in Total Fat Intake 
(Percentage of Energy) Between Intervention and Control Groups for Group 1 
(School-Based Interventions with Healthy Children); 
Figure 3. Plotted Estimates of the Mean Differences in Change in Total Fat Intake 
(Percentage of Energy) Between Intervention and Control Groups for Group 2 
(Worksite and Communit Interventions with Healthy Adults); 
Figure 4. Plotted Estimates of the Mean Differences in Change in Total Fat Intake 
(Percentage of Energy) Between Intervention and Control Groups for Group 3 
(Health Care Setting Interventions with Healthy Adults); 
Figure 5. Plotted Estimates of the Mean Differences in Change in Total Fat Intake 
(Percentage of Energy) Between Intervention and Control Groups for Group 4 
(Health Care Setting Interventions with High-Risk Adults); 
Figure 6. Plotted Estimates of the Mean Differences in Change in Total Fat Intake 
(Percentage of Energy) Between Intervention and Control Groups for Group 5 
(Health Care Setting Interventions with Disease-Diagnosed Adults); 
Table 17. Median differences between intervention and control groups in percentage change 
in fruit and vegetable intake; 
Table 18. Median differences in percentage change in fruit and vegetable intake between 
intervention and control groups at Follow-Up 1 and 2; 
Table 19. Median differences in percentage change in fruit and vegetable outcomes 
by demographic and intervention characteristics; 
Table 20. Differences in the proportion of studies reporting significant intervention effects 
for fruit and vegetable outcomes by demographic and intervention characteristics; 
Table 21. Mean differences in change in total fat (percentage of energy) between intervention 
and control groups; 
Table 22. Median differences in percentage change in dietary fat intake between intervention 
and control groups; 
Table 23. Median differences in percentage change in dietary fat intake between intervention 
and control groups at Follow-Up 1 and 2; 
Table 24. Median differences in percentage change in dietary fat outcomes by demographic 
and intervention characteristics; 
Table 25. Median differences in percentage change in dietary fat outcomes and 
total blood cholesterol; 
Table 26. Differences in the proportion of studies reporting a significant intervention effect 
for change in dietary fat outcomes by demographic and intervention characteristics

08chap4.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		53KB	8 pages
Contents: Chapter 4. Conclusions: Fruits and Vegetables; Key Questions Addressed in the Report; 
Key Questions Addressed in the Report; Question 1: Comparative Effectiveness of Interventions; 
Question 2: Effectiveness of Interventions by Subgroups; Question 3: Cost-Effectiveness of 
Interventions; Our Analytic Approach--Advantages, Disadvantages, and Interpretation; 
Broad Impact of Behavioral Dietary Interventions to Reduce Cancer Risk; Meta-Analysis Results; 
Other Analyses; Conclusions Based on Key Questions; Question 1: Comparative Effectiveness of 
Interventions; Question 2: Effectiveness of Interventions by Subgroups; Question 3: 
Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions; Possible Harm

09chap5.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		41KB	6 pages
Contents: Chapter 5. Future Research: Interventions and Population Subgroups Requiring 
Additional Study; Intervention Setting; Cost-Effectiveness; Intervention Intensity, Follow-Up, 
and Maintenance; Understudied Population Subgroups; Recommendations About Study Design, 
Measurement, and Reporting; Study Design; Measures; Reporting; Summary

10refs.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		57KB	7 pages
Contents: References

11biblio.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		258KB	42 pages
Contents: Bibliography

12appa.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		37KB	6 pages
Contents: Appendix A. Acknowledgments

13appb.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		205KB	29 pages
Contents: Appendix B. Data Abstraction Form

14appc.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		28KB	2 pages
Contents: Appendix C. Quality Rating Form

15appd.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		45KB	7 pages
Contents: Appendix D. Description of Evidence Tables

16appe.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		33KB	3 pages
Contents: Appendix E. Glossary

17frntv2.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		23KB	3 pages
Contents: Volume 2 Cover and Title Page

18etbl1.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		245KB	56 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 1. Interventions to modify dietary behavior: School settings

19etbl2.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		689KB	183 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 2. Interventions to modify dietary behavior: Health care settings

20etbl3.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		165KB	36 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 3. Interventions to modify dietary behavior: Worksite settings

21etbl4.doc		Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	97 SR-1		354KB	101 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 4. Interventions to modify dietary behavior: Community/other settings

AHRQ Publication No. 01-E029
Current as of June 2001

Internet Citation:

The Efficacy of Interventions to Modify Dietary Behavior Related to Cancer Risk. File Inventory, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment Number 25. AHRQ Publication No. 01-E029, June 2001. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/dietbinv.htm

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