Evidence Report/Technology Assessment Number 49

Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Echocardiography and Carotid Imaging in the Management of Stroke

File Inventory

Prepared by:

Oregon Health & Science University
Evidence-based Practice Center

Richard T. Meenan, Ph.D., M.P.H.
   Principal Investigator
Somnath Saha, M.D., M.P.H.
   Co-Principal Investigator
Roger Chou, M.D.
Karleen Swarztrauber, M.D., M.P.H.
Kathryn Pyle Krages, A.M.L.S., M.A.
Maureen O'Keefee-Rosetti, M.S.
Marian McDonagh, Pharm.D.
Benjamin K.S. Chan, M.S.
Mark C. Hornbrook, Ph.D.
Mark Helfand, M.D., M.P.H., EPC Director

File Name	Description				Software	Version	File	Size
01front.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	57KB	7 pages
Contents: Front Cover, Title Page, Preface, Structured Abstract
02conts.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	36KB	3 pages
Contents: Table of Contents
03summ.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	97KB	15 pages
Contents: Summary: Overview, Reporting the Evidence, Methodology, Findings, Future Research
04chap1.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	144KB	8 pages
Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction: Diagnostic Test Technology, Scope and Key Questions
05chap2.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	44KB	6 pages
Contents: Chapter 2. Methods: Development of Key Questions, Technical Expert Advisory Group, 
Literature Search, Data Abstraction, Assessment of Study Quality, Synthesis of Evidence, 
Cost-Effectiveness Methods
06tbl1.doc	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	20KB	2 pages
Contents: Table 1. Inclusion/exclusion criteria for studies
07chap3.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	868KB	42 pages
Contents: Chapter 3. Results - Echocardiography: 1. Which clinically inapparent abnormalities 
identified by echocardiography among patients presenting with new ischemic brain syndrome represent 
risk factors recurrent stroke? 2. What is the yield of echocardiography in detecting potential sources 
of cardioembolism among patients with a new ischemic brain syndrome? 3. What are the operating 
characteristics (sensitivities, specificities, and likelihood rations) of transthoracic and 
transesophageal echocardiography in detecting potential sources of cardioembolic stroke?
4. What are the incidence and nature of complications associated with transesophageal echocardiography?
5. Are there clinically identifiable groups of patients with new ischemic brain syndrome who benefit 
from anticoagulation? 6. Are there echocardiographically identifiable groups of patients with new 
ischemic brain syndrome who benefit from anticoagulation? Cost Effectiveness of Echocardiography
08fig1.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	1.1MB	3 pages
Contents: Figure 1. Summary receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for the diagnosis of 
intracardiac thrombus with echocardiography
09fig2.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	94KB	2 page
Contents: Figure 2. Estimates of true and false positive test results for a hypothetical cohort 
of 1000 patients with stroke undergoing echocardiography for the detection of intracardiac thrombus: 
effect of varying prevalence estimates
10fig3.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	24KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 3. Echocardiography decision tree
11fig4.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	21KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 4. Markov diagram--Post-treatment health states (echo model)
12fig5.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	18KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 5. Effect of Baseline Life Expectancy on Cost-Effectiveness of TEE in Patients 
with a History of Cardiac Disease (Cardiac History/TEE)
13fig6.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	62KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 6. Cost-effectiveness of TEE as a function of 1) intracardiac thrombus prevalence, 
and 2) the relative risk (RR) of recurrent stroke with anticoagulation compared to aspirin 
(for patients with thrombus)
14tbl2.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	28KB	1 page
Contents: Table 2. Potential sources of cardioembolic stroke
15tbl3.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	26KB	1 page
Contents: Table 3. Evidence for independent association between clinically inapparent 
echocardiographic lesions and stroke
16tbl4.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	31KB	1 page
Contents: Table 4. Echocardiography model testing strategies
17tbl5.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	31KB	1 page
Contents: Table 5. Health state definitions with associated Rankin Disability Scale categories
18tbl6.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	28KB	3 pages
Contents: Table 6. Parameter List-Echocardiography
19tbl7.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	16KB	1 page
Contents: Table 7. Baseline echocardiography results
20tbl8.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	58KB	4 pages
Contents: Table 8. Sensitivity analyses--Echocardiography
21chap4.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	659KB	26 pages
Contents: Chapter 4. Results - Carotid Imaging: 1. What are the operating characteristics of 
available tests for measuring carotid artery stenosis? 2. What is the incidence of complications 
associated with cerebral angiography? 3. What is the efficacy of carotid endarterectomy in reducing 
the rate of recurrent stroke among symptomatic patients with carotid artery stenosis? 4. What is 
the incidence of complications associated with carotid endarterectomy? 5. Does timing affect the 
safety of carotid endarterectomy? Cost-effectiveness of Carotid Imaging
22fig7.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	5.0MB	2 pages
Contents: Figure 7. Summary receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for the diagnosis of 
carotid artery stenosis using carotid ultrasound (CUS), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), or both
23fig8.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	24KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 8. Carotid Imaging decision tree
24fig9.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	19KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 9. Markov diagram--Post-treatment health states (carotid model)
25fig10.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	17KB	2 pages
Contents: Figure 10. Effect of Baseline Life Expectancy on Cost-Effectiveness of MRA with 
Direct Referral of Patients with Severe (70-99 percent) Stenosis for CEA (MRA-70 percent)
26fig11.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	36KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 11. Cost effectiveness of 1) CUS with Angiographic Confirmation for Severe 
(70-99 percent) Stenosis (CUS/Angio-70 percent), and 2) MRA with Direct Referral to CEA for 
Severe Stenosis (MRA-70 percent), as a Function of the Prevalence of Severe Stenosis
27tbl9.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	37KB	1 page
Contents: Table 9. Pooled accuracy of carotid ultrasound
28tbl10.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	41KB	1 page
Contents: Table 10. Pooled accuracy of magnetic resonance angiography
29tbl11.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	53KB	1 page
Contents: Table 11. Aggregate operating characteristics of carotid ultrasound at maximal accuracy 
and varying diagnostic thresholds
30tbl12.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	34KB	1 page
Contents: Table 12. Aggregate operating characteristics of magnetic resonance angiography 
at maximal accuracy and varying diagnostic thresholds
31tbl13.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	33KB	1 page
Contents: Table 13. Aggregate operating characteristics of combined carotid ultrasound 
and magnetic resonance angiography at maximal accuracy and varying diagnostic thresholds
32tbl14.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	17KB	1 page
Contents: Table 14. Outcomes of diagnostic testing for carotid stenosis in 1000 hypothetical 
patients with stroke: effect of varying prevalence
33tbl15.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	18KB	1 page
Contents: Table 15. Perioperative (30-day) complication rates of carotid endarterectomy, 
stratified by study characteristics
34tbl16.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	37KB	1 page
Contents: Table 16. Carotid imaging model testing strategies
35tbl17.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	38KB	6 pages
Contents: Table 17. Parameter List-Carotid Imaging
36tbl18.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	17KB	1 page
Contents: Table 18. Baseline carotid imaging results
37tbl19.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	118KB	5 pages
Contents: Table 19. Sensitivity analyses--Carotid imaging
38chap5.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	59KB	8 pages
Contents: Chapter 5. Conclusions: Echocardiography, Carotid Imaging
39tbl20.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	25KB	2 pages
Contents: Table 20. Overall Quality and Summary of Evidence for Each Key Question 
40chap6.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	26KB	2 pages
Contents: Chapter 6. Recommendations for Future Research: Echocardiography, Carotid Imaging
41refs.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	127KB	17 pages
Contents: References
42etbl1.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	23KB	2 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 1. Prevalence of Lesions Detected by Transthoracic Echocardiography 
in Patients with Stroke or TIA
43etbl2.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	25KB	2 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 2. Prevalence of Lesions Detected by Transesophageal Echocardiography 
in Patients with Stroke or TIA
44etbl3.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	19KB	2 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 3. Accuracy of Transesophageal Echocardiography for Detecting 
Left Atrial Thrombus
45etbl4.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	19KB	2 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 4. Accuracy of Transthoracic Echocardiography for Detecting 
Left Atrial Thrombus
46etbl5.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	20KB	2 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 5. Accuracy of Transthoracic Echocardiography for Detecting 
Left Ventricular Thrombus
47etbl6.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	32KB	7 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 6. Complications of transesophageal echocardiography
48etbl7.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	30KB	4 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 7. Efficacy and safety of anticoagulation in unselected patients with stroke
49etbl8.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	25KB	4 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 8. Accuracy of carotid ultrasound for detecting 
internal carotid artery stenosis
50etbl9.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	24KB	4 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 9. Accuracy of magnetic resonance angiography for detecting 
internal carotid artery stenosis
51etbl10.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	33KB	9 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 10. Accuracy of combined carotid ultrasound and magnetic resonance angiography 
for detecting internal carotid artery stenosis
52etbl11.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	22KB	3 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 11. Complications of cerebral angiography
53etbl12.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	81KB	13 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 12. Complications of carotid endarterectomy
54etbl13.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet		MS Excel®	2002	25KB	4 pages
Contents: Evidence Table 13. Effect of timing on safety of carotid endarterectomy
55biblio.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	349KB	48 pages
Contents: Bibliography
56appa.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	23KB	2 pages
Contents: Appendix A. Abbreviations
57appb.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	47KB	5 pages
Contents: Appendix B. Research Team, Technical Expert Advisory Group, and Peer Reviewers 
58appc.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	100KB	18 pages
Contents: Appendix C. Search Strategies
59appd.ppt	Microsoft PowerPoint® Presentation	MS PowerPoint®	2002	37KB	1 page
Contents: Appendix D. Search Results
60appe.doc	Microsoft Word® Document		MS Word®	2002	32KB	3 pages
Contents: Appendix E. Criteria for Grading Individual Studies
61appf.pdf	Adobe Acrobat® Document			Adobe Acrobat®	3.02	256KB	34 pages
Contents: Appendix F.  Statistical Analysis Report for Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness 
of Echocardiography and Carotid Imaging in the Management of Stroke

AHRQ Publication No. 02-E022
Current as of July 2002

Internet Citation:

Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Echocardiography and Carotid Imaging in the Management of Stroke. File Inventory, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment Number 49. AHRQ Publication No. 02-E022, July 2002. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/stkmninv.htm

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